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How Often Should You Drain Your Pool

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How To Drain An In

How Often Should I Drain My Pool?

In Cleaning and Organization, Maintenance and Repair by Frisco Pool BuilderJune 5, 2017

Draining your in-ground pool can seem like quite the daunting task, however there are many reasons as to why you need to drain your pool regularly. With help from your local pool expert and a few simple steps, it can become an easy part of your regular pool maintenance habits.

Why should you drain your pool?

The reasons as to why you should drain your pool can range anywhere from the pH of the water needing to be corrected completely, leaving it in disuse for an extended amount of time, or even that it just needs an extensive regular cleaning. Whatever the reason is, always make sure that you consult with your local pool expert beforehand to cover any bases that you might have overlooked.

How often should you drain your pool?

Now as for how often you should drain your pool really depends on the circumstances a complete drain should only be performed when absolutely required and with the close guidance and aid of a professional so as to avoid potential damage to your pool. Unless there is an emergency situation, your pool really shouldnt be drained more often than every 5-7 years. This range of time depends on how often your pool is used and the type of climate in which you reside. The best time to drain your pool will be during the mildest time of the year to prevent any further unnecessary damage to the pool.

How to drain your pool

How Long Can You Leave Water In A Pool

If a parent doesnt use chemicals in the kiddie pool, the water must be drained after the children are done using it. It should happen in 24 hours. The parents have to fill the pool with water and then draining it again. The pool must also be cleaned and disinfected before the next use.

If you have a pool that is not being used regularly, you must clean it before each use to make sure it is free of bacteria and other contaminants. You can do this by rinsing it with clean water, or by using a chlorine bleach solution, which is available at most hardware stores.

Do You Drain An Inground Pool Every Year

Inground pools are a popular choice for many people because they are easy to maintain and they provide a lot of privacy. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you are Drain an Inground Pool Every Year?

One is that an inground pool needs to be emptied every 3-5 years to prevent the build-up of algae, which can cause serious damage to the pools surface. Additionally, its important to regularly clean the pools filters and to change the water circulation system every 6-12 months.

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Drain Your Pool Or Spa Properly

Don’t drain pool water into the street, gutters or storm drains: this is a violation of local codes and you could be cited for water waste. Do not drain a pool into a septic tank.

Draining your pool into the sewer system allows water to be treated and reused.

Some pools have their own sewer connection so you can drain your pool directly into the sewer system. If yours doesn’t, use these tips to drain your pool:

How Often Should I Change My Pool Water

How Often Should You Drain your Pool?

This answer greatly varies between pools. The amount of time can range from two months to as long as five to seven years. Some of the following factors come into play:

  • Number of daily swimmers
  • Pool maintenance

The more often that you use your pool, the more you will have to change the water. When people go swimming, water comes out of the pool with them. Splashing and carrying water out on your bodies are some examples of how we take water out of the pool after swimming.

The climate makes a difference as well. For example, rain washes bacteria, dirt, algae spores and other debris into your pool. In turn, it can reduce the effects of chlorine which can throw off the waters pH balance. On hot days, UV rays reduce the amount of chlorine. Chlorine is essential to killing reducing germs that can make swimmers sick. Algae growth becomes more frequent as well because the spores need sunlight and water to grow.

There are two types of pool water. Theres hard water that has more calcium and magnesium ions. Soft water contains few minerals in comparison. Hard water can stop the pool structure from corrosion, but the water thats too hard can break down fixtures. Soft water makes for a cleaner pool. However, pools need calcium and soft water will take it from the concrete or tiles of an in-ground pool.

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Risks Of Improperly Draining Your Pool

There are a few risks:

  • The pool can heave out of the ground
  • Sun and exposure can damage your pool
  • You can damage or burn out your filter pump
  • You can back up the sewer system into your home

Your pool heaving out of the ground is a serious problem that may occur if the groundwater level in your area is high. This might be the case all the time or only after several days of heavy rain. The problem occurs when your empty pool starts to float on the groundwater and be lifted from the ground.

Empty pools are also susceptible to damage from exposure. Vinyl pools tend to contract when emptied, which can result in damage when they are refilled. Gunite or fiberglass pools can crack, and fiberglass pools may suffer bulging or splitting if drained. It may also void your warranty to drain your fiberglass pool.

If you do not correctly adjust your filter, pool pipes, and waste lines, you risk damaging or burning out your poolâs motor. This can happen if the gallons per minute of your pump exceeds the ability of your waste line to handle it. It can also occur if the filter sucks in air and runs dry. If that happens and you need to replace the unit, read my research on top-rated pool filters and top pool pump brands for specific recommendations.

Most municipalities do not allow you to dump pool water just anywhere. The approved location is usually your sewer system. However, putting too much water into your sewer system all at once can result in it backing up into your home.

When To Drain Your Swimming Pool

Swimming pools offer a great environment to relax and spend quality time alone with a spouse, family, or friends. However, like any other luxury outdoor feature, pools require high maintenance to keep them in tip-top shape all year round. Part of the maintenance means draining it to give it a fresh start. So how do you safely and effectively drain a pool? How often should you do it, and do you need to? Read on to find out!

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How Do You Drain Swimming Pool Water

The first lesson to drain a pool is do not use pool pump. If you use it, all youre doing is just sucking air into the suction line, while the pump will lose its prime, burned up and eventually damaged.

For maximum result, rent or purchase a submersible pump instead if you want to drain it yourself. Keep in mind that you need to turn off the electricity to your pump and pool light. After draining it, you can use the closest hose to refill the pool.

So if you ask, how often should you clean a pool? The correct answer would be every day because there is always new dirt to clean every day either from bodys bacteria, leaves or debris.

However, if you ask how often should you drain pool water? Then the answer is it depends.

Each place and situation will require a different draining period, so cleaning the pool should be when it is needed.

The professional might recommend 5 years, but if it is dirty in less than that, or not meeting the five questions criteria, then you should drain and refill it immediately.

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Pool Drains|How Often Should I Drain My Pool? -iPoolsAZ

No matter what time of year you decide to drain your above-ground pool, leaving it completely empty opens it up to damage. Swimming pool interiors are not meant to be exposed directly to the elementstheyre meant to hold water. The liner, as discussed earlier, can crack and budge in an empty pool, especially if the weather gets chilly or windy. UV damage from the sun will also cause the liner to lose elasticity and grow brittle. Even if you cover it properly, an empty pool can still sustain damage from outside debris. Rubble that falls into an empty above-ground pool will damage it more than rubble that falls into a filled pool. If you do decide to drain your pool, dont go it alone. Have a professional from Haven Spa Pool & Hearth do it for you. And dont drain it completely! Leave at least six to 12 inches of water in the pool to maintain the integrity of the liner and the structure of the pool itself.

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How Often Should I Drain My Pool

Many individuals who enjoy their swimming pools on a daily basis do not realize that periodic water changes are part of the process for maintaining a healthy pool. That requires draining your pool on occasion. How often? The experts from Sterling Pool Service provide key insights to answer that question.

When Not To Drain Your Pool

Aside from the numerous reasons to drain your pool, there are a few reasons to refrain from doing so

If you dont have a place to drain the water

Draining your pool onto the earth surrounding it is never a good idea. The water will soak in the region around your pool and flow to the sides and beneath it. This can lead to pool floating, which can result in popping or cracks in the pools bottom. This may necessitate pricey repairs.

If you have a fiberglass pool

If you have a fiberglass pool, contact the manufacturer for information relevant to your pool. The walls of a fiberglass pool might bulge out, and the floor can crack when the water is drained. This can frequently result in high repair costs.

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Does Draining A Pool Damage It

First, if the draining is done at the wrong time or under the wrong conditions, you can actually risk damaging your pool structure and liner. If you drain the pool in the middle of a rainstorm, for example, the rainwater will drain into the drainage pipe, which can cause the liner to crack and leak.

This is especially true if your liner is made of polyethylene or polypropylene . These materials are more flexible than other materials, but theyre also more prone to cracking and leaking. In fact, according to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers , PE and PP liners are the most likely to fail in a water-damaged environment.

In other words, dont use a PE or PP liner unless you know for sure that it wont crack or leak during a flood. And, of course, make sure youre using the right type of liner for the job.

Why Is My Inground Pool Losing An Inch Of Water A Day

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If you lose more than 12 of pool water per day, you may have a leak in your pools structure or pump system. You should get a leak inspection from your pool service. You might not be able to keep up with pool refilling, so you might want to buy a new pump.

Than ¾ of Pool Water per Day Your pool is losing water at a rate of 1 inch of water a day. This means that you are losing 1/2 of the water that is in the pool at any given time. If you have any questions about your water loss, you should contact your local water utility.

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What Are The Risks Of Improperly Draining A Pool

First, if the draining is done at the wrong time or under the wrong conditions, you can actually risk damaging your pool structure and liner. All the water from your pool needs to go somewhere when its drained, and that usually means the ground. If too much water ends up in the ground, you risk creating an upward hydrostatic force. In laymens terms, the water pressure below the ground will force all that water upward, and could actually crack or float the bottom of your pool, leading to costly repair bills.

For fiberglass pools, the risks of damage are even greater. Not only is there a risk of the bottom being floated, but unnecessary and improper draining can also have other detrimental results. The side walls can bulge out when the water is drained, and the floors can also split, leading to expensive repair bills not only to the fiberglass shell, but to the plumbing and deck as well.

When it comes to fiberglass pools, most manufacturers will tell you that draining them is strictly forbidden and may void the warranty. There is a good reason for this. Its the weight of the water that helps hold the fiberglass panels in place. If you decide to drain your fiberglass pool, popping or bulging of the panels can occur when the weight of the water is not keeping the panel intact. Always consult your dealer before draining your pool.

How Often Should You Do It

The question still remains: how often should you drain and refill your swimming pool? Should you do it every year, every season, or once in a few years? Well, the answer depends on several different factors.

Think about how often you use it. The regularly use it with your friends and family members during the summer? Do you add all the necessary chemicals throughout the season? Do you clean the pump? Do you clean the filter?

Once you know the answer to these questions above, you will be able to figure out how often you will need to train it and then refill it.

Either way, the general consensus is that replacing the fresh water in your swimming pool should be done once every 2 to 3 years. But, keep in mind, this is just an average number.

If you or your family are swimming regularly then maybe there is a need to replace the water several times in those 2 to 3 years.

Also, a very important factor is whether you close or cover the pool when it is not in use, specifically during the winter. If you do not then you may have to replace the water sooner than you think. If you keep it covered, it will stay healthier for longer.

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Why Cant I Drain My Arizona Pool In The Summer

If you drain your pool during the hot, dry Arizona summer months, you risk causing expensive damage to your swimming pool . The floor of the pool can crack due to the heat and lack of moisture. Draining your Arizona pool in the summer is also bad for the desert environment where water is scarce. The pool water that is drained out will mostly evaporate instead of being used to water the lawn or other plants on the property.

To Drain Or Not To Drain

How to Drain Your Pool

Let’s face it, your pool has a ton of water in it and the last thing you want to deal with is a super high water bill for refilling the entire thing. But believe it or not, draining your pool or hot tub is one of the most crucial pieces to the puzzle when it comes to keeping your pool, hot tub, swimmers, are circulation components as safe as possible. In this article we are going to address the Following:

  • Problems Related To Old Pool and Hot Tub Water
  • When To Drain Your Pool
  • When To Drain Your Hot Tub

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How To Drain Your Pool

Before draining your pool, the groundwater levels should be considered. If water levels in the area are high enough, they can cause your empty pool to pop out of the ground. In addition, fiberglass and vinyl liner pools require special treatment because they are typically not built to be drained entirely. Completely removing the water from these pools can cause bowing or cracking of the surface.

Once you have assessed the groundwater situation and the needs of the type of pool you have, the safest way to drain your pool is to use a submersible pump. These can often be rented from pool supply companies or hardware stores. While the filter pump can be used to drain a pool, this runs the risk of damaging an expensive piece of your pool hardware.

Usually, pool water must be drained into the sewer outlet on your property. Sewer lines are not built to deal with huge quantities of water all at once, so the outflow should be kept to approximately 12 gallons per minute or less. Completely draining a pool with a garden hose can take a day or more. In most cases, it will need to be at least partially refilled, so you can plan on the process taking a couple of days to complete, at the minimum.

You might need to fully or partially drain your pool for several reasons. However, it can be a big task, and doing it improperly can result in unwanted consequences. A little planning ahead can save you from a big headache later.

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