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What Shock To Use In Saltwater Pool

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Black Green Pool Water

Shock A Salt Water Swimming Pool When You Have A Chlorine Generator

If you have black green pool water, you will be looking at doing the Light Green Pool Water dosage as outlined above x3. This may take some filtering, cleaning or backwashing of the filter, and more filtering to completely clean up over a period of 2 to 3 weeks.

Black green pool water will almost certainly leave stagnant debris sitting on the bottom of the pool which needs to be cleaned out before you dose it. Whether it be leaves or other debris, be sure that it is all scooped up using a leaf shovel, before being manually vacuumed out of the pool using a vacuum head, an appropriate length hose for your pool and a telepole.

Note: If you have a vinyl lined pool, diluting any chemicals that are being added to your pool in SEPARATE tubs of water is always a good idea to ensure no damage is done to the liner.

When The Pool Is Used Heavily Or Frequently

Chlorine levels reduce more quickly when many swimmers use a pool on a consistent basis. You should measure levels of free chlorine and chloramine after heavy swimming, especially in commercial or public pools, and shock the pool as required.

To find out what amount of free chlorine or any other chemical to add to a pool, I use this pool calculator to help me find the correct amount of chlorine to add. All you have to do is enter your chemical and pH readings.

Controlling the chlorine levels in saltwater pools is easier. All you need to do is raise the saltwater chlorine generator to boost free chlorine prior to and after heavy usage.

During Extended Periods Of Hot Weather

When the weather is hot, the water levels will rise above the optimal temperature range of 78ºF82ºF, making it easier for bacteria and algae to thrive. Additionally, UV rays from bright sunlight will decrease the amount of free chlorine in your pool.

Make it a routine to shock your pool more often in the summer, when the weather is hot. Use cyanuric acid to stabilize the free chlorine and prevent UV rays from consuming the chlorine at a higher rate.

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How To Shock A Salt Water Pool

Shocking a salt water pool is very similar to shocking a fresh water pool.Youll need:

  • Test your pool chemistry with a pool test kit.
  • Balance your pool water to bring them into normal ranges, if needed.
    • pH: 7.4 7.6
  • Start by testing the pH with a testing kit.
  • Balance the pH to normal levels.
  • Turn on your pool filter.
  • Use calcium hypochlorite in the pool.
  • Run the filter for 24 hours to let the algae and other bacteria in the pool start to clear out through the filter.
  • After 24 hours, you will see your pool go from green to cloudy.
  • Brush and filter for the next few days to remove all the green and cloudiness. Youll want to clean your filters multiple times to remove build-up.
  • After youre done getting your pool back to normal, dont let it go green again! Perform weekly pool maintenance to keep your pool in perfect condition.

    There Was A Surge In Pool Use

    Clorox Pool& Spa Salt Essence Salt Pool Chlorine Free Shock ...

    People love a good pool party. Your pool, on the other hand, not so much.

    Pools should be shocked after heavy usage. This is because people are gross and bring a lot of nasty things into the water.

    Seriously though, people introduce a ton of organic pollutants into a pool oils from your skin, sweat, hair, sunscreen, and lets not forget about the dreaded urine and fecal offenders.

    With an uptick of swimmers in the pool, the chlorine has to work extra hard to keep it all clean, resulting in a more rapid depletion and consumption.

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    Test Before You Shock

    Before shocking your swimming pool, we highly recommend testing the water and finding the best pool vacuum to clean out any debris. A pool test strip will give you a read on your free chlorine, pH level, total alkalinity, cyanuric acid, borate, calcium hardness, and calcite saturation index. If you have a salt water pool, it can also tell you if your water is within the salinity goal range.

    If you test your water and see that your free chlorine level is below 3 ppm, shocking the pool is a good idea. We also suggest shocking your pool in the evening, because natural sunlight can break down as much as 5 ppm of chlorine each day. In addition to testing your water before treating it, we also recommend retesting afterward to make sure your chemical ranges are where they should be.

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    When And How To Shock A Salt Water Pool

    When you get down to it, the maintenance and cleaning schedule is not any different for saltwater, as opposed to a traditional pool. Most pool techs recommend that you shock any type of pool about once a week, and this includes saltwater systems. Not all residential pool owners shock their pool this frequently, and it isnt required, only recommended. Some people only shock their pool when they notice a problem, such as the development of algae or the strong smell of chloramines.

    It might seem like algae shouldnt grow in treated water, but sadly, it is a very hardy thing, indeed. And there are a lot of different types of algae that can make their home in your water. As many people have learned the hard way, algae can proliferate very quickly if left untreated. Chloramines are what give off that excessively bleachy smell that pools sometimes have. These are compounds that build up in the water over time and are a result of the chlorination process. When the levels get high, there will be a noticeable smell.

    Additionally, though many people dont want to talk about this, sometimes accidents happen in pools. Whether it is pee or poop, if someone has an accident, you will want to remove any solid waste and then shock the pool to ensure that it is safe to swim in.

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    How Long Do You Have To Wait To Swim After You Shock A Pool

    Before you can swim in the pool, wait for the amount of time recommended on the packageusually at least eight hours for chlorine-based shock treatments. You only have to wait as little as 15 minutes if you use non-chlorinated shock treatments.

    To be safe, it’s best to measure the amount of free chlorine in your pool to make sure it is 3 ppm or slightly less before swimming. It is dangerous to swim in a pool with high chlorine concentration. If necessary, you can use chlorine reduction reagents.

    Pool Shock: Best Shock For Your Pool Type

    Can I Shock My Salt Water Swimming Pool With A Chlorine Generator/Salt Cell?

    You may be wondering why we have developed so many types of granulated oxidizers, known more commonly as pool shock.

    The answer is quite simple there are various pool types and different uses for pool oxidizers, and our different formulations meet these needs accordingly.

    Whats the best shock for your pool? Lets explore the possibilities

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    Best For Spas : Controlomatic Smarterspa

    • Price : $429
    • Salt cell lifespan: 7,000 hours
    • Replacement salt cell cost: $219

    Sometimes, you just dont need to treat that much water. ControlOMatic makes several salt chlorinator systems for spas, with a maximum treatment capacity of 1,000 gallons. The SmarterSpa salt chlorine generator is ControlOMatics more automated option it includes an integrated detector that can activate an automatic chlorinating cycle if the level of chlorine in your spa drops too low.

    You could also use SmarterSpa in a small above-ground pool, but itd have to be pretty small. Our two spa add-ons, the RS08 and SS08, have 800- and 890-gallon capacities, respectively, to give you an idea of how much watery space the SmarterSpa can handle.

    Can You Put Liquid Chlorine In A Saltwater Pool

    Yes, liquid chlorine can be added to a saltwater pool. But as above with chlorine tablets or crystals, care needs to be taken in terms of handling and actual usage.

    When our first pool company opened our pool each spring when we were still paying them to do so, I watched out the window to learn about the steps involved. Once the pool chlorinator and pump was set up and turned on, they would pour a large plastic container of liquid chlorine into the shallow end of the pool to shock the pool. They would simply put the container on the ground, take the cap off and turn the container over on its side to empty into the water.

    Personally I think it makes more sense to walk an extra 15 feet or so to the deep end and dump it in there closer to the main drain where it can be circulated throughout the system quicker, but thats just me using what I think is common sense and not based on any proof.

    If youre using liquid chlorine Id suggest pouring it into the deep end with the pump running to ensure it quickly mixes into the system.

    As mentioned above Id avoid pouring liquid chlorine directly into the skimmer as its highly concentrated and would still go through the pump, heater and chlorinator in a highly concentrated form that could damage the system over time.

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    Which Shock Treatment To Use

    The most widely used shock treatment is calcium hypochlorite.

    If your calcium level is already high dont use shock containing calcium hypochlorite as this will make it worse. Use lithium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite instead.

    Some products can be directly added to the pool water. Others are best mixed into a bucket of water first. Always follow the instructions on the packet.

    Introduction What Is Saltwater Pool Shocking

    Clorox Pool& Spa Shock Xtra Blue, 6

    Saltwater pool shocking is one of the most important pool maintenance practices. This article discusses what shocking a saltwater pool means and how to shock a saltwater pool.

    Most salt water pools can be shocked by using the boost function on the chlorine generator, dosing the pool with a measured amount of chlorine, or by purchasing specifically designed products.

    The term shock refers to the process of hyper-chlorinating the pool in an attempt to clear out excess dirt, germs and even algae. In order to achieve the required concentrations, you will have to add three to five times the amount of salt you use depending on the size of the pool and the amount of dirt accumulation. Also depending on the type of salt water chlorinator you are using, you might have to turn up the power for faster and more efficient chlorination. Salt water pool shocking is done every once in a while to figuratively and literally shock the dirt and unwelcome biological guests and give the pool a nice fresh start.

    Read on to learn a little bit about how to shock a saltwater pool.

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    When To And Why Shock A Saltwater Pool

    There are many reasons why pool owners shock their pool. Some choose to include it as part of their weekly or bi-weekly cleaning routine . Whereas others may only shock their pool if theres algae growing or a smell of chloramines.

    Some of the most common reasons youd shock your pool include:

    • killing algae blooms
    • after heavy rain, storms or wind
    • cloudy pool water

    Your pool can accumulate bacteria and algae from the wind and its surroundings. And its not uncommon for accidents to happen in the pool, leaving fecal particles and urine behind.

    Other reasons you may shock your pool include when youre opening the pool after winter or when closing the pool after summer. After opening your pool, the chlorine in the pool usually needs a boost and shocking can be a great way to do this. If youre closing your pool for winter, youll want to make sure the chlorine level stays at a good level. And, a pool shock will do that.

    An important time to shock your pool is after extreme weather conditions. After a windy storm, heavy rain, or during times of extreme heat, shocking your pool is advisable to maintain chlorine levels. Especially if your pool is in direct sunlight. The UV exposure will burn off chlorine and a shock will help boost the chlorine back to normal levels.

    How Often Should You Shock A Saltwater Pool

    Many of those that work with pools day in and day out say that you should shock your pool at least once a week. You may be shocked when you hear that and wonder why in the world you need to shock it every single week.

    More than anything, shocking your saltwater pool once a week is a preventative measure more than anything and helps keep things like algae away.

    Many homeowners focus on shocking their pool when they begin to notice an issue, but getting ahead of the problem will save you a lot of headaches in the long run. When preparing to shock your pool, make sure you understand just how long it takes for it to get back to normal.

    Once you pour the shock in your pool, it will typically take 12 to 24 hours for it to return to safe levels that people can swim in without an issue. Make sure to always check the balance of chemicals before allowing anyone to swim in your pool after a shock.

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    Do I Need To Shock My Saltwater Pool

    The main reason why shocking of salt water pools is necessary is in order to get rid of bacteria and algae that ordinary salt concentrations are unable to take care of. This is important and it works because over time, bacteria and other living organisms become resistant to the ordinary chlorine levels.

    Bioguard Saltscapestm Saltwater Pool Care System

    4 Best Pool shocks for salt water pools to kill algae in 2021

    Saltwater pools are favored for their simpler and gentler approach to pool care, but they do have some unique maintenance needs when compared to traditional chlorine pools. The SaltScapes Saltwater Pool Care System was designed specifically for saltwater pools and provides everything you will need to keep your saltwater pool sparkling and protect your equipment and pool surfaces.

    SaltScapes pH ReducerThe process your cell generator uses to convert saltwater into chlorine contributes to higher water pH every time your cell runs. SaltScapes pH Reducer protects pool surfaces and equipment by lowering pH to the ideal range and is a safer option to store and handle than liquid muriatic acid.

    SaltScapes Chlorine-Free Shock OxidizerSaltScapes Chlorine-Free Shock Oxidizer Chlorine is effective at killing bacteria and algae, but creates unpleasant by-products when it reacts with contaminants like sweat, sunscreen or fertilizer. SaltScapes Chlorine-Free Shock Oxidizer is a better alternative than boosting chlorine because it eliminates these contaminants without creating unwanted effects for clear, fresh odor-free water youll love.

    SaltScapes SunShield® StabilizerYour salt cell generates unstabilized chlorine, which means it diminishes rapidly when exposed to UV rays. SaltScapes SunShield® Stabilizer protects generated chlorine from sunlight, allowing it to last longer and be less demanding upon your system

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    When And How Often To Shock A Pool

    • |November 22, 2020

    No one contests that pool shock is a highly effective method for sanitizing your pool.

    But, how often to shock a pool is a hotly debated issue in the pool owner community.

    Yet there are certain times when shocking is an absolute must when you have to get your pool water back in line.

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    Why Is My Saltwater Pool Turning Green

    The green colour is algae, which contains the green pigment chlorphyll. The more algae in the water the greener your pool. Algae growth is normally prevented by a sanitiser, most commonly chlorine. For the most part, salt water chlorinators and bleach pump pools both add chlorine to the water at a constant rate.

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    Do You Need To Shock A Saltwater Pool

    While saltwater pools tend to look very different than a normal pool, the maintenance and upkeep are very similar. Both pools need to be properly maintained and taken care of to ensure a beautiful place to swim all year long.

    When it comes down to it, yes, just like typical pools, you should also shock saltwater pools when necessary. Taking the necessary steps to prepare your pool to be shocked as well as keep friends and family safe is important for ensuring a successful pool shock.

    In the article below, we will dive into why you may need to shock your pool as well as what you need to shock your pool successfully.

    Should You Shock A Salt Water Pool

    Oxone powered shock oxidizers and saltwater pools

    shocksalt water poolpool’spool waterpool shock

    . Similarly, it is asked, when should I shock my saltwater pool?

    When the chloramine level is 0.3 ppm or higher , it’s time to shock the poolto remove the buildup of combined chlorine. To Remove Algae.

    what are the benefits of a salt water pool? Salt Water Pool Advantages

    • Because they have lower chlorine levels, salt water pools are much gentler on the eyes and skin.
    • Research indicates that salt water systems may be safer than chlorine pools, which force owners to store and handle unsafe chemicals.

    Additionally, do you put chlorine in saltwater pool?

    There are a few considerations about which chlorine you add, and how you add it, but in short yes it is completely safe to add chlorine to a “salt pool“. Do salt water pools need chlorine? – Yes. Without enough CYA the sun will burn off the chlorine in your pool as fast as your salt system can make it.

    How do you clear a cloudy saltwater pool fast?

    To get rid of cloudiness, you will have to do a liquid chlorine shock to raise the level of free chlorine .

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