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How To Raise Chlorine Level In Pool

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Backwash The Filter Of The Pool

Adjusting Chlorine Levels in Your Pool

Also, vacuum any sediment you find on the bottom. Doing this will ensure that a significant part of the added chlorine stays available in the pool water for lenthier period of time.

If possible it is always best to vacuum and backwash if you are using a sandfilter prior to adding new chemicals. This allows your pool water to circulate at maximum efficiency while having less contaminents that could reduce the effectiveness of the chlorine.

Drain And Refill Pool

If youve ever found yourself in a situation where your pools Total Dissolved Solids were too high, then this might sound familiar.

Eventually, there comes a point when your pool water to be replaced. Sure chemicals keep it clean, but water can only be recycled for so long.

If youre only trying to reduce your waters chlorine by 1 ppm or so, then this might be one your fastest options.

This is a natural way to reduce chlorine, but it does come with some downsides.

Diluting your water lowers all of the other chemicals in respect. So be sure to do a full chemical test after to adjust chemicals as needed.

If youre pressed for time and dont mind dishing out a few bucks, a chlorine neutralizer can be the perfect quick fix for you. You can pick one up at your local pool supply store.

That said, be sure to research products and read reviews before buying. Some products work better than others.

We recommed Leslie Pools Chlor Neutralizer.

Depending on how high your chlorine is, you may need to use more than one treatment. So be sure to follow all included manufacturer instructions when lowering your pool chlorine with a neutralizer.

Raising Chlorine Levels With Dichlor Granules

If you are using an indoor chlorinated pool then, dichlor can be a better choice. Dichlor or Sodium dichloroisocyanurate is the most commonly used chlorine additive by many spa and above ground pool owners.


  • dichlor dissolves faster when gets in contact with water. Best in situations where you are looking for a quick dose of chlorine before you start getting into the pool.
  • pH will be affected slightly to about 6.7. Hence, dichlor is better option especially in spa pools where pH is difficult to control.
  • Total alkalinity is not affected.
  • cons:

  • It is comparatively expensive than trichlor.
  • If you are planning to use feeders, floaters or chlorinators then dichlor will be bad choice as it dissolves too fast.
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    The Short Short Version

    Test strips are the easiest way to test free chlorine but test kits are more accurate. Add sanitizer to raise chlorine. Elevated chlorine should drop quickly with use and sunlight.Chlorine is the most important chemical when it comes to maintaining sparkling clean water that is safe to swim in. Chlorine sanitizes your pool water by attacking and killing harmful microorganisms, called contaminates, that could lead adverse health consequences, including death. For these reasons, it is critical to know how to test the chlorine in your pool or hot tub, as well as what to do when your chlorine levels are outside recommended ranges.If you arent familiar with the different types of chlorine, you may want to read our post What is Free Chlorine, Combined Chlorine, and Total Chlorine? If youd like to know more about why its important to keep your chlorine in recommended levels and what those levels are, you may want to read our post What Should Chlorine Levels be for Pools and Hot Tubs?

    Causes Of Low Fcl In Saltwater Pools

    How to Raise Free Chlorine in Pool?

    On the other hand, if you have low chlorine in your saltwater pool, that means you are not adjusting your SWCG as required and the percentage is too low to produce enough chlorine to supplement used chlorine in your water.

    Once again, you need to measure the FC level in your water frequently, especially after heavy pool usage and during hot weather, and adjust FCL by increasing the percentage setting of your SWCG to avoid cloudy water, algae, or ammonia.

    ;If you can’t raise your FCL by adjusting the percentage of your chlorine generator alone, try increasing your pump’s run-time too if that will work for you.

    If unable to get your FC level higher and the percentage of SWCG and pump run-time are both very high, you could be having four issues to solve fast and they are:

    1. Excess Cyanuric Acid:;Cyanuric acid is very powerful and consumes FC if high in your water causing high chlorine demand.

    Measure and adjust your Cyanuric acid level as required. The Ideal level of Cya for a saltwater pool is between 70 – 80ppm and should not go above that otherwise you will have a low FCL problem. View this;chlorine/Cyanuric acid chart;and know the correct Cya levels in a give FCL.;

    Measure your Cya level and reduce it if high by draining and refilling part of your pool water, which apart from reverse osmosis, is the only practical way to reduce Cyanuric acid level in your pool.;;

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    Tips & Tricks For Raising Free Chlorine Levels

    If you are going to raise the free chlorine level of your pool, then these tips will help you during the process.

    • Give the process enough time to run
    • Dont seek cheap techniques over effective ones
    • Use the tablets or granules from a renowned company
    • Raise free chlorine level at a proper schedule
    • If you mess up, seek help from experts
    • Always test the water before you start the process
    • Stay with one variety when it comes to chlorine choice
    • Replace the drain part of the pool with fresh water

    Why Is My Chlorine Level Low After Shocking

    You might have an infestation of algae, fungus or bacteria that can deplete normal chlorine levels and it is possible for this to occur without many visible signs. Your pool may appear to have a dusty look on the pool bottom. If you brush it and it clouds the water, then it is most likely a Mustard Algae.

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    How Long Does Bleach Last In The Pool

    There could be two possible answers. If you are talking about the bleach bottle, which you are keeping in your home, then its better to replace it every 6 months.And, if you are talking about the Bleach in your pool water, then, its depends on the sunlight, presence of Cyanuric Acid, and pH level.

    In summary, using Bleach in your pool is really hassle-free. You just need to maintain the above steps carefully. You should use a good quality pool test kit and basic Bleach. Test your chlorine level regularly to determine the frequency of adding the bleaching agent in your pool.

    How Much Shock Do I Need To Raise Free Chlorine

    How to Raise Your Chlorine

    How much shock Do I need to raise free chlorine? When youre shocking a pool, the goal is to raise the free chlorine level of the pool water to roughly 10 times the combined chlorine level.

    How do I raise the free chlorine in my pool?;Raising pool chlorine can be much easier than trying to lower chlorine levels. Simply adding chlorine in the form of chlorine tablets, granular chlorine, liquid shock or powder shock will increase the total amount of chlorine within the pool.

    Will Shock raise free chlorine?;Free chlorine is just that, free. Free to interact with other chemicals, algae, bacteria or the like. Shocking then releases the combined chlorine and off-gasses the contaminants, increasing the amount of free chlorine in your pool or spa.

    How long does shock raise chlorine?;Heavy shocking with granular chlorine will generally require 24-48 hours before the chlorine level has dropped to safe swimming levels .

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    Test First Then Adjust

    Always test your water and do not assume that because your eyes or skin are irritated that your chlorine level is high. Irritation can be caused by chemical imbalance. . Testing your water should always the first step in diagnosing if you need to raise or lower levels of pool chlorine in your swimming pool.

    “I continue to add more and more chlorine/shock and the total chlorine remains low or at zero!”

    If you are attempting to bring your chlorine level higher by shocking your swimming pool and your test results still read zero total chlorine, you may have something called chlorine lock. Try finding test strips that will test your TDS level and see what the test shows. You can also try an Oxy-Shock or Non-Chlorine shock. This sometimes acts as a reset for your pool water and will allow the water to accept the chlorine shock next time you add it.

    Simply collect the water sample from the pool using the onboard cup and press the Start button to take your measurement. Its smart, simple, and gives you results in seconds.

    Heat The Swimming Pool Water Up:

    Temperature can affect the levels of chlorine in the water because it can affect the way that chlorine behaves.

    If you heat up the water, you will cause more bacteria to proliferate, which means that chlorine will be used up a lot faster in order to eliminate them all.;

    So if you want a quick method of reducing the chlorine, simply heat up the pool water between 90 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit above its normal temperature levels, and chlorine will be used up a lot faster.;

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    Why Is My Chlorine Level So High

    Adding too much pool shock or putting too many chlorine tablets to the feeder can both result in very high levels of chlorine.

    A common way to over-chlorinate a pool, is when a liquid chlorine pump is left running all night; coming in the next day to a green-ish looking pool.

    High levels of the chlorine stabilizer cyanuric acid will protect chlorine from the sun, and will slow the natural degradation of chlorine. Reduce the amount of chlorine used after adding pool stabilizer.

    Different times of year require different levels of chlorine or bromine. Hot and sunny days use more chlorine, and pools that have more swimmers, and heavier leaf debris all need more chlorine to maintain levels.

    Furthermore, swimming pools with more effective filtration and circulation systems, or pools with secondary sanitizers like minerals, ozone or UV systems, may require 50% less chlorine for clean and clear water.

    Use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide To Lower Chlorine

    How To Raise Chlorine Level In Pool?

    Yes, the stuff sitting in your first aid kit. But a much, much stronger version of it.

    First aid hydrogen peroxide is about 3% concentrated. Food grade hydrogen peroxide is about 35% concentrated.

    A gallon of it shouldnt be more than 20 bucks, and you likely wont need more than half.

    Similar to sodium thiosulfate, hydrogen peroxide also has the side effect of lowering pH. So make sure to test your water after each treatment.

    To start, add a cup of peroxide to your pool to lower chlorine. Test your water a few hours later and readjust chemicals as needed.

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    Choose Chlorine Variation That Best Suits You

    It is essential to know how to raise chlorine level in pool. You should maintain proper sanitation for a harmless swimming environment. You should seriously understand how chlorine works to improve sanitation for a pool and how much quantity you should add. You must be aware of different devices used for adding chlorine and also about different variations of chlorine.

    If your pool is regularly chlorine-balanced, then you can enjoy safe and sanitised swimming environment, minimum contamination, and above all – minimum maintenance costs on adding chemicals and testing.

    Causes Of High Fcl In Saltwater Pools

    FCL tends to get high in indoor pools, where the pool is not very busy and room temperature and water temperature are relatively lower, but the percentage setting in saltwater chlorine generator and/or pump run-time are set too high ending up in more chlorine production and high FCL in the end.

    To reduce your FC level, reduce the percentage setting of your saltwater generator and/or pump run-time, which could be high.

    To avoid a high FCL problem, measure your FCL frequently and adjust the percentage of your SWCG and pumps run-time as appropriate to regulate the amount of FC in your water.

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    Why Is The Chlorine Level In My Pool Too High

    An over-chlorinated pool is a common issue for pools. Most manufacturers recommend shocking the pool when you open your pool each season. Shocking the pool means adding extra chlorine to the water to eliminate excess bacteria, algae and other microorganisms from your pool.

    If you miscalculate and add more tablets or granules than necessary during the shocking process, or during routine maintenance, this can cause a high chlorine level. An over-chlorinated pool can have several adverse health implications.

    Use A Chlorine Neutralizing Product

    Low Chlorine Levels in pool

    There are many chlorine neutralizing products available on the market that are specially formulated to reduce the amount of chlorine in your pool without disrupting the pH, alkalinity or water hardness levels. Add the neutralizer gradually to avoid removing too much chlorine and needing to readjust the levels again.

    Depending on the level of chlorine present in your pool, you may need to use multiple treatments to return the pool to a safe level for swimming.

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    Use A Stabilizer Only If Necessary

    If possible, always avoid stabilizers unless you have an outdoor pool in a hot and humid climate. Stabilizer is mainly used to help keep free chlorine stable by protecting it from exhaustion by sunlight and high water temperatures. The recommended levels of a stabilizer is between 40 and 80 ppm for saltwater pools.

    The correct value of cyanuric may also differ with geographic locations, depending on temperature and how much sunlight is available during the day. This explains why a saltwater pool in Canada will need between 40 and 60 ppm and one in the USA may need up to 80 ppm of cyanuric acid during the summer. Also, the amount of cyanuric acid you need will depend on the amount of free available chlorine. Very high levels of cyanuric acid will reduce the levels of free chlorine; you can use the CYA/Chlorine chart linked above to determine the correct level to add at given level of free chlorine.

    Dilute The Pool Water By Draining Some And Adding Fresh Water Back In:

    Another method of reducing the chlorine levels in your pool water is to dilute the water, as then there will be less chlorine overall.

    For this, you will have to partially drain the pool of water, and then top it up with fresh water that does not contain any added chlorine.;

    The downside to this method is that it can take a lot of time and that you will have to monitor the pH levels a lot more closely!;

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    High Levels Of Contaminants

    This is easily the most common cause of chlorine loss.


    Because if there are any contaminants;in your water, your chlorine is going to attack them. And in the process, your chlorine will get used up, which lowers your chlorine levels.

    But thats whats supposed to happen, at least at a gradual rate. If its happening really fast, then its time to check the water

    A pile of leaves at the bottom of the pool soaks up your chlorine the same way bodily oils from swimmers do. Point being, all contaminants, both the ones you can and cant see have a major effect on your chlorine levels.

    Here are a few common contaminants that cause chlorine loss in swimming pools:

    • Rainwater
    • Affects your pools pH, which controls chlorine effectiveness
  • Leaves, twigs, branches, and other organic matter
  • Introduce loads of contaminants into your pool, which causes chlorine to deplete faster
  • Suntan lotion, soaps, shampoos, hair products
  • Chemical contaminants that mess with your pools water balance
  • To prevent contaminant-related pool chlorine loss:

  • Skim the water to remove any floating debris
  • Brush the pool walls, stairs, and behind the ladders to remove buildup
  • Vacuum the pool floor for a clean finish
  • Use your pool water test kit to test your chlorine levels. Write down the results
  • Shock the pool
  • How To Test Pool Chlorine With Test Strips

    How to Reduce Pool or Spa Chlorine Levels

    There are two ways to test your pool chlorine: test strips and test kits. Test strips are a bit easier and more convenient to use than test kits. Test strips tend to be the method of choice for non-professional, pool owners.Test strips often come in small, cylindrical containers that feature color scales on the outside of the container that correspond to each of the chemicals tested on the strip. To conduct a test, simply take one of the strips from the container and dip it in your pool water. The container should include instructions on how long to hold the strip under water, as well as how long to let the strip rest before comparing the test colors to the color scale.To test chlorine, match the appropriate test on the strip with the chlorine color scale on the container. The color will likely not be an exact match with any of the benchmark colors on the testing container. Use your best judgement to estimate the tested ppm based on the color of your test strip compared to that of the lighter and darker colors that most closely match yours.

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    Calculate The Volume Of Your Pool

    Generally, this should be easy for most people, considering that it is a common practice to know this beforehand. Dont panic if you dont. Measure the length and width of the pool, as well as its average depth. Multiply these numbers together, then convert whatever result you get into gallons. Typically, one cubic foot is equal to 7½ gallons.;

    I have a great artice with an easy to use calculator that will easily caclulate the volume of water in you swimming pool.

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