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HomeHow Much Pool Shock Per 1000 Gallons

How Much Pool Shock Per 1000 Gallons

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Gather Supplies And Do Your Math

1000 Gallon Pool Maintenance

When you shock your pool, you are going to need a large container and access to water. In addition, you should wear a mask when you are working with the product so that you dont inhale anything that hurts your lungs.

When calcium hypochlorite is used safely in the pool, it should not be dangerous. Still, some people experience eye irritation and lung irritation when using it. Safety equipment is sometimes something that all pool owners should have readily available.

In addition to getting your supplies ready, you will also need to calculate how much shock you need in your pool. The calculations are not all that difficult if you know how many gallons of water are in your pool. Most cal hypo products will tell you how much to use based on a 10,000-gallon increment.

Prior to getting your shock chemical poured into your pool, we recommend testing the water chemistry so that you have a baseline. When you are finished with these steps, you can move to the next part of the process.

Can You Use 1

1-inch chlorine tablets are a good option for small pools, hot tubs, and spas because they release a small amount of chlorine at a quick-dissolving speed, rapidly increasing the chlorine level to the correct concentration. However, these tablets are ineffective in larger pools that exceed 5,000 gallons of water.

When Does A Pool Need To Be Shocked With Calcium Hypochlorite

There are a few different times when it makes sense to use calcium hypochlorite to shock your pool. Most pool owners will stay on a regular schedule with shock, where they will use the product every few weeks simply to ensure the water is extremely clean. Here are a few other times that you will need to use cal hypo in your pool.

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Video Answer: How Much Chlorine Should I Add To My Pool

  • Definitely, the liquid chlorine can clear a green pool, but the amount of shock needed to do that depends on the pools level of dirtiness. The process will be done for several days before the water is clean enough. However, have it at the back of your mind that you cannot over shock a pool.
  • How often do you add liquid chlorine to a pool? A: During the swimming season, you should check the chlorine level at least twice per week. The ideal chlorine level should be between 1 and 3 ppm. If the level is below 1 ppm, you should add more chlorine.

So make sure you’re putting enough chlorine in your water to keep it clear! Too High Cyanuric Acid Level: This is probably the NUMBER ONE reason people have green pools after adding chlorine Too little of CYA and the chlorine burns off pretty quickly which can lead to a green pool.

Before Shocking Your Pool

How Much Bleach for 1000 Gallon Pool

Normally, shocking your pool can temporarily cloud your pool. If you do not give your pool water enough time to breathe between treatments, you are compiling all of the cloudiness at once. At this rate, you wont see any improvements.

Still, before adding shock or chlorine, we recommend that you test your pool water first. If you are responsible for maintaining your own pool its a good idea to keep a good test kit on hand. This helps you to avoid having to run up to your local pool store for a test. First, test your Free Chlorine and Total Chlorine levels to determine how much Combined Chlorine you have. Your Combined Chlorine tells you how much shock you need to add.

Although most manufacturers include instructions for shock treatment, charts, and/or steps to help you calculate how much shock you need, if you still prefer to calculate it yourself, we have included the steps below.

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Video Answer: Liquid Chlorine Pool Sanitizer

You’ll need about 7lbs. of Calcium Hypochloride. Use this, notliquid chlorine becasue liquid is about 12% chlorine while cal.hypo is 65%It doesn’t matter if you use cal hypo or 12% liquid chlorine. 7pounds of 65% cal hypo yields 4.55 pounds of available chlorine.4-1/2 gallons of 12% liquid chlorine would yield the same result,as a gallon of liquid yields about a pound of available chlorine.Chlorine is chlorine . . . the important aspect is use the properamount to deal with your particular situation.

The amount of chlorine used in a 3700 gallon pool varies on thetype of chlorine you want to use. If you are using a 1 inch feedertabs you are looking at 5-6 ounces per week. Ifyou are using a chlorine Concentrated Granules then it is 1.5ounces every second day.

  • For every 5,000 gallon of water in your pool, you will need to use 1 chlorine tablet. It is also important to always round up to the nearest 5,000 gallons. For example if you have a relatively small swimming pool that only holds 8,000 gallons of water, when adding chlorine you would add the appropriate amount for a 10,000 gallon pool.

How To Calculate How Many Gallons Your Pool Has

If you dont know how many gallons your swimming pool has, just use the basic formula that well give you. The formula for calculating a pool area in square feet or meters is the following:

  • Length x width x depth x 7.5 = volume

By multiplying the length of the pool with width and depth gives the volume in cubic feet. Since each cubic foot has 7.5 gallons of water, multiply the cubic feet of the pool by 7.5 and you will get the volume of the pool in gallons.

If you have a round pool, then you need to multiply the volume of the pool by 5.9. For the oval pool, you need to multiply it by 6.7. I hope that you know now how to calculate the pool gallons. If not, you can use the calculator below in which you just need to type the basic data and you will get the results.

Now that you know how to calculate the volume of your pool and how many gallons you have, you now need to know how much ppm you have in your pool.

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Which Chlorine Test Kit Should I Use

After you figure out how much chlorine to put in water storage tank, you may want to have a chlorine test kit on hand to know the chlorine residual after you have chlorinated your storage tank.

Having test kits offer two main benefits:

  • You can tell if you have added sufficient chlorine to your tank because you can measure the chlorine levels.
  • You can know when the chlorine has dropped to safe levels if you need to use the water in the home.
  • There are two main types of chlorine test kits for easy home use, and they are liquid drop types and test strips.

    A common low-range chlorine test kit uses Orthotolidine which turns yellow if chlorine is present so it is easy to use.

    Test strips are easier to use but for low range, the reagent type may work better in our experience.

    You also may want a High Range Kit if you are shock chlorinating the tank with high levels of chlorine over 5 PPM.

    A low range kit allows you to check for chlorine levels if you are adding chlorine to maintain a low level residual, or you want to know when it is safe to use the water.

    Dont Wait Shock Your Pool Now

    How To Shock A Pool The Right Way

    Most people prefer to use bleach for pools instead of chlorine for shocking. This is because it dissolves properly and does not include any fillers usually found in chlorine products. There are two ways to add bleach to your pool this is either with the use of a liquidator or doing it manually.

    You can use liquid bleach to shock your pool, and it also clears your pool water. One mistake most people make when shocking their pools is not using the right quantity of bleach. It should not be less, and it shouldnt be added in excess. If you apply it perfectly to your pool water, it makes your pool safe for swimming.

    It is important to test your pools chlorine level before applying bleach and measure the pool water volume. Follow this process and you wont have any safety issues with your swimming pool.

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    How Do I Add The Bleach To My Pool

    This is a question that most people require answers to because lots of pool stores do not suggest the use of simple chlorine. They recommend different products to sell their market. There are different forms of chlorine people add to their pool water. There are tablet chlorine and liquid bleach.

    The tablet chlorine works perfectly with other stabilizing agents to make the effect of the chlorine last longer in your pools. You can also use liquid bleach to clarify your pool water but you need to add a little amount of stabilizer to keep sunlight from killing the bleach molecules from your pool.

    How Much Chlorine Does It Take To Shock A 10000 Gallon Pool

    2 pounds

    Beside this, How much pool shock do I need?

    Youll need to first know the amount of water in your pool, give or take a few hundred gallons. If you arent sure, take some measurements and consult an online pool volume calculator. Generally speaking, the dosage amount of pool shock is 1 lb. per 10,000 gallons, but consult the shock package label.

    Likewise, How much shock do I need for a 1000 gallon pool?

    0.13 ounces

    Also, How much shock do I need for 10000 gallons?

    How much shock do I need to shock my pool? A simple ratio and a standard rule of thumb to follow when you shock your pool is to dissolve one pound of either calcium hypochlorite or sodium dichlor for every 10,000 gallons of pool water.

    Can you over shock a pool?

    You can, however, use more shock than you need or less than is sufficient. In other words, while you shouldnt worry too much about adding a little extra pool shock, there is still a right way and a wrong way to shock your pool if you want to get the best results.

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    Dont Be Shocked You Made It

    Now you know why, when, and how to shock a pool. There might be a little math involved, but arent occasional brain teasers good for your memory anyway? Were pretty sure thats true, but we may have forgotten.

    Anyway, however you feel about the math, regularly using pool shock can prevent more work in the long run. Its one of the easiest ways to keep bacteria at bay, your water clear, and your pool time fun.

    Happy Swimming!

    Should I Shock Pool If Chlorine Is High

    Clear Water Maintenance for Small Pools up to 5,000 ...

    If your total chlorine level is high, you will use a non-chlorine shock if it is low, you will use a chlorinated shock. As a rule, you will need to raise free chlorine to 10 times your combined chlorine to hit what is known as break point. Therefore, it is good to deal with combined chlorine while it is still small.

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    How To Shock The Pool

  • Clean the pool. Leaves and debris on the floor and surface will waste your chlorines killing power as it attacks these organic materials, rather than the ABC problem that we are trying to correct.
  • Lower the pH. Chlorine is very sluggish at high pH levels. At a pH of 8.0, less than half of the chlorine you add to the water will convert to hypochlorous acid, the killing form of chlorine. Lower the pH to 7.2 before shocking.
  • Read the label. We have eight different types of pool shock, all with slightly different dosages. For some pool shock, dilution in a bucket is necessary to dissolve the granules and prevent damage to pool surfaces.
  • Add the shock. Distribute the granular chlorine throughout the pool surface with the pool pump running. Be careful not to spill any on your clothing or the pool deck and dont broadcast it into the wind!
  • Brush the pool. This helps to distribute the chemical and removes the layer of dust and film on your pool surfaces, which may allow some contaminants to escape treatment. A good brushing, vacuuming and backwashing should follow an algae shock treatment.
  • The moral of the story is that you have to test your pool to know when to shock. Shocking monthly or even weekly is overkill in many cases.

    How Much Calcium Hypochlorite Is Needed Per Gallon Of Water

    Calcium hypochlorite is sometimes used as a way to clean drinking water. This is a completely different process and requires a specific product with a lower chlorine concentration. However, when you go through this process with an approved drinking water clarifier, you will use about a teaspoon for every two gallons of water.

    When working with a pool, you will notice that it is quite a bit more water, and a teaspoon of calcium hypochlorite will not cut it. Therefore you will need a one-pound bag for every 10,000 gallons of pool water. This is why its so important to know the size of your pool before using any chemicals.

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    Do You Need To Shock A New Swimming Pool

    Every pool is different and pools should not be shaken unless it is necessary to shake them to remove bacteria, algae, chloramines or other contaminants or to clean cloudy pool water or other water-related problems. You can test for chloramines and see algae, but bacteria and other pathogens are invisible.

    Two Methods: Shock Chlorination Or Chlorine Maintenance Residuals

    Clear Water Maintenance for Small Pools up to 5,000 Gallons: Clorox Pool& Spa

    Shock Chlorination

    Shock chlorination adds chlorine until the residual reaches 50 to 100 PPM. This is recommended when you have a new storage tank or have work done on the well, or you find out the storage tank is contaminated with coliform bacteria.

    Shock chlorination will make the water unusable for potable use until the chlorine levels drop below 24 PPM, which typically occurs within a few days to a few weeks depending on temperature and water chemistry.

    Maintenance or Low-Level Chlorination

    Dont want to use shock chlorination? It is best to use an automatic chlorinator if you wish to automatically maintain a chlorine residual to keep your storage tank disinfected as freshwater flows into it.

    However, if your storage tank is for long-term storage or you wish to periodically chlorinate see the chart for adding 1 2 PPM.

    A chlorine residual of 1 to 2 PPM is recommended if you plan to maintain a chlorine residual for potable water use. Follow these steps and see the chart below to find out how much chlorine bleach to add to achieve these residuals.

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    Shocking Treatment For Algae

    After cleaning the pool and adjusting the pH level, you have to proceed further to add the chlorine into the pool. Most of the shock treatment packages will direct you to add 1 lb. of shock per 10,000 gallons of the pool water. This can be fine for any normal conditions. But if your pool is severely attacked by algae, then you will need to take other steps.

    The best technique for the pools that are severely attacked by algae is to provide shock treatment unless until the water of the pool starts to turn blue-ish. Here is the chart that you have to use for shock treatment based on the color of the pool.

    For light green pools, use 1 lb. of shock treatment per 10,000 gallons of water. So, for 25,000 gallons of water in pool, use 2.5 lb. of shock treatment.

    For medium green pools, use 2 lb. of shock treatment per 10,000 gallons of water. So, for 25,000 gallons of water, use 5 lb.

    For dark green colored pools, it is better to use 3 lb. per 10,000 gallons of water. So, for 25,000 gallons of water, you have to use 7 lb.

    So, if you had a question in your mind regarding how much liquid chlorine to shock a pool with algae, you probably have now gotten the answer. Youll have to calculate the amount of water you have in your pool and determine the color of the pool.

    How Much Shock Do I Need To Shock My Pool

    A simple ratio and a standard rule of thumb to follow when you shock your pool is to dissolve one pound of either calcium hypochlorite or sodium dichlor for every 10,000 gallons of pool water. If you are using sodium hypochlorite, i.e., liquid chlorine, the ratio comes out to 10 ounces for every 10,000 gallons of pool water.

    If you are not sure how many gallons are in your pool, here is an easy formula:

    Length of your pool x width x depth x 7.5 = volume in gallons

    You can also use the Pool Volume Calculator that is built into the Pool Calculator App, available on the web, or as a Native App on iOS or Android

    Another standard measurement point for shocking a pool is to measure the chlorine by parts per million . To successfully shock a pool, especially one with algae growth, youll need to bring the chlorine level to at least 30ppm.

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