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How To Increase Ph In Hot Tub

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What Are The Signs Of Low Ph In Hot Tub

How to Raise Hot Tub Alkalinity

You are ready for some fun and frolicking, but when you remove the hot tub cover the water is foamy? Unfortunately, this is not a good thing! Foamy water is only one sign of low pH in your hot tub. Here are a few more:

  • Itchy and Dry skin

Do you know the difference between pH levels and total alkalinity?

What Can I Use To Raise The Ph In My Hot Tub

There are two main ways to raise the pH level in a hot tub. The first way is to use chemicals called pH increase. Add 1 cap of the pH increaser, let the hot tub mix for a couple of hours, and test the water again. Soda ash is used as a quick solution to raise pH. The second way is to add fresh water to the spa.

I have seen that you can use baking soda to raise pH in your hot tub. But this is not the only option you have because soda ash is also available to naturally help you accomplish the same purpose.

Most hot tub users prefer soda ash because it has a higher pH value of 11.4, which exceeds that of baking soda. As a result, its effect on the pH is drastic when added to a hot tub.

Soda ash will also raise the waters total alkalinity more than baking soda, which is another reason that increases its effectiveness. However, it is essential to note that you cant raise the pH without alkalinity and vice versa.

When alkalinity is in question, it is essential to ensure that it does not go outside the range of 80 and 120ppm. Baking soda could be used where these values are close to the boundary because adding soda ash might take them higher than recommended.

Alkalinity plays a critical role in maintaining suitable pH by acting as a buffer to prevent fluctuation. Conversely, the absence of proper total alkalinity in the hot tub water causes erratic change by dropping or peaking.

Our recommended product to raise pH in hot tubs is Spa Essentials pH increaser Granules.

How To Decrease The Ph Level In Hot Tubs

Using the pH decreaser such as sodium bisulfate can lower the pH level in your hot tub. Another way that you can use for reducing the pH level is by using Muriatic acid. You should use protective gear such as gloves for resisting chemicals and safety glasses while using this chemical as it is very caustic in nature.

To be safer, it is better for you to use some alternative product other than muriatic acid which is not caustic in nature. But it is still better to wear all the safety gear.

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Lowering Your Hot Tub Ph

If you have basic or alkaline water, you will need to lower your pH. Ask your pool store professional for a pH decreaser or a product with sodium bisulfate which is the main ingredient used for lowering pH.

Pay attention to the instructions on your pH decreaser. Some products require you to dilute the product before adding it. You’ll also need to circulate your spa water after adding in your decreaser to allow the product to infiltrate the body of water entirely. Be sure to also check your total alkalinity as a pH decreaser can influence your total alkalinity level.

Please make sure when you test your re-test your pH after treating your water, that you also test the total alkalinity level!

Choose Between Ph/alkalinity Down And Ph/alkalinity Up To Optimise Your Hot Tubs Ph Level

How to Balance Your Hot Tub

To bring up alkalinity in a spa pool, use a sodium bicarbonate-based product, like FreshWater® pH/Alkalinity Up. This is the safest and most common way to increase the pH of your spa pool. To lower alkalinity levels, use a sodium bisulfate-based product, like FreshWater® pH/Alkalinity Down.

If you want to increase alkalinity and pH in your spa pool using FreshWater® pH/Alkalinity Up, you should do it carefully – you dont want to continually bounce between a number that is too high then too low. Add 20mL for every 500L your spa pool holds, then test your pH again.

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Will Baking Soda Also Raise The Alkalinity In My Hot Tub

Baking soda can be incredibly helpful to homeowners who own a hot tub and want to raise your hot tubs alkalinity levels.

What is total alkalinity?

Total alkalinity refers to how your hot tubs water resists against sudden changes in the pH level. Your hot tubs water alkalinity is one of the most important steps in managing your water and keeping it safe to soak.

The alkalinity level of your hot tub you want should be between eighty and one hundred and twenty parts per million.

Still confused about the difference between alkalinity and pH?

If so, check out this recent article to understand it better. What really surprised me was how one affects the other despite being totally different.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

If you want to raise the alkalinity of your hot tubs water, use one tablespoon of baking soda per every one hundred gallons of water in your hot tub. For example, if your hot tub holds six hundred gallons of water, add six tablespoons.

Here is what to do to raise your waters alkalinity with baking soda.

First, turn off the jets of your hot tub. Make sure you know the pH level of your hot tub by using a testing strip.

Add the amount of baking soda you need. This depends on the number of gallons of water in your hot tub or spa. Next, turn on the jets of your hot tub, allowing the water to circulate. Keep the jets on for two to four hours.

Finally, test both the pH and alkalinity of your hot tubs water.

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How To Raise Alkalinity In Hot Tub Without Affecting Ph

How To Lower ALKALINITY In A HOT TUB | Swim University

How To Raise Alkalinity In Hot Tub Without Affecting Ph. This will increase the pools total alkalinity by 10 ppm. I have been having this same problem.

This will increase the pools total alkalinity by 10 ppm. But why is your hot tub alkalinity too high i. Stir it up until its fully dissolved.


There are two ways to raise alkalinity in a hot tub: Borax has a ph level of 9.5, so adding it to your pool will raise your ph level faster than aeration alone, while minimally raising alkalinity.


But what do you do when one needs to go one way, and the other in the opposite direction? Borax will raise ph, without raising alk.


This will increase the pools total alkalinity by 10 ppm. How to lower alkalinity in hot tub without affecting ph.


Then, add 1.5 pounds of baking soda for every 10,000 gallons of water. But what do you do when one needs to go one way, and the other in the opposite direction?


Adding vinegar or lemon juice is a cheap and effective way to get your hot tubs alkalinity under control. To raise the alkalinity of your hot tub, you should use sodium.

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High Ph Lowers Tub Value

Now you know that having a low pH level in your hot tub could lead to disastrous results. But that doesnt mean the more basic your water is, the better. No way.

Unfortunately, a too-high pH also prevents your sanitizer from working. Same problem, same bacteria. And same health risks. Yikes.

In addition to making your hot tub water straight-up unsafe, a pH reading above 7.6 will also increase your calcium hardness, form scale, and make your water cloudy. Gross.

Add The Alkaline Increaser

After turning on the jets, add the measured alkaline increaser or baking soda to the water. Then keep the jets running for about 20 minutes.

This gives the alkaline increaser enough time to be fully dissolved and dispersed in the water. After adding the increaser, you should leave the hot tub unused for about 6 hours.

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How To Raise And Lower Alkalinity In A Hot Tub

Raising and lowering the alkalinity in a hot tub is something you need to be cognisant of when owning a hot tub. There are two ways to increase your hot tub’s alkalinity level: sodium bicarbonate or any type of alkalinity increaser product.

Low total alkalinity is bad for your hot tub’s various components , as the surface of the shell can become etched, pitted, and even the protecting layer of the shell can delaminate. Any part made out of metal that comes into contact with water that has low total alkalinity can corrode, putting your heating elements, pipes, and heaters at risk. Calcium scaling can also occur, making it more difficult to keep surfaces clean and plumbing free of scale buildup. Therefore, you need to raise the alkalinity using a product such as SpaBoss Alka-Rise.

Raising a low alkalinity hot tub isn’t the same as making it more basic or less acidic what we’re talking about is increasing the total concentration of alkaloids within the water. The most common types of alkaloids in hot tub water are carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides, and other minor alkaloids. These alkaline substances buffer pH in the water by neutralizing acids. In other words, total alkalinity is a measurement of the waters ability to resist change in pH. Alkalinity increasers are products designed to increase the total concentration of alkaloids in hot tub water.

Here’s how to fix alkalinity levels in a hot tub:

  • Turn off the jets to your hot tub.
  • Take a water test strips.
  • What Is Total Alkalinity

    How to Balance Your Hot Tub

    Total alkalinity sounds like how you might end up after a few too many drinks. But it actually means the capacity that a solution has to buffer or neutralize acids.

    When we talk about water balance, total alkalinity or TA will always be your starting point. Without the right TA, you will find adjusting your hot tub pH level difficult.

    The first, and most important step to a well-balanced hot tub pH, is achieving the optimal TA before adding any other chemicals.

    Related Reading:What is Total Alkalinity in Pools | pH vs Alkalinity

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    Low Ph Has A High Risk

    You never want your pH level to dip below 7.4especially far below 7.4. The lower your hot tubs pH, the more acidic it is.

    Heres why thats a bad thing.

    Highly acidic water will stop your sanitizer from working efficiently. That means that swimmers in your spa are less likely to be alone: a whole host of bacteria will join them. Sometimes, that bacteria can be harmful.

    This scenario can be even worse than inefficient sanitizer in a swimming pool. Thats because hot tubs operate at much higher temperatures than poolswhile the average pool temperature is between 78 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, hot tubs are somewhere between 98.6 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Any temperature above 85 degrees is more welcoming to bacteria. That includes their offspring, since theyre more likely to reproduce at rapid rates in a nice, comfortable, warm pool of water.

    Since untreated or mistreated hot tubs are more likely to host bacteria, there are some pretty nasty strains that have already been documented. This includes pseudomonas aeruginosa, which causes hot tub folliculitis, and legionella, which causes Legionnaires Disease.

    Bet youre feeling pretty ready to keep your pH maintained right about now.

    Theres more: low pH can also cause corrosion on your equipment and plumbing. So keep yourself, other swimmers, and your hot tub healthy. Dont let your pH drop below 7.4.

    How Much Soda Ash Does It Take To Raise Ph

    As said above, soda ash is a very effective way of increasing pH. When you intend to make use of soda ash, this is what you do.

  • Use a testing kit to test the water. You can make use of a liquid test kit, test strips, or a testing meter. These all give you pH and total alkalinity levels. Ensure you note the water pH.
  • Mix between 1 and 2 pounds of soda ash per 10,000 gallons of water. Or you can just follow this general rule of adding 1 tablespoon of soda ash to every 100 gallons of water.
  • You can decide to pre-dissolve the soda ash in a bucket, swirl it around well, and pour it inside the tub. Another option is pouring the powdered soda ash directly into your tub. Just note that the first option of pre-dissolving the soda ash will cause it to disperse properly. If you are deciding to add the powdered soda ash directly, just ensure that it is mixed perfectly in the tub. This is so that it doesnt stick to the sides of your tub.
  • Turn on your jets and leave them running for an hour or two.
  • Now you can test the tub water to ascertain its pH by checking its total alkalinity levels.
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    How To Raise The Ph In Your Hot Tub

    Most pH increasers contain the active ingredient sodium carbonate. You might recognize this chemical by its more common namesoda ash.

    You may be thinking, that sounds an awful lot like sodium bicarbonatebaking soda. Youre right. Theyre closely related, and baking soda will also raise the pH in your hot tub. But its not nearly as effective as soda ash. So when youre considering how to raise the pH in your hot tub, choose soda ash over baking soda, and youll save yourself a lot of time and trouble.

    Sodium bicarbonate is actually much better for raising TA, especially if you dont want to affect the pH level too much.

    Its important to note that soda ash can also dramatically increase total alkalinity. So if your hot tub pH is low, but the total alkalinity is normal or high, sodium carbonate may increase the alkalinity beyond the recommended maximum level.

    Also note that soda ash can make your hot tub water cloudy, so if you use it to lower pH levels, you may have to address a cloudy hot tub afterward.

    How To Raise Ph In Hot Tubs

    HOW to ADJUST your pH LEVELS in your HOT TUB

    How to raise pH in hot tubs?

    There are two main ways to raise the pH level in a hot tub. The first way is to use chemicals called pH increase. Add 1 cap of the pH increaser and let the hot tub mix for a couple of hours and test the water again. Soda ash is used as a quick solution to raise pH. The second way is to add fresh water to the spa.

    Stop wasting time and money with hot tub maintenance and confusing water chemistry! The Hot Tub Handbook and Video Course will help keep your hot tub balanced, sanitized, and crystal clear all the time.

    Check out my list of high-quality hot tub products to help keep your hot tub clean and running great all year long!

    My recommended product to help you test your hot tub or pool water for accurate pH, alkalinity, bromine, and chlorine readings is the AquaCheck Trutest Digital Reader.

    All you need is to maintain an accurate level of pH in the hot tub to ensure that other chemicals in the tub are working properly.

    In this article, well go over this important question.

    Lets get started!

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