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HomeMust ReadIs Salt Better Than Chlorine For Pools

Is Salt Better Than Chlorine For Pools

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Benefits Of Saltwater Pools

Is Salt Water Better Than Chlorine?

Chlorine has been used for years by pool owners and continues to be the main option for pool sanitizing. That doesnt mean there isnt a better option. Saltwater pools offer benefits that are making it easier for people to switch their pool waters sanitization choice.

Some of the main benefits of using salt in your pool water include:

  • Improved comfort both during and after swimming
  • No messy or expensive chemicals
  • Saltwater pools offer self-regulating options that allow you to set it and leave it
  • Pool maintenance is less expensive
  • No overwhelming odor left on your clothes and skin after swimming

Because of these benefits, people are searching for options to allow them to switch to salt for their pools. If this sounds like something you want to do, visit our website to find out more about how we can help you make the switch as well as getting signed up for regular maintenance and cleaning options.; WIth Opulent Pools, owning and maintaining your pool is a breeze!

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Salt Water Pool Vs Chlorine Pool

Are you tired of all the maintenance tasks that you have to do just to keep your pool’s chlorine level optimal? Did you forget to buy chlorine on your last shopping run and now your pool water is a sickly shade of green? Do you want to make your life easier? Is there a way to make it all easier?

If your answer to just one of those questions is “yes”, then youve come to the right place!

Within this blog, I will outline the differences in a Saltwater Pool VS a Traditional Chlorine Pool and how you, the conscious pool owner, can simplify the maintenance required for your backyard oasis.

For Above Ground Pools

For above-ground pools, saltwater and freshwater chlorine systems are tied. The choice depends on your budget and any concerns you have around using higher concentrations of chlorine. Above-ground pools cost between $800 and $4,700, with chlorine systems on the lower end and above-ground pools on the higher end.

If your skin is sensitive to chlorine or you dont want to worry about safe chemical storage, opt for a saltwater system. If you are working with a tight budget, then chlorine may be the right choice for you.

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Why Do Pools Need Chlorine

We use chlorine because it is the most effective agent in the battle against any and all contaminants that lurk in your pool water such as bacteria, sweat, body oil, bird droppings, and anything else that makes its way into the pristine pride of your backyard.

Chlorine effectively removes the conglomeration of unwanted contaminants and surrounds them to mask the odor and harmful exposure to your swimmers who are unaware such things. It also combines with other unnatural contaminants, such as nitrogen and ammonia, now appropriately called combined chlorine.

Combined chlorine, also known as chloramines, build up in your pool and can create lots of pool water problems. These can easily be tested for with DPD Test Kits and Test Strips and removed with a good Shock Treatment of chlorine.

Will The Salt Rust Your Pool

Is Salt Water Pool Better than a Chlorine Pool?

There is, yes, some risk that the salt in the water will corrode your pool or pool elements. For above ground pools, you should not use a saltwater system with a steel or aluminum pool, as it;will;destroy the pool. A resin pool, however, should be fine. Vinyl pool liners are also good at resisting damage from salt. If you do use a saltwater system with an above ground pool, you should check and, if necessary, replace metal components regularly.

One vital way of reducing corrosion and rust damage is a;sacrificial anode. This is a zinc part that hangs out next to the parts you need to protect and takes the damage for them. You replace the anode about every three years or so. Bear in mind that the anode has to be properly bonded and grounded, and thus you will need a licensed electrician to install it.

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Myth : Saltwater Pools Need No Maintenance

Oh, boy. Saltwater pools need less maintenance for sure, and they require maintenance less frequently, but they absolutely need consistent care. And when you have a saltwater pool, you might have less chemicals to worry about. But you still need to make sure your:

– pH levels are between 7.2 and 7.8

– Free chlorine is between 1 and 3 parts per million

– Salinity level is between 3,000 and 3,500 ppm

– Stabilizer is between 70 and 80 ppm

– Calcium is between 200 and 400 ppm

Its not a lot, but it certainly does take some time. Make sure to check your levels every other week. Still sound like a lot? Compare that to the frequency of maintaining a chlorinated pool… thats half!;

Chlorine Tablets & Shock

Please welcome our first challenger ~ Chlorine! This heavyweight contender has been a favorite of pool operators and pool owners for 50 years.

Whether in granular, liquid or tablet form you cant deny its sanitizing power. Chlorine can be used to shock a pool to remove bacteria.

Chlorine tablets are stabilized to protect the chlorine from the sun. You would need to add cyanuric acid to get this result in a saline pool. Adding chlorine to your pool is as easy as using a floating dispenser or pump.

Chlorine users need to stay on top of their water testing as the pH can vary quite a bit. Heavy bather loads and weather can wreak havoc on a pool. Chlorine shock can provide a much faster solution to your problem. Lets recap with some pros and cons of our first contender:

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Uv Light Purification System

UV light is a well-known and commonly used sanitizer in a wide range of industries. UV-C is a specific part of the whole ultraviolet spectrum that is responsible for the disinfecting effect. Its capable of killing many different kinds of pathogens, including algae, bacteria, and viruses.

The idea that you can kill all the germs with light thats harmless to humans without using any chemicals can be very appealing, however, UV light systems have their own drawbacks.

How does an ultraviolet light system work? The water coming from the pools filter passes through the UV system where its sanitized and then circulates out into the pool. The UV-C rays kill the pathogens by destroying their DNA or RNA so no chemical is needed for the process.

UV-C light is very effective, but its recommended that you also add some chlorine to the pool because UV systems cant oxidize water, thus theyre unable to remove organic debris from the pool.

Whats The Main Difference Between A Saltwater Pool And A Traditional Chlorinated Pool

Salt Water Versus Chlorine In Pools

In a traditional chlorine pool, chlorine is added directly to the pool. With a saltwater pool, salt is added to the water in which the levels are maintained by the chlorinator. In turn, the electrodes in the chlorinator will convert the saltwater into chlorine for clean, clear, and luxuriously soft water.

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How Many People Do Smoked Lamb Shanks Feed

Lamb shanks do vary considerably in size, especially American vs Australian lamb shanks.

A good rule of thumb is to buy 1 lb of uncooked, bone-in lamb per person you are serving.; So plan on 1 smoked lamb shank feeding about 1-2 people depending on its size.

**Pro Tip: Try to buy similarly sized shanks so that they all take roughly the same amount of time to cook on the smoker.

Before we dive in any further, heres a great overview from Smoked Meat with Jef; demonstrating how to start smoking lamb shanks:

Salt Pools: The Truth About Salt Generated Chlorine

Given the popularity of salt chlorine generators in residential and commercial pools, it is appropriate to share some valuable information for saltwater pool owners/operators, or those considering making the switch to salt.

Listen to this topic on our Rule Your Pool Podcast

We spoke with two swim school owners who are considering switching from liquid chlorine to salt. Their reasoning is due to the competitive nature of the swim school businesspotential customers ask them if their pool is chlorinated, because they seem to prefer their kids swim in a salt pool. Those same parents genuinely believe that salt water means there is no chlorine in the water; a belief that, while incorrect, is widespread.

Perhaps the myth that salt pools have no chlorine in them comes from the idea that you don’t need to;add chlorine to a salt pool. But the truth is,;yes, salt pools ARE chlorine pools.

Disclosure: Orenda does not produce/sell/distribute salt, chlorine, or any other type of sanitizer. Orenda products work with;any type of sanitizer available on the market today, including saltwater. That being said, the health of pool users matters to us, as well as the sanity of pool operators. This article is meant to be informative about the facts, pros and cons of salt water treatment.

Also Check: How To Put An Above Ground Pool Up

Pool Maintenance: Which One Is Lower

When it comes to pool maintenance, both kinds of pools need similar care in terms of:

  • Skimming the bugs and leaves
  • Brushing and cleaning the pool
  • Cleaning the filter
  • Services the pool heater if you have a temperature-control
  • Covering the pool when not in use
  • Emptying the pump basket and skimmer
  • Cleaning the deck area

Most importantly, in both, you will have to balance the chemical content. Ensure that there is perfect level of pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and of course chlorine. ;

That best part about a salt water pool is that its chlorinator monitors and adjusts chlorine levels on a regular basis. So less work for you! But there is a downside. Chlorine thats generated through electrolysis tends to fluctuate more, even burn, especially under the sun. It may then not be able to shield you against UV rays. A vital point that concerns every pool owner.

But when theres a problem, theres a solution too. You can add a stabilizer and boost chlorine effectiveness. ;

As explained earlier, a salt water pool can cause corrosion. It needs regular maintenance. Even structures around it need to be inspected from time to time. Also remember that too much salt or too little, can be detrimental to your pool and you. ;;

Our verdict:

  • Dedicated effort required for maintenance

Choosing Between A Saltwater Pool And Chlorine Pool

Salt Water Pool Systems: What is it? Pros & Cons? Better ...

Whether you are building a new pool or thinking of converting your pool it is important to know the pros and cons of both saltwater and chlorine pools.

Saltwater pools use a salt chlorine generator for sanitation. As saltwater passes through the generator it separates the salt and water into hydrogen and hypochlorous acid. This acid replaces the need for chlorine tablets to sanitize the water. Saltwater pools are becoming more and more popular as people are informed of the benefits that saltwater pools have.

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Should You Wrap Smoked Lamb Shanks In Foil

Some people recommend wrapping the shanks in foil for about the last 30-60 minutes of the cook, much like people do with pork ribs, in order to make then meat fall off the bone more.

It is really up to personal preference, but not necessary.

Wrapping in foil will increase the cooking humidity and cause the meat to be more fall off the bone, however the tradeoff is you may lose some of that nice crispy bark on the exterior as your meat effectively steams at the end of the cook.

Also, if you wrap for TOO long, the meat can become mushy and less pleasant to eat.

Like all things in BBQ, there are trade offs and what one person swears by, another would never do in a million years.

So try out different methods if you wish, but we recommend if you ARE wrapping, do it for no more than 30 minutes towards the end of the cook unti you learn what kind of effect it has.

The Difference Between Saltwater And Chlorine Pools

The water in traditional chlorine pools must be sampled and balanced with liquid or tablet chlorine. Alkalinity, pH and calcium hardness must be adjusted as well. Saltwater pools require the same chemicals except chlorine, although you may need to shock a saltwater pool once in a while.

Instead of relying on store-bought chlorine, saltwater pools create their own through electrolysis. You add pool grade salt to a chlorine generator. Then the generator runs salty water through two electrically charged plates, converting it to chlorine. The pool water is still sanitized with chlorine, but the process differs from that of a traditional chlorine pool.

Although each style of pool is sanitized with the same substance, the chlorine in a saltwater pool may be different than what youre used to experiencing. According to In the Swim, saltwater chlorine generation results in fewer chloramines, which are the real culprit of the feeling and smell often associated with traditional chlorine pools.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains, chloramines are a type of combined chlorine that form in water and emit gas into the surrounding air. They cause the well-known chlorine smell, eye redness and, sometimes, respiratory irritation.

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High Chemical Levels Can Cause Harm

Saltwater pools may produce chlorine, but this doesnt mean you dont have to add chemicals to the pool. Saltwater pools need chemical treatments every week.

One of the chemicals required to ensure your salt chlorine generator reaches the required stabilizing levels is cyanuric acid.

High cyanuric acid levels can harm children, pets, the environment, older swimmers, and the pool itself. Other chemical treatments required by saltwater pools are an occasional algaecide, stain clarifier, and scale control applications.

Ozone Pool Systems: Avoiding A Sour Experience

Salt water vs chlorine – The Buehlers & Associates

Ozone generators can be a good option for people who want to use less chlorine in their pools because they are able to handle some of the work that chlorine would typically do. These ozone systems inject ozone gas into the pool, oxidizing the water and destroying pollutants. Ozone is a more potent oxidizer than chlorine and produces fewer side effects.;

However, ozone generators generally require other complex systems such as degas vessels or ozone destruct chambers in order to function properly. These systems can be difficult for pool owners and technicians to maintain, making them a high maintenance option for pool disinfection. Also, ozone can cause corrosion to pool surfaces which will depreciate the value of your pool investment.

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Salt Water Pool Systems Vs Chlorine Pools

There are so many opinions when it comes to salt water pool systems versus chlorine pool treatment. Most of the focus is on cost and maintenance. However, for me, it was the health benefits.

Chlorine is the chemical most often used to keep swimming pools and jacuzzi’s free of bacteria that can be hazardous to humans.

Chlorine kills bacteria through a relatively simple chemical reaction. The chlorine solution you add to the pool water breaks down into many different chemicals, including hypochlorous acid and;hypochlorite ion;. Both kill microorganisms and bacteria by attacking the lipids in the;cell walls;and destroying the enzymes and structures inside the;cell, rendering them;oxidized;and harmless. In the effort to kill bacteria using chlorine in pools, there are health concerns such as gasses that are inhaled and the damage it does to skin, hair and eyes. Most green parents are concerned about overexposure to high levels of chlorine absorbed through the skin.

Does The Pool Still Smell Of Chlorine

So, there’s still chlorine in there. Is there still a chlorine smell? Saltwater pools should actually have no detectable odor at all, and if there’s a chlorine smell it means there’s an imbalance. Somebody with a very sensitive nose may pick up on it, but one of the advantages of a saltwater pool is avoiding that extreme chlorine stench.

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Best Ways To Serve Smoked Lamb Shanks

If cooked low and slow, and brought up to the correct temperature, the meat should be VERY tender and practically falling off the bone.

You can serve a whole smaller shank to each person, or carve larger ones and serve the meat sliced.

They can be eaten casually at a BBQ like a turkey drumstick, or the meat can be served more elegantly with a red wine sauce, alongside roasted brussel sprouts and new potatoes.

A spicy Australian Malbec always pairs nicely with lamb, either to drink or to reduce into a delicious buttery red wine sauce like in our recipe below.

Alternatively, a full bodied stout or porter pairs wonderfully if you are more of a beer drinker.

Gentler Softer Water For A Smooth Swim

Salt Water Pools Vs Chlorine Pools. What

Although saltwater pools use the same type of chlorine that youd find in any chlorine pool, the fact that theres less of it, that its super stable, and that its complemented by salt all work together to make the water similar to the salinity of the human tear duct. The result? No stinging eyes, skin, nose, or throat.

Want to dive even deeper? When chlorine is unstable, it creates what is called a chloramine when it attacks a contaminant in your pool . After the contaminants themselves, chloramines are the bad guys of your pool. Theyre super irritant to your body, they smell like chemicals, and they work to limit how much work chlorine can do. Thats why pool shock is so important. But unlike a chlorine pool, the stable chlorine of a saltwater pool helps to prevent the creation of chloramines. So thats one step effectively skipped. Nice!

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