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What To Test For In Pool Water

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How To Fix High Iron Levels

How to test your pool water the right way

Again, because theyre both metal elements, the same remedies to fix high copper levels will also work for high iron levels.

You can use a metal sequestrant, which wont remove the iron, but will keep it from rusting and staining your pool. Just remember sequestrant will dissipate, so adding it must become part of your regular pool maintenance.

Also, controlling pH levels can help control iron levels, so keep a good handle on those.

Finally, a metal trap filter or a hose filter works just as well for iron as it does for copper. So if your water has turned a yucky brown color due to high iron levels, dont worry. Its fixable.

When To Test Pool Water

To ensure the pH and alkalinity remain balanced, and to keep your sanitizer at optimal levels, test your pool water at least once a week. Youll want to test it more often if the pool is getting a lot of use or if its rained, and every time you add chemicals.

Even if you know how to test pool water yourself, take a sample to a pool store once a month for a pro check, and when opening and closing your pool.

When To Call A Professional

If you arent comfortable testing your pools water quality yourself, you can always hire a professional. Many businesses will allow mail-in or walk-in with a pool water sample, which they will then test.

Alternatively, consider using a professional service for just a few key teststhe beginning, middle and end of the summer, or after an unexpected storm, for exampleand doing the rest of the tests yourself. This helps minimize any chance of an error with your home test kits and also gives you a second opinion, all while staying hassle-free and affordable.

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Test Pool Water Chemistry Using Pool Test Strips

Pool testing strips can quickly measure pH, alkaline, and chlorine levels. You can also purchase specialty pool strips to measure total dissolved solids , salt or other substances. Heres how to use them:

  • Hold the strip underwater for 2 to 3 seconds
  • Remove the testing strip from the water, be careful to keep the padded side facing up
  • Wait 15 seconds. Do not shake any excess water from the strip, as this may interfere with accurate results
  • Compare your strip against the label on the package until you find the closest match. You may need to adjust pH or other levels, which we explain below
  • How To Take A Proper Pool Water Sample

    Best Pool Test Kits: 5 Popular Products Reviewed for 2020

    The most important factors here are where you take the sample from, and how you do it. If possible, take the sample from the absolute middle of your pool.

  • Use a clean cup or bottle .
  • Hold it upside down so the opening is facing the pool floor.
  • Insert the cup into the water elbow-deep, and then turn it right side up to collect the sample.
  • Important: Do not take the sample near the skimmer opening or any return jets.

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    Testing Your Pool Water Chemistry: 4 Things You Should Test For

    There are four main things to test for:

  • pH levels
  • Calcium or water hardness
  • It is important to check your pool water chemistry for several fundamental reasons:

    • To help prevent the spread and transmission of bacteria and diseases that thrive in un-sanitized pool or spa water.
    • To prevent high chlorine levels, which can damage swimsuits, pool toys cause eye and skin irritation, as well as respiratory issues.
    • Increase longevity and reduce damages to pool features, equipment, and materials.

    Mobile Waterlink Spin Touch Lab #: 10 Test Factors In 60 Seconds

    This is the Lamotte WaterLink Spin Touch Mobile which can do 10 test factors in 60 seconds. It is a truly awesome water tester in every way. The readings are reliable and accurate and the testing couldn’t be easier.

    The SKU for the Mobil unit is this: Lamotte #3581 MOBILE WaterLink SPIN TOUCH Lab and it is priced at this publication at $889.00. This, of course, is not your everyday test kit but great for so many applications. If you service Commercial Accounts this is a great way to keep your logs for the Health Department and Pool Manager. For Resorts, Hotels, and Clubs this would be a perfect way to get a spot on readings to assure that the Public Pool is safe. And if you are a Health Inspector there is no better water tester than this. Plus it comes with a 2-year warranty.

    The Spin Touch Mobile also can be switched from Pool to Tap Water so if you are in water quality management or in plumbing, this kit would be great. If you own a retail pool store or a hardware store and offer water testing to your customers they make a retail store version with a counter mat, posters and door decal the #3580 Model.

    They have various disks including a new 3 test parameter which can also be reused 3 times. This disk does Total Chlorine or Bromine, Free Chlorine and pH Disk #4334-H.

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    How To Fix High Salt Levels

    To prevent your chlorinator from having to work too hard to assimilate an overabundance of salt, its a good idea to reduce too-high salt levels. You can easily accomplish this by draining a few inches of water from your pool, and adding fresh water to bring the level back up.

    Retest, and continue the process until salt levels are back in the optimal range.

    What Water Tests Are Needed

    How To Test POOL WATER Accurately | Swim University

    In order for us to have a sparkling clean and well-balanced pool, we have to ensure that the levels of pool chemicals stay within the ideal range of:

    • pH: 7.2 7.6
    • Bromine: 3-5 ppm
    • Cyanuric Acid: 30 50 ppm

    Testing your pool water and maintaining perfect chemical harmony is not rocket science but it definitely involves regularity and consistency on your part.

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    Test The Pool’s Ph Levels

    After rising the tester clean, fill the large tube to the top solid line with pool water taken from a depth of 18 inches. Add one drop of solution No. 4 and mix it by gently swirling the tube. This solution is sodium thiosulfate, a chlorine neutralizer. Add five drops of Solution 2, a phenol red indicator, and mix by gently swirling. Compare the color with the pH color standards on the plastic tester to determine the pH level of your pool water.

    Note: Dont perform this test if the residual chlorine is above 3.0, as you will not get an accurate pH reading. The residual chlorine must first be adjusted to normal levels.

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    Testing your pool is a regular part of pool ownership. Its essential to maintaining water that is crystal clear and algae free. Its also important to maintain a good balance of chemicals in your pool because improper water chemistry can cause damage to your pool and equipment. Beyond that, imbalanced water can cause eye irritation and hair discoloration. Yikes. To get an accurate reading, you’ll need a test kit, a test strip, or a water sample for a pool professional.

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    How To Test Your Pool Water For Calcium

    The total hardness level in your pool should be somewhere between 200 and 500 parts per million . A professional-grade water testing kit is going to be your best friend. The best pro pool water testing kits will test for calcium levels along with chlorine, pH, copper, iron, and other substances.

    Youll simply add a chemical indicator to a small sample of pool water and compare the water color to the included color-coded chart to determine whether your pool waters calcium is too high or too low.

    How To Take An Accurate Water Sample

    How to Use a Pool Test Kit to Check Water Quality

    A swimming pool is a large body of water and, as a result, the chemical makeup can be different in certain locations. For example, evaporation and other influences can make the water at the surface of the pool have a slightly different composition to that at the bottom.

    For the most accurate result, its recommended that you take a sample from the centre of your pool, preferably close to the surface.

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    Testing For Phosphates: Do You Really Need To

    Harmless and so ubiquitous they can be found in everything from pharmaceuticals to cleaning products to fire extinguishers, phosphates are essential to our everyday life.

    The truth is, phosphates are not a problem for your pool water.

    You may hear that phosphates are a problem because they serve as a food source for algae, which can have a tremendously negative effect on your pool. But killing its food source is not an effective method of controlling algae.

    Once its established itself, algae can be very tough to get rid of.

    Hydrotools Deluxe Dual Chlorine & Ph Liquid Test Kit Chlorine Test

  • Fill the small tube to mark with pool water.
  • Add five drops of ORTHOTOLIDINE Chlorine Test Solution.
  • Place cap on tube and invert several times to mix.
  • To obtain chlorine reading, match the colors within 10 seconds. The result is read in parts per million . A continuous development of color indicates combined chlorine. The reading at 5 minutes will give total combined chlorine. A large difference between readings indicates a need for superchlorination.
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    Testing For Salt: Keeping The Chlorine Flowing

    If you were lucky enough to find a home with an existing salt water pool, or youre thinking about converting your pool to salt water, youll need to add testing for salt levels to your regular pool maintenance schedule.

    Just like calcium, salt levels can be a problem whether theyre too high or too low. Too much salt can throw your salt water chlorinator into overdrive.

    Too little salt is even more important to address because it has an effect on how clean your pool is. Your pools salt water chlorinator requires salt to produce chlorine and keep your pool clean and sanitary.

    If theres not enough salt in the water, you wont have enough chlorine, and this can present problems not only for your pool, but for those swimming in it.

    Balanced salt levels are essential to chlorine production to keep your salt water pool clean.

    Why Pool Water Testing Is So Important

    How to Test Pool Water!

    Pool water testing is essential. Without it, there’s no way to know what’s in your water. While trace contaminants may not seem like a big deal now, over time they can develop into a really big problem. To avoid potential issues, it’s important to test your water regularly.

    The first thing you’ll need is a water sample. To be sure to get an accurate reading, follow these simple steps:

  • Make sure to use a clean cup.
  • With the opening facing down, dunk the cup elbow deep as close to the center of the pool as possible.
  • Fill the cup by turning it right-side up.
  • Once you have your sample, you can test it using strips, a liquid test kit, or by taking it to a store that specializes in pool sales and maintenance.

    Always be sure to follow the directions carefully for each method and take your time. Rushing this process or doing it incorrectly will not give you the results you need.

    Also, it’s good practice to conduct pool water testing once a week. You may need to test more frequently when using your pool a lot, if it rained recently, and after every time you add chemicals.

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    How To Test Your Swimming Pool Water

    Pool Calculator makes pool chemistry easy. Also Available for iOS& Android

    Regardless of where you live or what kind of pool you own, youre going to have to test your swimming pool water chemistry. Testing your pool helps keep the water safe from viruses, bacteria, and algae and ensures chemical levels are safe and comfortable for swimmers.

    Testing Your Pool Water Chemistry For Chlorine Levels

    Chlorine is one of the most important things to test for, as it is responsible for killing off bacteria and viruses commonly found in pools. Everything from urine to fecal matter ends up in swimming pools, and chlorine is a great way to kill off bacteria before it has a chance to make someone sick.

    Free chlorine is the chlorine in your pool water that has not reacted with contaminants yet, therefore it is fresh. Its important to test for free chlorine because too much or too little can lead to issues for swimmers, as well as for your pool. The ideal range is somewhere between 1.5 to 2.5 ppm.

    Lack of chlorine can lead to:

    • Algae growth in your pool and on pool equipment
    • Cloudy water that is polluted with sunscreen, makeup, dirt and debris, etc.
    • Water-borne diseases can thrive, increasing the risk for transmitting illness or disease.

    Too much chlorine can be more dangerous than too little chlorine. Potential drawbacks to an over chlorinated pool include:

    • Burning eyes, skin rashes, and other irritations
    • Harsh fumes can irritate lungs

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    Time Between Sample And Result

    One of the biggest reasons for inaccurate water testing results, besides where you take the water sample from, is time. Leaving your water sample exposed for too long before testing it can lead to inaccurate results.

    Similarly, when using a solution-based test, leaving the final solution for too long can lead to changes in the colour, giving inaccurate readings. Thankfully, simply performing the test as instructed without unintended breaks will remove this issue.

    A Guide To Water Testing Your Pool

    A Definitive Guide to Finding the Best Pool Water Test Kit

    BackA Guide To Water Testing Your Pool

    • A Guide To Water Testing Your Pool

    A Guide To Water Testing Your Pool

    There can be quite a lot that goes into making sure your home pool is looking and feeling great year-round. However, one of the most important aspects of pool care has to be testing water chemistry, such as the chlorine, pH and total alkalinity levels of your pool!

    There are many ways you can go about this, but the most important thing is ensuring that youre getting accurate results from your tests. Here, we take a look at the whole process and what you should be looking out for when water testing your home pool.

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    How Often To Test For Copper

    While its ideal to conduct pool water testing for chlorine and pH levels weekly, its sufficient to test for copper once a month. Testing your water on a regular basis will keep copper levels at bay before you even see its effects. This will mean less work for you as you wont have to remove liner stains on top of addressing the copper in your water.

    In addition, because low pH levels can contribute to high copper levels, its essential to test them weekly. Keep them under control, and you may be able to avoid copper buildup altogether.

    How Often Should You Test Your Water

    Pool water testing is important in order to achieve and maintain a sanitary and well-functioning pool. The timespan for testing your pool water depends on how heavily or how lightly your pool is being used along with the daily air and water temperature. It also depends on the specific test being done. As a pool owner, you should be testing for:

    • Chlorine
    • Chlorine sanitizes your pool water and should be checked between 2 to 3 times a week. Free chlorine is the most important test as this tells you available chlorine for sanitizing
  • pH
  • Check your pH just as frequent as you check your chlorine balance, 2 to 3 times a week. By keeping your pH balanced your chlorine will stay at its highest level of effectiveness
  • Total Alkalinity
  • This should be tested once a week as the stability of this test influences the stability of your pH levels
  • Calcium Hardness
  • Calcium harness should be tested once a month. This tends to fluctuate due to local water and chemicals added to your pool.
  • Total Dissolved Solids
  • If this level is too high, it can disturb the efficiency of your pool chemicals. This is why these levels should be checked on a monthly basis as well.
  • Metals
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    Best Ways To Test Pool Water

    The two most popular ways of testing pool chemicals are pool test strips and pool testing kits. Whether you use a kit or a strip, it should measure chlorine and pH levels. These measurements show two of your pools most important chemical readings.

    Its best to find a kit or strips that also measure total alkalinity and total hardness. Total alkalinity can negatively affect your waters pH. Unbalanced total hardness can cause damage to pool surfaces and equipment.

    As you conduct pool water testing, track the chemical levels. Use a journal or logbook to write down the data from each weekly test.

    Using A Digital Test Kit To Test Your Pool Water

    What should I use to test my pool water?

    Using the Solaxx SafeDip digital chemistry tester would be the easiest and most accurate way to test your pool water. Fill the bottom 1/3 of the sample cup with the water sample. Make sure to collect the water at least 1.5 from the surface. The other option is to submerse the probes directly into the water sample.

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    Testing For The Basics: Ph Alkalinity Chlorine Cyanuric Acid And Calcium Hardness

    Testing for chlorine, pH, and alkalinity are very similar actions. Here, well cover how to test for everything you should.

    Testing for Alkalinity

    Alkalinity testing measures buffers, your pools ability to maintain a steady pH level. Too much, its really hard to change pH, and too low, pH will change very often people can change the pH simply by going into the water if theres no buffer.

    Testing alkalinity first is the best practice, as it affects your ability to change pH. However, if your pH is below a 7.0, you want to raise it first, and then test alkalinity again.

    If you use test strips, then the chances are that they test for this. Follow the instructions for how to use test strips above. If you purchase a liquid testing kit, its more complex.

    After taking the water sample, as explained above, you will use three testing liquids at different times.

  • Read your tests instructions, know how many drops of the first two test liquids, and how much water you need.
  • Add first test liquid drops to the water, Sodium Thiosulfate, and swirl to mix
  • Add the second, the total alkalinity test liquid, swirl to mix until the color is green
  • Add drops of the sulphuric acid one at a time, counting and circling each in, until the color changes to red
  • Take the number of sulphuric acid drops, times 10, to tell you the total alkalinity. Eight drops mean an 80 total alkalinity, that is low, and 10 drops is high.
  • Take action to raise or lower your alkalinity if needed.
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