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How Long Should I Run My Above Ground Pool Pump

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If I Use A Pool Cover Will That Affect The Time The Pump Should Run

How Long Should I Run My Pump for my Above Ground Pool

Yes it will to some extent. As discussed above, light is an important factor in the growth of algae. So if you have a pool cover on, which are generally a dark blue, then less light shines on the water so algae will be less likely to grow. Therefore, in theory you could run the pool pump for less time.

In practice I rarely reduce the time the pump is on when I have my pool cover on .

How Long Should You Run An Intex Pool Filter


Swimming pool pumps should be run an average 8 hours a day to properly circulate and clean your water. The pump should push your entire pool in gallons in this 8 hour period of time.

Likewise, is it better to run a pool pump at night or day? Running the pump at night should only be when you are doing a major chemical treatment such as algae clean-up. Your pool is more vulnerable during the day, plants don’t grow at night the way they do during the daythat’s true of ALL plants including Algae.

Similarly, you may ask, should I leave my pool filter on all the time?

Although it’s generally recommended that all the pool water undergo filtration every 24 hours, the pump does not need to run all the time. If your pool is in constant use, you may need to run the pump for up to eight hours per day, frequently checking the water clarity and chemical balance.

How long should you run your above ground pool pump?

A Rule of ThumbGenerally running your pool pump for 12-hours a day is a good option. This is based on the assumption that your average pool pump has a turnover rate of about 8 to 12-hours. That means that the total volume of your pool water will filter through your system 2 to 3 times per 24-hour period.

Finding The Right Size Sand Filter For Your Above Ground Pool

Once you find a suitable pump size for your above ground pool, the next logical step is finding the right size sand filter. Note that the best size filter will increase both the safety and cleanliness of your above ground pool.

When you look at most pools, you will notice that most people use undersized sand filters. This is because most individuals tend to go for cheap options. What most people dont realize is that you should always go for bigger when it comes to sand filters.

When you match the right size pump with the right size filter, you will get long-lasting performance. Ensure you find a large size sand filter for your above ground pool if you are looking for high-end performance.

As a rule of thumb, experts will advise you to go for at least one size larger than what you initially thought would be a perfect match. First, you start by determining the capacity and volume of your above ground pool. Once you get the value right, divide the number by 10 or 8 depending on your turnover rating. Once this is done, divide the value by 60 to get the GPM. The number you get will help you find the right size sand filter for your pool.

Most manufacturers will refer to the size of your sand filter as the design flow rate. Notice that the value is often measured in gallons per minute. Check out different online resources to find a chart that outlines the common design flow rates.

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Sizing Your Above Ground Pool Pump

Sizing your above ground pool pump is crucial to the overall performance of your swimming pool. An undersized pump lacks the power needed to circulate your water properly to prevent algal blooms. Adversely, a pump that is too large will completely bypass your filter altogether. This, too, creates a dirty pool. In a way, its similar to the likes of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. You dont want a pump that is too big or too small, you want one that is JUST right.

How can you determine which size pump is right? Lets explore.

Powering The Pool Pump Correctly

How Long Should I Run My Pool Pump Every Day? {New Guide}

To properly ensure that the power needs of your pump are handled properly, it is best that you hire an electrician and listen to what he or she says about the job. If he or she asks for the pool pumps requirements and where the electric box is stationed, in relation to the pump, provide such information readily.

If this is going to be a DIY thing, there are things you need to know

  • A fundamental understanding of electricals.

Dealing with electricity and electric appliances is risky. Electricity is a very dangerous energy form, so protecting yourself in case of unforeseen circumstances is crucial. If you dont know the first thing about electric appliances, save yourself the trouble.

  • Understanding of the pools requirements.

The pump isnt the only part of the pool that needs power. Peripherals like ozonators, ionizers, pool lights, and salt chlorine generators run on electricity and will need to plug into an outlet if applicable. Luckily, these extra devices are not critical and, if you choose to acquire them, they will not consume too much power.

  • The number of amps required

Amperage measures the amount of electricity that flows through the electric lines. You will need to know the exact amperage of the pump to get the appropriately sized breaker for the electric box and also to get the fitting wire that will run into the pools pump.

  • Follow NEC codes
  • Circuit breaker
  • Trench digging

The trench for the underground wire should 18 inches at the very minimum.

  • Obtain a timer

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General Rule Of Thumb And Pool Care Tips

Your pool filter pump is the cardiac muscle of your pool! The heart of the filtration system that circulates water to remove debris and distribute chemicals evenly throughout your pool water. When your pool filter pump works as intended, your water is left looking clean and clear. While every pool and pump is different, there are a few general principles and guidelines for pool filtration and the proper running of your pool pump.;

Why Is My Skimmer Lid Blowing Off

The most common cause would be air buildup in your filter. Air can get in there, either from taking the equipment apart for maintenance or through a suction side air leak. When the pump shuts off that air expands forcing the water back through your line, up through the skimmer and thats where the lid pops off.

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Ways To Save Money When Running Pool Pump

If you want to save money by reducing energy costs when running a pool pump, you should own a pool timer.

This device will allow you to run your pump in the right amount of time.

Another way to save pool maintenance costs when running a pool pump is to get the right pump.

According to pool experts, every pool pump fits a particular size and shape of a pool. For this reason, you should consider some factors when buying a pool pump.

Below are some of the things you should note before making a purchase:

  • Plumbing You should consider the layout of your pool plumbing, other devices, and distances. Ask for the original installer for these things to avoid future problems.
  • Pump efficiency Usually, pumps utilize 70% of the energy-related with pool maintenance cost. For this reason, choosing an energy-efficient pump helps to cut a considerable portion of the overall cost.
  • Pool volume You also need to consider the size of your pool as well as its shape to determine the volume of pool water that the pump will process.
  • Noise Also, consider the sound produced by your pool pump. If possible, buy a stealth pool pump, efficient and noise-free. If you are maintaining a residential pool, your neighbors will thank you later.
  • How Do You Figure Out Pool Pump In

    Leslie’s Pool School – How Long Should I Run My Pool Pump?

    You are lucky if you have the correct size pump for the volume of your pool that makes easy to the consumption of the pump. You can get the answer in your pumps manual. But if you buy it separately, you should calculate the volume of your pool water.

    It is not so tough to find out the correct solution. Firstly, you will calculate the volume of your pool.

  • This formula is for the rectangular pool:;multiply the length by width by depth by 7.5 to get the volume in gallons.
  • For circler pool:;Multiply diameter by the diameter by depth by 5.9 to get the total gallons.
  • For oval pools, the formula is:;Multiply the length by width by depth by 5.9 to get the right volume in total gallons.
  • There is another easy way to find a solution by using an online calculator.

    Calculate GPH

    When you know the volume of your pool water, you should find out the capacity of the pump or how long it will take to circulate that volume through your filter. After knowing this, you will run the pump to process the entire pool. But the easiest way to find this information is to check your owners manual and look for its gallons per hour rating. Some times you could not figure out the manual. So dont worry. Go online, search by its model, and find the pool equipment manuals.

    How Do I Calculate a Filtering Cycle?

    If you know your above ground pools volume and the pumps GPH capacity, it is easy to get the pumps run-time.

    Pool volume divided by GPH = turnover time.

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    Why Do You Need To Run The Pool Pump

    Your pool pump helps to pull water and circulate it through the filters which sieve out algae, debris, and bacteria. The pump filters clean and removes trash which is carried through the main drain and into a basket, where the wastes can be discarded. The pumps then circulate this sanitized water back to the pool. Running the pool pump also aids in the distribution of chlorine and the chemicals that are used to maintain the pools water ph.

    We Need More Power Captain

    On the flip side, you want to make sure your pump doesnt overwhelm the filtration system. If you hook up a fire engines pump youll cycle the entire pool in a half hour. Youll also blow up your filter.;

    Just like Goldilocks and the three bears, you have to find the perfect balance: not too hard and not too soft. Check your filter specs and see what kind of flow rate it handles and whats best for your system. It should all be in the manufacturers information.

    If everything isnt matching up, its time to do some math.;

    Is your pump not powerful enough to cycle through in an 8 hour period?;

    Or can your filtration system not handle the pressure?;

    If the answer to either of these questions is no, it may be time to look at upgrading one or both of those systems. Itll save you money in the long run.;

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    Running Your Pool Pump During Non

    Did you know the rate you pay for electricity changes throughout the day? Its based on what electric providers call peak hours, meaning when more people are using more power, and putting more strain on the grid.

    Peak hours vary from location to location. For example, in warmer climates, peak hours most likely correlate to when people have their air-conditioning cranked, maybe late afternoon or early evening when people are getting home from work and turning up the A/C.

    All it takes is a call to your provider to find out the peak hours where you live. Once you know that, try to schedule your pool pump run time around those hours to keep your cost lower.

    You can make this really easy on yourself by using a programmable pool timer to turn the pump on and off at the right times.

    Will A Variable Speed Pool Pump Save Me Money

    Top 10 Best Pool Pump Reviews & Guide for 2018

    Having a variable speed pool pump will certainly save you money in the long run as when it is running at a lower speed it will consume less electricity. In many instances savings are in excess of 50% so even with the increased cost of buying the pump initially it is easy to see that this cost will soon be recovered.

    If your existing standard pool pump is quite old then it is likely to be pretty inefficient too. So even if you were to run the variable speed pump on full for the same amount of time as the old one you will save money as new variable speed pumps are more efficient. But using the new pump at a lower speed at certain times will save even more.

    The generally accepted best variable speed pump is the Pentair 011028 IntelliFlo Variable Speed Pool Pump which can save up to 90% over standard pumps. It is quite a large investment but will pay for itself over time.

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    How Long Should You Run A Pool Pump In Winter

    The length of time you should run a pool pump in winter rather depends on the climate where you live. It is different if you live in a cold climate or a warmer one.

    If you live somewhere that can reach low temperatures and the water could freeze, then during those cold periods you really need to either winterize the pool or when the temperature may drop below freezing, run the pump to ensure the water in the pool and the pipes does not freeze.

    If you have a variable speed pump then some of these have a winter setting which turns the pump on when the temperature falls to a particular level.

    Where I live the minimum winter temperature at night is around 52 degrees Fahrenheit / 11 degrees Centigrade so I just leave the pump on an 8 hour timer all the time.

    Of course, the above assumes that you do not close your pool for the winter by lowering the water level and draining the pipework, pump, filter etc. If you do then the pump should not be run since there will be no water in the system.

    Operating Your Sand Filter

    The oldest and most popular method of filtration is sand. Sand filters use a special filter sand, normally .45 to .55 mm , because it has sharp edges that serve to separate particles, allowing filtration to take place. Sand filters are the least expensive of the three types of filters but only filters particles down to 20 to 40 microns in size. Operating your sand filter would require some knowledge but still one of the easiest ways to keep your pool clean.

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    Best Time Of Day To Run A Pool Pump: Night Or Day

    The time of day that you run your pump matters. To your pool and your wallet.

    Heres what we mean by that:

    Most people run their pumps during the day, while theyre swimming. And that makes sense, theres nothing wrong with that. Whats important is getting those 2 full cyles in.

    Of course, there are a few factors to consider when running your pool during the day.

    Without a cover on the pool, heat and water loss is at its highest during daylight. So if youre running your pump and not using a cover, start now. Itll save you money, reduce water loss, and improve heat retention.

    But the question still remains:

    Whats the best time of day to run a pool pump?

    If;you want the best water circulation at the lowest cost, run the pump at night.

    Running your pump at night is the best time for a few reasons:

    While its important to circulate your water at least a little bit during the daytime, running it at night is far more efficient.

    Electrical companies charge less for energy use during non-peak hours, which is typically between 9 pm and before 8 am.

    So to save and keep your pool looking clear, run the pump at night.

    Of course, theres a good chance that you might just be human every now and then and forget to turn on the pump before bed. Luckily, theres a tool for that.

    Calculating The Pool Volume

    How Long Should I Run My Pool Pump?

    You can find this information in your pool pump’s manual. However, it’s only if you bought the correct size of the pump for your pool. If you are not sure about the size comparison, I hope you don’t mind doing some math.

    The volume of a rectangular pool is calculated by multiplying the length by width by height. Then you convert the result into gallons by multiplying by 7.5.

    For a circular pool, multiply the diameter by diameter by depth. Convert to gallons by multiplying 5.9.

    To get the volume of an oval pool, multiply the length by depth by width and then by 5.9 to convert to gallons.

    A simple and versatile way is to use an online pool volume calculator.

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    What Is The Appropriate Length Of Time A Pool Pump Should Run

    It is ideal to run your pool pump for as long as it takes to circulate all of the pool water through the filtration system. This duration of time often depends on the size of your pool and pump. On average, pumps usually circulate the entire pool water within 8 hours. With some pumps and some pools, this could take up to 12 hours.;

    Are you unsure how long it will take your pool pumps to cleanse your swimming pool and distribute chlorine? You can use a pool pump calculator. Important information you need to know to do the math includes the volume of your pool. Most backyard pools have a capacity of 100,000 liters.;

    You also need to figure out the output of your pump. For that, you will need to find out the model number of your pool pump and the length of the pipe leading from the pools skimmers and the main drain to the pump. This figure together with the volume of the swimming pool can help you arrive at the length of time it would take to circulate the pool water;

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