The Best Time To Shock Your Pool
Shocking your pool should only be done after the sun has gone down, during dusk or twilight hours.
The unstabilized chlorine in pool shock has zero protection against the UV rays of the sun. Once it comes out to play, you can wave bye-bye to all the unstabilized chlorine in the pool.
So, when using chlorinated shock, always shock at night. This will also allow the pool to circulate the shock for a good 8+ hours, giving it plenty of time to fully clean the pool.
If youre using non-chlorine shock , you can shock the pool at any time of day and only have to wait 15 minutes before going back into the pool.
How Can I Tell If My Pool Needs Shock
As a rule of thumb, you should shock your pool every week, even if you dont think that it needs it. But, there are several instances when you should certainly shock your pool:
Shock your pool when you open it for the season to kill any bacteria or algae.
Shock your pool after heavy use or a party.
Shock your pool when its extremely hot and sunny. When the weather is too hot bacteria can grow and your chlorine level may lower.
Shock your pool after heavy rain because too much rain can increase pH levels and send contaminants into your pool.
Shock your pool if your smell chlorine or if swimmers eyes become irritated. If this happens it could mean that water has a build-up of chloramines. This is a clear indicator that your pool needs to be shocked.
Shock your pool when you close it. Although youll need to shock it again when you re-open your pool, its always a good idea to close your pool with clean water.
Some people also recommend that you shock your pool anytime the pH level is between 7.2 and 7.4,
Wearing Street Clothes In Your Pool
Listen, were no strangers to fashion-forward trends. We can rock the majestic weirdness of a romphim with the best of em. We even thought about picking up one of those Lady Gaga swan dresses for casual Fridays a few years back. But we draw the line at street clothes in pools.
Wearing your everyday duds in the pool can introduce chemicals, fibers, and other contaminants to your water. Plus, the chemicals in your water can actually ruin your clothes. Your water will be compromised, and everyone in the neighborhood will wonder why youre suddenly so into the tie-dyed look.
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What Is The Best Time Of Day To Shock A Swimming Pool
Shock your pool late in the evening or at night, when the sun is down, to make sure free chlorine will stay in your water longer. Ultraviolet rays from direct sunlight greatly reduces free chlorine levels, so shocking during the day will not be very effective.
If you absolutely must do it during daytime, use a chlorine stabilizer, such as cyanuric acid, to prolong the life the chlorine.
Ok Google Remind Me In
Theres no hard and fast rule regarding how often to shock a pool.
But there is a generally accepted guideline of once every 1 to 2 weeks to keep your pool water performing at its highest level.
As long as you stay on top of things, you shouldnt have any problems with unpleasantness when it comes to the state of your pools water.
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Best Time Of Day To Shock Pool
- Post author
One of the most critical parts of owning a pool is routine pool maintenance. In addition to getting rid of your pools dirt and debris, you must understand its chemistry. Without proper pool maintenance, your pool water may turn to a cloudy or green color resulting from a buildup of algae. This change in color is often an indication that the level of free available chlorine in your pool is too low to sanitize the pool properly. This is why you need to know how to shock your pool and when the best time of day to shock pool is.
How Often Should I Shock The Pool
Community Associations, Hotels, HOAs, and Private Residences
This is a great question. You have probably heard that you need to shock your pool once every seven to ten days with granular chlorine at a dose of one pound per 10,000 gallons or a jug of liquid, but is this true? The honest answer is, Maybe.. It honestly depends on the pool at your facility. If you have a heavy bather load, you may find that this is accurate, but, if your pool doesnt get a lot of use, you may go greater lengths of time. Keep in mind property conditions, foliage, and weather will also play a factor.
The one time a week thing is just a rule of thumb that was created for maintenance techs and pool-owners by folks who do not think you will put in enough effort to calculate your actual needs. We like to give people a bit more credit than that. The truth of the matter is, there is a test to see when you need to shock with chlorine.
All properties are not the same, and neither are their pools
A FAS DPD method will measure in smaller increments providing you with more precise measures and greater control of your chlorine chemistry
Total Chlorine Free Chlorine = Combined Chlorine
Total Chlorine Free Chlorine = Combined Chlorine
Combined Chlorine x 10 = Breakpoint Level
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You Just Opened Or Closed Your Pool
Shocking upon opening or closing a pool is a must.
When you open a pool for the season, you first need to balance the water properly. Once thats done, youll shock the pool to sanitize and oxidize it, simultaneously restoring clarity to the water.
At the end of pool season, youll need to shock it one final time to keep the pool sanitized during the months it wont be in use.
Dont Be Shocked You Made It
Now you know why, when, and how to shock a pool. There might be a little math involved, but arent occasional brain teasers good for your memory anyway? Were pretty sure thats true, but we may have forgotten.
Anyway, however you feel about the math, regularly using pool shock can prevent more work in the long run. Its one of the easiest ways to keep bacteria at bay, your water clear, and your pool time fun.
Happy Swimming!
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The Best Time To Shock A Pool
The best time of day to shock a pool is in the evening after the sun is down. This allows the pool chlorine time to spread out in the water and clean it before day-time temperatures reduce the effectiveness of the shock. Ultraviolet light reduces the effectiveness of chlorine.
Shocking the pool in the evening also allows you the opportunity to run the pool pump overnight to help distribute the shock around the pool and also this means that the pool will probably be safe to swim after shocking again the following day.
You should ensure that the chlorine levels have reduced enough to allow swimmers to return to the pool. My article How long after shocking a pool can you swim explains this in more detail.
What Is Pool Shock
Shock is a form of chlorine that is used to treat your pool. Pool shock is often referred to as a granular oxidizer. It can also be bought in a liquid form. The liquid form comes in a container similar to laundry bleach. It dissolves quickly because it is liquid and has no residue. You have to be careful when using liquid shock because if any gets on your clothes, it will bleach them.
Pool shock can also come in a granular form. This often has to be dissolved in water and then poured into your pool. The granular shock is often stronger than the liquid shock. Its often less expensive than liquid shock and tends to be the more popular form. Some granular shock is also poured directly into the pool depending on the type.
Some people prefer the liquid shock while others will use the granular shock. You can use either one, so it simply depends on preference and if you need a stronger product.
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How To Shock The Pool
When youre shocking a pool, the goal is to raise the free chlorine level of the pool water to roughly 10 times the combined chlorine level. Reaching this mark is the breakpoint chlorination.
Shocking a pool should be done at dusk. The sun will burn off unstabilized chlorine. Shocking your pool at night makes sure the chemicals work properly.
Here’s how to shock a pool:
- Test the water. You will need to check the pH level in your pool. Pool test kits can measure the FC and TC of your water. To find the CC of your pool, subtract the FC from the TC. This will let you know how much chlorine you need to add to the pool.
- Calculate the amount of shock you will need to mix. Refer to the amount indicated on the package of the shock chemical you plan to use.
- You can add some granular pool shock to your swimming pool directly, but most varieties need to be mixed with water before use. Mix the granular pool shock with water ahead of time, if necessary. This will save you time and help prevent calculation mistakes. Pre-mix the pool shock in a five-gallon bucket.
- Liquid pool shock is also available.
- Ensure the pool pump is running.
- Pour the mixture into the water, around the edges of the pool.
- Let the pump run for about six hours or more.
- Test the water to ensure proper chlorine levels.
- Dont use the pool right away. Wait for the free chlorine levels to drop to 1 to 3 ppm.
- Wear gloves and safety glasses while working with pool chemicals.
Adding Shock Directly Into The Pool Water
The chemical we call pool shock is basically concentrated chlorine. At high strength, chlorine can bleach anything that enters your pool. For example, it can turn black clothes pink and white clothes yellow if the concentration is too high.
Dont worryyou cant overshock your pool. But beyond fashion faux pas, adding shock directly to the pool water if you have a vinyl liner can be a disaster. The shock granules will sink the bottom and bleach out your liner. The bleached area becomes brittle and frail, causing leaks.
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How Often Should I Shock My Swimming Pool
Pool Shock is a type of chemical used to destroy bacteria and other organic contaminants in your swimming pool. Chlorine shock can be used to give your chlorine level a boost when it is very low. After using a chlorine-based shock, you should wait at least 8 hours before going back into the pool. Non-chlorine shock is a nice alternative and can be used as a supplement to your normal pool chemicals. With most non-chlorine shocks, you can swim again 15 minutes after shocking the water. Always make sure that the filter system is running while shocking the pool.
Some pool owners choose to shock their pools once every 1-2 weeks as normal maintenance. This is a great way to keep your chlorine level up and prevent algae growth.
In addition to your regular maintenance, common circumstances in which its a good idea to add shock to your pool water include:
Just remember At a minimum, be sure to shock your pool in any of the above situations. To be on the safe side, you may also consider shocking your pool every 1-2 weeks as a preventative measure. If youre utilizing a saltwater system with your swimming pool, its also a good idea to periodically shock your swimming pool if the chlorine levels are low.
Which Is The Best Chlorine Shock Sodium Hypochlorite Vs Calcium Hypochlorite
There are two common types of chlorine shockssodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite and each is used for a different purpose. Apart from these two, there are also other types of special pool shocks including:
- potassium peroxymonosulphate
- lithium hypochlorite
- dichloroisocyanuric acid
However, all these special shocks, including calcium hypochlorite, are not recommended for regular pool sanitization. This is because their continued use introduces other compounds in your pool water, including calcium, pH, and cyanuric acid, leading to increased levels of these chemicals in your water.
This article is mainly about two common shocks: sodium hypochlorite for daily chlorination and calcium hypochlorite for fighting algae during algae breakout.
The type of pool shock to use in your pool will depend on what you need to achieve, which may include clearing cloudy water, killing germs/bacteria, or fighting pool algae.
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Not Leveraging The Calcium Hardness In Your Pool Water
As with pH, balancing your waters calcium hardness is essential to a clear, clean, and safe swimming pool. And while you dont want too much because itll cloud the water, a little hardness is actually a good thing.
It helps extend the lifespan of things like vinyl liners, concrete, plaster, fiberglass, and filters.
When Pool Water Temperature Rises
Bacteria and other organisms such as algae thrive in warm water. In addition, the amount of free chlorine decreases with rising temperatures.
Most pools are kept at a comfortable level of 86-88 °F. The temperature should be lowered to a range of 78-84 °F if there are a lot of swimmers or if the pool is used for athletic activities. You can use a pool thermometer to measure water temperature.
If the temperature rises above the recommended levels, you should shock your pool.
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Your Pool Water Is Cloudy
Cloudy pool water is an important symptom to treat as it can be a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria, it can also damage your pool and circulation system.
It is important to be aware of any signs of cloudy water as it can quickly escalate, it can even appear overnight. This can be due to any issues with the sanitising chemicals, the pool’s circulation system, the pool’s water chemistry and algae.
Shocking Shouldnt Surprise You
It shouldnt shock you to hear that saltwater pools need much of the same maintenance that traditional pools do this means shocking your pool on a schedule.
The shocking process includes adding chlorine to a pool so that the chlorine levels are about three to five times higher than normal. The chlorine is left in the pool to ensure sanitization, and then when it has dissipated, the water is ready for swimming.
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How Often To Use Pool Shock
Having your own custom pool allows you to enjoy time with your family and friends and helps you beat the heat during scorching Tucson summers. In order to get the most use out of your swimming pool, you need to perform proper maintenance. Although features such as an in-floor cleaning system can keep your water clean for longer, adding pool chemicals is important to kill bacteria and keep your pool safe for swimming. Pool shock is a strong chemical that you will need to add to your pool every so often.
Some tips for how and when to use pool shock:
How Long Do You Have To Wait To Swim After You Shock A Pool
Before you can swim in the pool, wait for the amount of time recommended on the packageusually at least eight hours for chlorine-based shock treatments. You only have to wait as little as 15 minutes if you use non-chlorinated shock treatments.
To be safe, it’s best to measure the amount of free chlorine in your pool to make sure it is 3 ppm or slightly less before swimming. It is dangerous to swim in a pool with high chlorine concentration. If necessary, you can use chlorine reduction reagents.
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How To Tell If Your Pool Needs A Shock
In the rush and gush of life, we often tend to forget to take care of our surroundings. Pool maintenance is exceedingly important because you need to keep your water chemistry balanced and clean of algae and bacteria
Several pool owners are forgetful when it comes to keeping their pools pristine or maybe they just dont have the time or patience. But before you schedule the time, its predominant that you know when your pool needs cleaning and a good shock.
Numerous factors play a consequential role in determining when your pool needs a good cleaning. Its strenuous to decipher all of them so well just look into the ones that can be recognized undisputedly.
Excessive algae: Algae is found in different variations. While some are just toxic, others can be fatal and put you on your deathbed. Fortunately, the production of cyanobacteria makes it visible to the naked eye so you can take it out accordingly. They also produce a foul smell. So, if you cant see the bacteria, you will be able to smell it so be on alert at most times.
The normal chlorine volume in a pool is encircling 2 to 3 PPM. But, to get rid of all the algae and bacteria, you need to raise the level higher. The suggested level is at 10 or 12 PPM. At this level, no algae or bacteria will dare to survive in your pool.
Eye Irritation: If you jump into your pool and your eyes start stinging then you can be sure you need