How To Shock Your Intex Pool
Under normal conditions and for optimal sanitizing, the chlorine levels in your pool will be in the range of 13 ppm. But as chlorine in the water hammers away at contaminants and gets bound up with them, you need a way to recharge it. Regular doses of pool shock are the answer.
Shocking your pool breaks the bonds between your pools chlorine and the contaminants its attached itself to, freeing it to sanitize once more. Shocking your pool kills off bacteria and algae that might otherwise be setting up shop.
How often you shock depends on how often you use your pool, and the climate youre living in. We recommend shocking Intex pools every week, especially if youre having a heat wave or heavy rains. Heat and excess water can knock your chlorine levels to sub-par levels pretty quickly.
Use a pool shock with a decent amount of available chlorine, and run your filtration system after you shock your pool. The water might appear cloudy after you shock, but will clear as its filtered.
How To Open An Above Ground Pool
- |March 24, 2020
Its that time of year again: pool season. Lots of sunshine in the forecast and warmer weather is finally here.
All you want to do is jump in the pool for a refreshing dip but youve been avoiding the unavoidable: re-opening your above-ground pool after the winter season. Its just sitting out there, taunting you. The pool cover is a dirty puddle of rainwater and old leaves.
Youve been dreading it, but the time has come. The sooner you open your pool, the sooner you can get back to swimming and enjoying it! So don a floppy hat and slather on some sunscreen, were here to walk you through it step-by-step.
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Testing Your Sand Bottom
The weight of the water in the pool will help to compact the sand bottom underneath the liner. Generally it takes 5-10 days for the sand to be fully compacted and become hardened.
The first time you get in the pool to swim, gently feel the bottom of the pool to ensure the sand is sufficiently compacted. If the bottom is still soft, give it a few more days before walking around on the bottom.
***Country Leisure Pro Tip: Leaving footprints in the bottom of the pool will make it extremely difficult to vacuum your pool dont rush this step!
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How To Put Chemicals In Your Pool For The First Time
First time opening your pool? Congratulations! You’re about to have endless summers of fun and enjoyment. Before you can get to swimming, follow these steps to put chemicals in your pool for the very first time:
Pro Tip: Be sure to check your filter and return lines for damage, cracks, or leaks. If you have a sandfilter, add sand if needed. If you have a cartridge filter, check the cartridge and clean/replace asneeded.
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How Often Should I Shock My Above Ground Pool
Its often recommended to shock your pool once a week. If you dont do it every week, you should at least do it every other week. This is necessary to maintain your pools water chemistry. If you have a lot of people over in your pool or have a party, you may want to shock your pool more frequently.
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Should I Shock The Pool Before Closing
Absolutely. Shocking the pool with a granular oxidizer gives your pool water a good start to winter. It removes impurities and contaminants that could stain the pool or consume your winter water chemicals. If shocking with chlorine pool shock, add it 5-7 days before closing the pool, as very high chlorine levels can disrupt or destroy your winter algaecide or stain and scale chemicals. You can add Chlorine-Free Shock just hours before other pool closing chemicals, and it wont damage your winter pool cover.
Chemicals Needed To Open Your Pool
-pH level. The first thing to address chemically is the pH level of your Northville or Macomb MI pool because if its off in any way, theres nothing you can add or substitute that will get it to work properly. The proper pH level is firmly between 7.2 and 7.6. Chlorine is exponentially more effective at sanitizing the water in your pool when your pH level is at a proper amount.
Its unlikely that your pH level will be stable as soon as you add your water. Because most pool water contains so much alkaline, which calls for small doses of muriatic acid or dry acid. This will help to balance out the pH level. Once you added the amount called for in the instructions, keep an eye on it the next few days to make sure the pH level isnt fluctuating.
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Spring Pool Opening Chemicals
For pools that are covered and winterized, long periods of stagnation can affect your water balance, and by the time the pool cover comes off, winter algaecides and floaters are depleted.
What pool opening chemicals do I need is often asked by new pool owners, and a reply often given is that it depends on what type of pool you have, and what type of pool start-up is being done.
Step 1 – Water Balance First! Before adding any of your spring start up chemicals, its important to test and adjust all water balance parameters, so that your pool opening chemicals work at their best, and to prevent staining and scaling during treatment. Put away your start-up kit, and pull out your test kit verify that your pool chemical levels are within these ranges:
To adjust Calcium Hardness: Add Calcium Increaser to raise water hardness levels, and when too high, dilute with softer, fresh water. 3/4 lb. of Calcium Up will increase hardness by 10 ppm in 10,000 gallons of water.
To adjust Alkalinity:Add Alkalinity Increaser to raise total alkalinity levels and when too high, use pH Reducer. 1 lb. of Alkalinity Up will increase alkalinity by 10 ppm in 10,000 gallons of water, and 1 lb. of pH Down will reduce alkalinity by 10 ppm in 10,000 gallons of water.
Chemicals Needed To Start Your New Pool
So you just had a new above-ground pool added to your home and you are dying to test it out? Well, unfortunately, you probably wont be opening your pool tomorrow. Or the next day, or the next day, or the day after that. But whenever Mother Nature does finally allow us to open our pools this spring, youre going to need to make sure your pool has all the proper chemicals it needs, right off the bat. This not only keeps your pool fresh and healthy, but it keeps you and your family safe as well.
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Chemicals Are Vital For A Successful Pool Start Up
The chemicals for pool start up are really important for getting everything off on the right foot. Without doing this properly, your pool start up can turn into a lengthy ordeal.
However, to get this chemical balance right quickly, you need to have a clean pool. This cuts down on contaminates in your pool water and lets the chemicals work properly.
This can be a complicated job, which is why a lot of people use pool maintenance services for the start up and close down of their pools. This ensures your pool starts off right, and you can keep on top of chemical maintenance through the season.
Otherwise, you can sort the chemicals for pool start up yourself. However, it is going to take some precision and quite a few chemicals.
More pool cleaning tips at YOUR tips:
Is Liquid Chlorine The Same As Chlorine Tablets
Unlike liquid chlorine solutions that are nothing more than chlorine mixed into water, chlorine tablets are typically composed of chlorine and a stabilizing component which is usually cyanuric acid or CYA. The tablets add not just chlorine but also CYA into the water and this, in itself, is not a bad thing.
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Clean Up Debris And Check For Wear And Tear
Before you open your pool, take some time to survey the area around your pool. Trim overgrown trees and hedges. Sweep away nearby leaves. Check your for damage, wear, and tear and address any issues before you open your pool for the season. Be sure to clean and repair any deck furniture so that it is safe for use. You should also check pool equipment like safety rails, slides, rescue equipment, ladders, and diving boards.
Upgrade To An Intex Salt System
Why settle for a pool when you can rule your own tiny sanitized sea? Stop adding chlorine to your pool and convert your Intex pool with a salt generator system.
The Intex saltwater system is a two-stage mechanism that pulls the salts chlorine out in the first stage, and then creates powerful, pool-sanitizing oxidizers from salt water in the second.
With this system installed, you add salt to your pool instead of chlorine. The salty water then runs through the generator, producing a steady flow of chlorinated water. The second stage, called electrocatalytic oxidation, pulls compounds out of the water that work in concert with the chlorine to kill bacteria and algae. Poseidon himself would be hard pressed to do a better job.
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Top 5 Tips For Maintaining An Above Ground Pool
Above ground pools are a great option for many different reasons. They are affordable, dont take too long to install, they can fit in small areas and they are mobile. Another benefit from having an above ground pool is how easy maintenance can be, if you are doing it right.
Need some advice?
Where To Buy Intex Pool Chemicals
We highly recommend getting your Intex pool chemicals from They carry the widest array of pool supplies that you can likely find online.
One of the best reasons to buy pool chemicals from Amazon is the capability to use the subscribe feature. By subscribing to a product on Amazon, you can set up a recurring order at the interval you choose. So, for example, if you know you need chlorine tablets each month, you can just set a subscription and your chlorine tablets will arrive each month on the day you choose. Its very convenient for pool owners since you don t have to drive up to your local store to get your pool supplies.
HEREis a link to some of the best pool chemicals on Amazon right now.
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Do Above Ground Pools Need Chemicals
Having a pool in your backyard is amazing in the summertime, but not everyone can afford to install one. One viable alternative to a traditional in-ground pool is an above ground pool. Theyre faster, easier, and cheaper to install, but they do still require significant maintenance. People in the market for their first above ground pool may find themselves wondering: Do above ground pools need chemicals?
Here well take a look at the necessary maintenance to take care of the water in an above ground pool. Even though its not as expensive as a real pool, you still want to protect your investment. Making sure the water is nice and fresh to swim in is vital.
What Chemicals Are Needed For A Pool Start Up
When youre finding the chemicals you need for a pool start up, it all starts with your water.
Ideally, you should have properly cleaned your pool prior to filling it back up. Going through a full pool cleaning before filling it back up will cut down on contaminants in your water, equally a pool maintenance service can ensure chemically balanced water on start-up.
If you are filling from a freshwater source, it isnt going to be perfect pool water. It would be a bit ridiculous to use entirely purified water too, so this is something youre going to have to deal with.
The first thing that you need to do is test your water. While you can do this with a small test, it is better to go all-in with a full water test.
You need to know exactly what it is that youre working with if you want to start your pool up right.
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Start With The Basics
Before you dive in, take some time to get to know your Intex pool. Figure out how and when youll be lavishing all this tender lovin care on your new pool. If youre a new pool owner, familiarize yourself with the three Ts of pool ownership: Tools, Techniques, and Terminology.
You dont have to enroll in a night class at the learning annex, but developing a solid understanding of what your pool needs is the first step to enjoying it safely. Plus, you wont have to listen to your weird neighbor making fun of you for wearing the skimmer as a hat.
How Soon After Filling A Pool Can You Swim
Wait about 20 minutes after adding balancing chemicals to your newly filled pool, and you should be good to swim. Calcium chloride If you have hard water issues, its advised to wait about 2-4 hours before swimming after adding calcium chloride to soften your pools wateror until one filter cycle has been completed.
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Intex Pool Care: 7 Tips
Above Ground Pool Accessories
These fun accessories are really self-explanatory, so we arent going to spend a lot of time on them.
There are a lot of accessories that can actually make your life easier as far as maintaining your above ground pool . In most cases, you will be provided with basic maintenance equipment when you purchase your pool, but its important to know there are variations of this equipment and differing levels of these tools.
Once your pool is installed and you start to see what you need help with, then you can upgrade or add to your equipment. For example, if leaves are a problem in keeping your pool clean, there are specifically designed leaf vacuums and even a bracket & net you can install on your wall that will collect the leaves before they drop to the bottom. This will help prevent algae from having something to bloom on and you winding up with a bright green pool.
On the vacuum heads, you will discover there is a wide variety to choose from. There are different vacuum heads you can upgrade to that will cover more surface area as you vacuum, or ones that will brush the pool floor as you vacuum, helping you collect more of the fine dirt/dust from the bottom.
If the thought of vacuuming anything else around your home makes you cringe, there are robotic vacuums that are essentially a self-contained unit. You simply plug them in and turn them on and they will vacuum the pool while you are at work or sleeping at night very similar to a Roomba!
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