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How To Fix Cloudy Green Pool Water

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What Causes A Cloudy Pool

How to fix a cloudy, green pool?

Because there are many possible causes of cloudy pool water, accurate water testing is the first step in fixing a cloudy pool. This pool had a heavy swimmer load over the summer months, which led to poor water balance. After water testing and identifying incorrect chlorine levels, the solution to fixing this cloudy pool was easy. This pool was looking miserable because of malfunctioning equipment, but now its sparkling and ready to swim in.

Is It Dangerous To Swim In A Cloudy Pool


Frankly speaking, there is more than one reason why you shouldnt swim in a cloudy pool.

To start with, if youre a struggling swimmer, chances of you getting drowned will increase multifold in a cloudy pool as you wouldnt be able to see the base of the pool, and thus, you might end up misinterpreting the depth of the pool.

Secondly, one of the reasons for the pool water to become cloudy is the presence of bacteria and pathogens, and as a result, you might suffer from some health problems including urinary tract infections, skin problems, eye irritation, etc.

Lastly, a cloudy pool isnt a hygienic place to swim as the water might contain a high amount of debris, sediments, sweat, urine, etc.

Can You Use Baking Soda To Clear Up A Cloudy Pool

NO! Baking soda is a base and will hugely increase the level of pH, which actually causes the water to turn cloudy. Some people may suggest using baking soda as a quick fix if alkalinity is high, but it is not a reliable pool chemical. Chlorine should be the only substance used to clear a cloudy pool.

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Can I Use Algaecide To Clear Cloudy Pool Water

You can use algaecide to kill early stages of green algae that might make your water appear cloudy, but the best method of getting rid of algae is to scrub and clean your pool using a large leaf net, vacuum, and kill algae with liquid chlorine shock.

You should only use algaecide once in a while for preventive measures and when green algae is just starting to show upit is not useful when algae outbreak is immense and very visible.

Furthermore, if you have full green, black, or yellow algae, you may end up using a lot algaecide, which can be very expensive and the best result is not guaranteed like when you use liquid chlorine. Some algaecides may also cause foaming or deposit copper metal in your water when used in large quantities.


Overnight Chlorine Loss Test

How to Fix Cloudy Pool Water

Once your water is crystal clear, you may think that you are done. This is where many people go wrong and have green water again within a matter of days. The only way to know that you have killed all of the algae in your pool is to perform an overnight chlorine loss test. Two factors will cause the chlorine in your pool to lower: direct sunlight and algae. By performing this test overnight, you are eliminating the sunlight factor to determine if there are any remaining algae in the water.

Record your free chlorine test in the evening after the sun has set. Before the sunrise, test the levels again. If the free chlorine has stayed the same or dropped by less than 1, you have passed the test. If not, then you will need to keep S.L.A.M.-ing.

If you are done, you will need to let chlorine levels drop down to your pools normal range before letting anyone swim. It would be good to keep checking all of the chemical levels at this point. Sometimes shocking can throw the pool out of equilibrium, so make sure your chemistry is balanced before letting anyone swim.

If you have any more questions about fixing your green pool water, this video by our friends at Swim University is very detailed and helpful.

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Why Is My Pool Water Still Green After Shocking

Why is My Pool Water Still Green After Shocking? There could be many explanations for your pool remaining green after multiple shocking efforts. Our List could help you find out why.

  • Your pool chemicals are not balanced and therefore the chlorine will not be able to work effectively.
  • For example, if the pH is too high , then the chlorine will be 80% ineffective and unable to kill the algae. Make sure that all of your pool chemicals are balanced.
  • Some people only follow the shock dosage provided on the label of the container, and this is not enough for the S.L.A.M. method.
  • Follow our instructions above to figure out how much shock you will need. Killing algae takes much more chlorine than regular weekly shock treatment.
  • If you are using Algaecide, just know it will not clear a green pool. It is more effective as a preventative measure than as a treatment to kill algae.
  • Use algaecide regularly once your pool is clear again to make sure you do not have another algae bloom.

How To Clean A Green Pool Fast

Just Imagine that feeling of accomplishment youre going to have! After reading this article youre going to be a master at getting the green out of your pool. No longer will you spend money or waste time with pool cleaners. Here at USA Pool Direct, we want to teach you everything youll need to properly maintain a pool. Today we are going to start with getting the green out of your pool.

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Basic Chemical Requirements For Clear Pool Water

Just to summarize, these are three basic chemical requirements for a pool that stays clear.

  • Free chlorine: Unless the water has a sufficient free chlorine level, algae will grow and make your pool green and cloudy.
  • Correct pH: For normal use, your pools pH should be between 7.4 and 7.6: for shocking, it should be between 7.2 and 7.6. Shocking a pool with too high pH will cause cloudiness.
  • Correct alkalinity: The right range of alkalinity makes pH and chlorine levels easier to maintain.
  • Deep Clean Your Filter

    How To Clear Up Green/Cloudy Swimming Pool Water | Short Version

    Make sure that you clean your pool filter on the first day of the shock process. Algae can also build up in the filter and cause regrowth after you think you have killed it all. You should be running your filter throughout the entire S.L.A.M. process. If your shock process takes multiple days, then make sure to clean your filter every day to remove the buildup from the dead algae. If you need more help on deep cleaning your filter than you should check out our pool filter blog. Visit How To Backwash a Pool Filter.

    Also Check: Cost To Convert Chlorine Pool To Salt Water

    Getting Ready To Treat The Pool

  • 1Test your swimming pool water. Use a chemical test kit to test the chlorine and pH levels and determine the extent of the problem. When chlorine levels drop below 1 ppm, it can cause algae to grow in the pool, turning the pool water green. When this happens it is necessary to “shock” the water with chemicals to kill the algae and return the pool to normal chlorine levels.XResearch source
  • Proper pool maintenance, including having working filters and making sure your pool’s chlorine and pH levels remain steady, can prevent algae from growing in the first place.
  • Algae is constantly growing, so letting your pool sit without maintenance for even a few extra days might create a green pool water situation.
  • 2 Balance the pool chemistry. Before treating the pool, balance the pH by adding either an acid or a base to bring the level to just around 7.8. This is at the high end of the range you would normally want in your pool, but that’s necessary when you’re treating it for algae. Here’s how to balance the pH:XResearch source
  • Turn on your pump so the chemicals will circulate throughout the pool.
  • Correct the pH level by either increasing the pH with sodium carbonate or decreasing it with sodium bisulfate.
  • Scrub especially well in areas where you can see algae buildup. Try to break it all up so that the pool gets thoroughly clean.
  • If you have a vinyl pool, use a nylon scrub brush. Wire brushes might damage vinyl pools, but may be used on plaster pools safely.
  • Quick Dos And Donts List

    • For the Sake of the pool, please do not rush! if you follow our guide and use the right kind of supplies you can have a clear pool in 24-48 hours.
    • Do Not Use Bleach or Baking Soda as a replacement for proper chlorine or chemicals. Not only are these not as strong, but they can do major damage to your pool and equipment.
    • Please do realize, all these Methods we have given you in this blog will work for above and inground pools.
    • Please Feel Free to contact our experts at USA Pool Direct if you have any questions or concerns cleaning your pool at 855-737-8983.

    Now you have all the tools and knowledge to clean your green pool fast, you are the expert. Never again will you be caught calling a pool cleaner and spending too much. If you have any further questions regarding algae, chemical balancing, or pool maintenance at large, please feel free to comment below or contact our pool experts at 855-737-8983.

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    How Often Do You Shock Your Pool

    As a pool owner, youll agree with me that at times the best solution to deal with a green pool or a cloudy one is to shock it.

    At times, a higher level of chlorine is preceded by a strong chlorine odor, and if that is the case with your pool then definitely, you should opt for the shock method.

    The good thing about the shocking process is that it will increase the chlorine up to 10 ppm, and you must be aware of the fact that a very high dose of chlorine would lead to the breakdown of dangerous chloramines which are the main culprit for that unwanted and irritating pool smell.

    Another benefit that you can reap from a higher level of chlorine is that it will kill bacteria and algae present in both water and the pools filter system.

    But, shocking also comes with a drawback, and yes you guessed it RIGHT.

    Shocking your pool can be the cause behind the cloudy pool water if youve recently expedited the process.

    At times, it has been found that cloudiness is temporary and goes away with time.

    But, if that is not the case, then definitely, you need to run your pools filter in order to clear away debris, and other particles that might be causing the water to become cloudy.

    Most importantly, the condition of your pools water before the shocking is expedited is also responsible to a great extent that whether or not the water will become cloudy afterward.

    For a successful expedition of shocking it is really important that the pH falls in the range of 7.2 and 7.4.

    Swimming Pool Design Construction Refurbishment And Servicing

    Fix Cloudy Pool Water Fast

    London Swimming Pool Company is an award-winning swimming pool design and construction company providing bespoke outdoor, indoor, basement and specialist pools. We also refurbish and revitalise older pools and spas. In addition, our outstanding team of engineers offer comprehensive swimming pool and spa servicing and maintenance. Everything you need from Londons premier swimming pool company.

    Whether youre looking for a new swimming pool, a pool refurbishment or a reliable servicing and maintenance contractor, call our friendly team on 020 8605 1255 for an initial discussion.

    Don’t Miss: How To Raise Free Chlorine In Pool

    Treating A Cloudy Pool Isnt Hard But It Can Be Complicated

    The most important thing to know is, why the pool went cloudy in the first place. And to do this, we use a computerised water test. After analysing the water test results, buy the chemicals recommended for your type of pool, follow the process here, and you can return to swimming as soon as possible.

    Step one

    Add the chlorine, the algaecide and the clarifier to three different areas of your pool. Remember, these chemicals can discolour the pool surface if left to settle. So make sure they are well dissolved into your pool.

    Step two

    Test Your Chemicals Part Two

    Whether you needed to top off your pool with a garden hose or not, you should take this moment to rebalance your chemicals again, and especially keep an eye on your pH and alkalinity. If theres one thing that a green pool makes glaringly evident, its that algae can mess up your chemicals. Seriously.

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    Vacuum And Run The Filter After

    The shocking process can take multiple days depending on the algae in your pool. For this reason, you will need to keep up with vacuuming and brushing your pool each day. Brush the walls of the pool to dislodge any algae that you missed with the first brushing. Vacuum the bottom to get rid of all the dead algae that have settled on the bottom.

    How Do I Fix Cloudy Pool Water In My Above Ground Pool

    Cloudy Pool Water: Here’s how to fix it

    Fix Cloudy Pool Water: Well, in this post, Ill walk you through some of the most effective ways that would help you in getting rid of cloudy pool water during an epigrammatic span of time.

    Moreover, I can affirm that once youre done with reading this comprehensive guide on fixing a cloudy pool, you would AGAIN be able to see the base of your swimming pool.


    You dont have to spend hours getting rid of your cloudy pool.

    In fact, weve done all the hard work, all you need to do is to expedite the steps that we would be discussing in this exclusive and comprehensive guide.

    Does it make sense?

  • Wrapping Up | How Do I Fix Cloudy Pool Water In My Above Ground Pool
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    Is It Safe To Swim In A Green Water Pool

    Short answer it depends.

    Lakes contain a full ecosystem, complete with aquatic life that feeds on bacteria and toxins. This makes swimming in green water in nature safe. However, the alga is a superfood to more than just humans. This superfood is attractive to bacteria and parasites. These microbes can enter the body through the nose, eyes, ears, mouth, or a tiny cut. In this situation, it is less safe to swim in green pool water the darker the green gets. This is why regular chemical testing is so important this is also the easiest green water to prevent.

    Should the green be due to pollen, there may be little to do in the way of minimizing the discoloration short of erecting a building around the pool. Fortunately, assuming there are no allergies to the pollen, it is safe to swim in a pool with that as the cause for green water.

    Clean Or Replace The Filter

    Open your sand or D.E. filter and thoroughly clean it. If you havent performed this operation in a while, now may be a good moment to replace it with a new one. Note that this step is essential, otherwise, all of your work could have been in vain. The large residue could clog it and make the filtration inefficient, and this is exactly what can make your water turn milky again.

    Check out our best above-ground pool kits. All the models are designed for quick installation and are compatible with a saltwater generator. Get a new pool for your family the easy way.

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    Cause #: Imbalanced Pool Chemicals

    If, like me, you didnt pay attention in your school chemistry lessons, it could just be a chemical imbalance in the water.

    Having too much of one chemical or not enough of another is your fast-track ticket a cloudy pool, so checking your pool chemistry for high pH, total alkalinity and chlorine levels is always a good place to start. Balance is key.

    Got a cloudy pool after opening? If youve peeled back that pool cover after a long winter only to find a mist of cloud has found itself into your pool, it means you didnt winterize correctly. In that case, youd need to go through the same steps of testing and balancing Im about to go over.

    Is Your pH Level Right?

    The best pH level for your pool water is somewhere between 7.2 and 7.6 on the pH scale, which happens to be slightly alkaline.

    Your water wont turn cloudy simply because your pH level is outside of this range, but it will prevent your pool chemicals from doing their job properly, causing particles to linger which will eventually lead to a cloudy pool.

    Measuring your pools pH level is pretty straightforward using a decent test kit, so make sure you do that weekly to stay on top of any sudden changes.

    If youre looking for a reliable pool test kit, I recommend this one:

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    Is Your Chlorine Level Right?

    Is Your Alkalinity Level Too High?

    Test The Water For Ph And Alkalinity

    Green to Clean: How to Clear Up a Green and Cloudy ...

    Using test strips or a liquid test kit, test the pH and alkalinity levels. Note the levels as youll refer to them later.

    If you want to, you can also note the chlorine level. Were willing to bet its going to be too low or even nonexistent. If the sanitizer level was where it should be, you wouldnt be dealing with algae. It also wont matter once you get to the next step.

    Note: Testing the water could be the first step. If youd rather test, then vacuum, then brush, go for it. It wont affect the algae removal process.

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