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Are Hot Tubs Good For Arthritis

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Other Hot Tub Health Benefits

Treat Knee Surgery and Back Injuries w/ a Hot Tub

In addition to helping those suffering from arthritis pain, hot tubs also provide many benefits for all others who use them too. As previously stated, the hot water reduces joints inflammation, improving mobility. This is also beneficial for those who have experienced an injury or for elderly individuals.

The warm water and the jets of a hot tub also have been known to reduce anxiety and stress. Because they are a relaxing environment overall, this might not come as much of a surprise. But did you know hot tubs can also improve sleep? By using a hot tub regularly, many people have found that they are not only able to fall asleep quicker but stay asleep for longer.

The massage jets of a hot tub, of course, play a large role in several benefits on the list. Relief from back pain is a big one. Regardless of where you may experience pain in your back, using the massage jets of a hot tub will likely help ease your pain. With Hydropools range of jet placements and settings, you can be sure youre getting a targeted, effective massage every time. If youd like to learn more about this jet technology, you can contact a local hot tub dealer in your area. In addition to the physical benefits of using a hot tub, there are numerous mental health benefits. Overall, spending some time in a hot tub every day improves overall wellness and can benefit everyone in some way.

Hot Tub Hydrotherapy For Arthritis

Posted by Nick Clamp in Buying on 23rd December 2021

More than 10 million people have arthritis or similar conditions that affect the joints in the UK today.

Soaking in a hot tub can provide arthritis sufferers with much-needed relief from muscle tension, stiff joints, and even severe pain.

If you or a loved one suffers with joint swelling and pain of any kind not just osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis then a daily soak in a home spa could be just what the doctor ordered.

Heres a quick rundown of the many benefits hot tubs can bring to those unfortunate enough to suffer from arthritis.

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Is A Hot Tub Good For Arthritis Pain

One of the things that Ienjoy most about my hot tub is the way that it can really soothe awaymy aches and pains after a long, hard day. After working out at thegym for an hour or two, theres nothing more wonderful than feelingthe warm water helping my sore joints and muscles. While I wasrelaxing in my hot tub a couple of days ago, I wondered whether itwould have the same effect on arthritis pain. After all, arthritis isan incredibly common problem, and finding ways to ease the sufferingis paramount for many people. With this in mind, I decided to do abit of research to answer this question

Is a hot tub good for arthritis pain? Hot tubs can offer a valuable source of relief for arthritis sufferers, easing the soreness in the joints that can be so difficult to cope with. More people are now turning to the comfort that a hot tub can bring rather than relying on pain relief medications which can be addictive and have unwanted side effects.

So, why are hot tubs so useful for reducing the pain associated with arthritis? How can arthritis sufferers maximise the benefits that using a hot tub can bring? I was surprised to discover that there are many health benefits to being in your hot tub and its much more than just bubbling water!

Why Are Hot Tubs SoGood For Arthritis Pain?
How Should I BeginUsing A Hot Tub For Arthritis Pain?
Can A Hot Tub Help Arthritis Sufferers In Any Other Ways?

How Can I Get Maximum Benefit From My Hot Tub?

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Tips On Using Cold Therapy For Ra

  • Use a bag of frozen peas, wrap ice in a thin towel, or use commercially available cold gel packs for cold therapy.
  • Avoid applying ice or cold packs directly to the skin use a towel or cloth between the cold device and the skin.
  • To avoid frostbite, do not apply cold for more than 15 minutes at a time.
  • Allow your skin to return to normal temperature and color before using cold again.

If youre using one of these hot or cold methods and it doesnt bring relief, or it seems to make the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms worse, talk to your doctor.

Just so you know, Everyday Health may earn commissions from the shopping links included in this article.

Tips For Safe Use Of Hot Tubs For Arthritis

Are Hot Tubs Good For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hot tubs have the potential to be dangerous, especially when they are used by someone who suffers from arthritis. So, its important to know how to safely use a hot tub. Use the following list for tips:

  • Be careful. Being that people who have arthritis deal with stiffness and pain, its imperative to take your time when entering and exiting the tub. It takes one slip to end up with a grave injury. If your hot tub does not have a rubber coating at the bottom, consider adding one. You could also place a rubber mat just outside of the tub.
  • Sip water as you soak. Whenever you soak in hot water, dehydration is a real risk. So, as you soak, have a cup of water on the side and sip throughout your session. This can easily prevent dehydration.
  • Dont let it get too hot. Pay attention to the heat setting on your hot tub. If the temperature of the water goes higher than 104 degrees, you could experience nausea, dizziness, or you could even pass out from heat exhaustion.
  • Pay attention to how you feel. If you begin to feel odd, or experience any new symptoms while youre in a hot tub, get out immediately.
  • Keep the tub clean. If you dont keep your hot tub clean, bacteria and mold could build up and get into your system. If this happens, you could become very sick.

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Tips For Arthritis Massage

Before seeking massage for arthritis, consult your doctor to ensure that this type of therapy is safe for you. With his or her approval, you can enjoy natural relief from the aches, pains, and stress of arthritis.

To reduce arthritis symptoms, a moderate-pressure massage is best5. Light pressure can be stimulating rather than relaxing, and strong pressure may be painful on already-sensitive tissues and joints. Talk to your massage therapist to adjust the pressure so you get the most out of the treatment.

In addition, consider climbing into a Jacuzzi® Hot Tub for a soothing hydromassage. Adjust the intensity of the PowerPro® jets to suit your sensitive joints and muscles, including hard-to-reach areas such as the neck and back. You can also enjoy a pulsing massage to the small muscles in your hands and wrists.

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Relaxation And Relief Awaits

Today, Jacuzzi® Brand hydromassage combines the buoyancy of water to reduce joint pressure, warmth to ease pain and Aqualibrium®the perfect mix of air and waterto deliver a jetted massage that increases circulation and targets discomfort. This mix makes a Jacuzzi® hot tub the ideal place for those with arthritis to not only relax, but also exercise without pain and increased mobility.

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Increases Circulation In The Body

If you have arthritis, you know how painful joints cause decreased mobility, leading to a more sedentary lifestyle.

The more sedentary you become, the more circulation decreases, and inflammation increases. The combination of heat and massaging jets that hot tubs provide helps increase circulation in your body.

This increase in circulation is known to reduce inflammation and improve mobility as well as joint flexibility. Some people report that the benefits can last for hours after engaging in hot tub therapy.

Hydrotherapy Promotes Weight Loss

5 Hot Tub Health Benefits

Reduced activity due to physical pain often leads to weight gain. In turn, more weight adds further stress to sore joints and muscles causing more pain, leading to less activity and possibly more weight gain. To break this vicious cycle, millions of people have turned to hydrotherapy.

When soaking in a hot tub or swim spa, the buoyancy of the human body in water naturally relieves the strain of gravity. For reasons already mentioned, heated water triggers a cascade of beneficial activity in the body. And by mimicking the effects of mild aerobic exercise, hydrotherapy helps obese individuals gently transition into exercise on dry land, without overwhelming their body. As an added benefit, the heat shock proteins mentioned earlier have been linked to improved insulin function, a promising benefit for those with type 2 diabetes.10

Of course, diet plays an important role too. Foods which aggravate arthritis symptoms often promote weight gain as well. So following a healthy diet recommended by your healthcare provider can serve to reduce pain, encourage weight loss, and provide more nutritious energy to engage in physical activity. All the while, regular hot tub use promotes better circulation, lower blood pressure, and a brighter, more refreshed sense of well-being. And a better mood will likely help you avoid unhealthy comfort foods.11

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Hot Tub Massage Functions

If you have a hot tub that comes with massaging jets, you can maximize the benefits of a hot water soak. You may experience a greater degree of pain relief with using the hot tub massage functions than you would if you soaked without them.

Note: Not everyone will experience the same degree of arthritis symptom relief from hot tub hydrotherapy.

How Hot Tubs Can Assist With Easing Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that affects over 1.3 million adults in America. This degenerative disease attacks the cartilage and tissue in the joints, making it debilitatingly painful to perform many everyday tasks. It can also spread beyond the joints to the skin, blood vessels, eyes, lungs and heart. Most sufferers report a painful swelling of their jointsthe disease is inflammatoryand stiffness.

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor has likely prescribed exercise, stretching and weight loss to help you cope with the pain. In addition to your doctors recommendations, hot tubs can help ease rheumatoid arthritis pain in Lubbock, TX. Heres why purchasing your own backyard hot tub could make your life more comfortable:

Dealing with chronic pain and inflammation is difficult, but a hot tub can help with easing these symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in Lubbock, TX. If youre interested in finding the right hot tub for your needs, pay a visit to Alcoe today.

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Easing Rheumatoid Arthritis With Hot Tub Exercises

There is no denying that performing hot tub exercises can help you gain flexibility, increase range of motion, and decreasing inflammatory response. By practicing the above exercises, you can help lower rheumatoid arthritis pain, as well as alleviate stress.

Contact us to learn more hot tub exercises that help those with rheumatoid arthritis pain.

Determining The Perfect Hot Tub Temperature

Are Hot Tubs Good For Psoriatic Arthritis

Another thing that historically dries out the skin is hot water. That is why my dermatologist always chastises me to stop taking long, hot showers. But, like with chlorine, there can be some benefit if it isnt too hot. I opt to turn the water down to 99-100 degrees Fahrenheit before I get in.

Usually, hot tubs are set anywhere from 102-105, but the lower temperature is still comfortable without risking too much drying. I also limit myself to 15 to 20 minutes in one sitting. This is just enough time to soften up my scales and gives me the ability to easily remove them after I get out.

For those really thick areas, this helps so I can get any ointments or sprays down to the right levels of my skin.

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Always Protect Your Joints

The main thing Dr. Reininger teaches patients is to protect their jointseven patients who are currently symptom-free. That means always thinking about your joints, even when youre doing small tasks, she says.

Take lifting a heavy pot, for exampleinstead, slide it across the counter. Other options include using a shoulder to open a door rather your hand and holding books in the palm of your hands, not with your fingers.

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Testing Hot And Cold Treatments For Arthritis

You should test hot and cold therapy treatment methods to see what works best for your particular pain. For instance, it’s important to never apply heat to a joint that already feels hot, red, and irritated. Also, never apply cold to a joint that’s already stiff and immobile. Remember, heat relaxes muscles, and cold helps minimize inflammation, pain, and swelling.

It’s also wise to be careful when using hot and cold therapy to manage your arthritis pain to prevent damage to your skin from chronic exposure to extreme temperatures. Closely monitor your skin condition when testing different types of hot and cold therapy methods.

The following are some guidelines to follow when using heat therapy devices like a heating pad, heat pack, moist towel soaked in hot water, a warm water soaking session, or a hot water bottle.

  • Be sure temperatures are never unbearably high to prevent burns to the skin.
  • Put a cloth or towel between your skin and the heat source
  • Never apply heat to skin that is cut or injured
  • Limit heat applications to 20 minutes or less

Here are some guidelines for safely using cold therapy devices such as cold packs, bags of frozen vegetables, or bags of ice.

After applying heat or cold to your skin, continuously monitor your skin condition for any signs of damage like changes in color, rashes, or blisters.

Alternating between hot and cold therapies can deliver excellent arthritis pain benefits, but only as long as each one is used correctly.

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hot Tub

To maximize your hot tub hydrotherapy results, keep these helpful hints in mind:

Keep the Temperature Moderate

As tempting as it might be to crank your hot tub to its maximum temperature of 104°F, you wont be doing your joints any favors. Studies have shown that warm rather than hot water is most beneficial to those with arthritis. The ideal hot tub temperature for easing joint pain is 100°F.

Use Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, also known as essential oil therapy, helps promote relaxation while offering relief from stress and anxiety. Peppermint is one of the best essential oils for arthritis because it quickens the circulation, bringing healing blood flow to sore muscles and joints. Lemon, lemongrass and chamomile are also known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Before using any aromatherapy products in your spa, be sure to ask your local dealer which products are compatible with your hot tubs water care system. Whatever you do, dont use essential oils in your hot tub. They can clog the filters, cause an imbalance in the water and lead to other problems.


Arthritis is known not only for the pain it causes but for limiting the range of motion. One of the best ways to stay limber is by stretching in your hot tub.

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How Can My Hot Tub Help Ease Joint Pain

Therapy Hot Tubs

When natural remedies were the only available options, warm-water immersion was the best solution for muscle and joint pain. Many hundreds of years later, its still considered a very effective treatment for a wide range of musculoskeletal issues and a hot tub is one of the most convenient ways to get it.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, Regular sessions in your hot tub keep joints moving. It restores and preserves strength and flexibility and also protects your joints from further damage.

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Therapeutic Hot Tub Benefits

A study in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences outlined the therapeutic benefits of using a hot tub, which range from relieving pain points from the bottoms of your feet to the strained muscles of your neck to healing certain health issues. Some therapeutic benefits of hot tubs include:

  • Minimizing arthritis pain: The most common symptoms of arthritis are pain, inflammation and stiffness of the joints, ligaments or tendons. The controlled temperature and pressure of hot tubs offer a natural option to minimize those symptoms and relax muscles without the side effects of medication.
  • Lowering blood sugar levels: The heat in hot tubs helps dilate blood vessels to improve blood flow so more nutrient-rich blood reaches your muscles, effectively reducing your blood sugar level. The increase in blood flow is especially beneficial for people with diabetes, as some studies have shown that regular dips in a hot tub actually reduced blood glucose levels for some patients.
  • Relieving fibromyalgia pain: Hot tub jets stimulate circulation. As blood flow increases, the muscles begin to loosen, which makes it much less painful to move around.
  • Reducing stress and anxiety: Spending time relaxing alone or with close friends or loved ones can help with concentration and the release of endorphins, known to be mood elevators, that reduce anxiety.
  • How Your Hot Tub Can Help You

    Arthritis can affect everyday life for a person who has been diagnosed. Even the simplest of things can turn into difficult and painful tasks.

    While many of us take it for granted to be able to bend over and tie our shoes or even enjoy a leisurely stroll around the block, for people with arthritis, these tasks can be uncomfortable, difficult, and even painful. For those with this inflammatory joint disorder, it can be easy to get overwhelmed when facing these terrible symptoms.

    Fortunately, regular use of your hot tub helps to reduce and alleviate these symptoms. With the aid of a treatment known as hydrotherapy, the soothing warm water and pulsating jets of your hot tub directly target and address these common and painful symptoms that are associated with arthritis.

    Hydrotherapy has been around for a long time and for good reason. Its been long demonstrated that warm water can help treat a myriad of conditions, and its application in arthritis is well-documented. For instance, the warm water of your hot tub can improve your circulation.

    Immersing yourself in your hot tub can also ease stiffness and swelling. An even further benefit of your hot tub is the relief of pressure on tender joints. The experience of buoyancy and weightlessness in your hot tub allows you to gently soak the pain out of your aching body, resulting in lasting and proven relief from your arthritis.

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