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How To Get Your Pool Filled

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Common Sources Of Pool Water

How Long Does It Take To Fill A Swimming Pool?

Filling a swimming pool can be done using various water sources. Here are four different sources you can use:

#1. Garden hose using city water

The most straightforward way to fill inground swimming pools with water is to connect a garden hose to your outdoor spigot. Be aware that this method may not be possible if there is currently a water shortage or mandatory rationing costs.

Expect it to take as long as 48 hours to fill the pool if you use this method, assuming you have a standard-sized pool. Also, be ready to pay about twice as much for your monthly water bill. Thats assuming you use approximately 12,000 gallons of water per month and that your pool has a volume of about 12,000 gallons. Also, expect to pay a sewer fee.

While those may be the typical costs, you should ask the local water company about filling your pool. Sometimes once they know you need to fill your pool, they will break on the sewer fee. However, it is also possible you will need to pay extra to fill it if there is a drought. You may not be able to use the tap at all during those periods.

#2. Water delivery service

In just a few minutes, filling a swimming pool can be achieved rapidly with bulk water delivery. You certainly want to find a reputable company since you want to fill the pool affordably without sacrificing quality. Swimming pool contractors may be able to make referrals.

#3. Well

#4. Fire hydrant using city water

How Much Does It Cost To Fill A Pool

The average suburban in-ground pool with a surface area of 25sqm starts off by containing approx 38,000L of water. By the time the local regulatory authorities apply their charges of approximately $4 per 1000L, the cost would be around $150 of water.

Try our Cost Calculator below to get an estimate.

Using A Pool Water Delivery Service

Since the water for your pool is coming from a remote location, you wont have to hook up any gear to fill your pool. Just make sure the folks delivering your water have access to your pool, and if youre concerned about safety or want to supervise, schedule the appointment for a time youll be home.

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How Much Water Does Your Pool Need

If youre refilling a pool youve owned for years, chances are you already know how many gallons it holds. But if youve built a new pool or are filling your pool for the first time , you might need to do a little math to calculate the precise amount of H2O you need. This will keep you from spending more than you need to on water, and help you budget for future refills.

The easiest way is to use an online calculator. But if youd rather do the math yourself, you can get out your measuring tape, and figure up your water needs with a few easy formulas.

Oval Pools:Length × Width × Depth × 6.7

Round Pools:

Length × Width × Depth × 7.5

Kidney Pools::Length × Width × Depth × 7.0


Can Your Pump Handle It

Filling swimming pool with water truck.

The health and performance of your well pump is another consideration when filling your pool with well water. You might need to beef up your hardware to fill your pool efficiently, and plan to replace your equipment more often.

Its also possible to use your pool pump to bring well water into your pool. Just remember thats not the pumps intended purpose, so it can put quite a strain on your pump, diminishing its ability to do its actual job of pushing pool water through your filtration system.

As long as you keep these caveats in mind, filling your pool from your own well may be a winner for you and your wallet.

Important: If your well is your homes only water supply, you might have a softener system and pump attached. This will ease or even eliminate concerns about water quality. You can fill your pool with a hose from the tap, just like you would with city water. But remember that youll be moving many thousands of gallons of water through your softener system, so be sure to factor in the cost of salt and the electricity required to pump the water to your pool.

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A Full Pool Doesnt Have To Mean An Empty Wallet

Filling a pool seems like such a simple thingand it can be. Take the time to understand how much water your pool can hold. Choose the most cost-effective pool water delivery system for your needs, and carefully conserve water thats already in your pool.

Youll end up with a full pool, a balanced budget, and enough extra cash to start saving up for that seaside retreator at least a few bottles of fancy water for your poolside bar.

Happy Swimming!

Turn On The Pool Filter And Test The Water

Youre almost there! All you have to do now is get the filter up and running. Turn on the filter and run it for 12 to 24 hours to mix up the old and new water before testing or adding chemicals .

Dont feel comfortable testing the water yourself? You can always bring a water sample to a pool professional for proper analysis. Your pool professional will provide you with instructions for balancing your pool water. They can test the waters pH level, the alkalinity, the calcium hardness, and the chlorine content. In addition to shocking the pool, they may be able to also recommend that you add a stabilizer, conditioner or algaecide to your pool before its ready for the warm weather.

Continue to run the filter for a few days, vacuuming out any debris that has settled. When the water is clear and the chlorine levels have come down, your pool is ready for swimming! Enjoy your pool!

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Filling Your Pool With Well Water

If you live in the countryside, you may not be eligible to receive municipal water and have to instead rely on receiving your supply from a well. This could increase your pool or hot tubs susceptibility to rust, so make sure to be extra diligent about making sure its perfectly balanced. The positive side of this, though, is that its the cheapest option of the bunch, in that it will will not cost you anything in terms of service or delivery charges.

How To Fill Your Pool With Well Water

Can I Just Fill In My Unwanted Pool?

One of the things to consider when filling your pool with well water is the well pump. Submersible pumps are usually the best for this. If you are using a submersible pump, water from the well pump at a higher PSI. That is if its connected properly.

Another alternative is to use pool pumps to fill up your pool. However, you will be putting so much pressure on the pool pump because its meant to push water into the pool through the filtration system.

  • Connect one end of the hose to your submersible pump or pool pump.
  • Put the other end of the hose in your pool.
  • Switch on the pump.
  • During the process of filling, make sure you are careful of the well so that it doesnt get dry. Else, it will damage the pump.

    Recommended Reading: How To Clean Tile Grout In Swimming Pool

    Balance Pool Water With A Pool Chemical Levels Chart

    Balancing your pool is easy when you know all the right steps. If you followed along with this post, then you should now have a perfectly balanced pool.

    But if youre more of a visual learner, or just want some reference material then youre in luck.

    Fill out the quick form below to download a free Pool Chemical Levels Chart to use for adjusting chemical levels. With all the information you need on one page, youll save a bunch of time and balance your pool twice as fast.

    When Do You Need To Fill Or Refill A Pool

    There are some severe water quality issues that can only be addressed by completely draining and cleaning a pool. However, for most homeowners, depending on their water quality and maintenance habits, a pool should be drained, cleaned, and refilled approximately every 2-3 years.

    All pools do need the occasional top-up, because the water level lowers due to splash-out, evaporation, backwashing, and other factors. Most pool owners need to top-up pool levels in summer every week or two.

    If your pool water levels are needing to be topped up more frequently, you may have a leak, or follow these tips below to help conserve water.

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    Turn Your Pool Into A Sunken Patio

    Turn your old pool into a comfortable and lovely area to entertain guests or just relax. If you love spending time outdoors, a sunken patio will make good use of the old pool space and can be cheaper than a deck.

    Use some of the pools features, like steps and handrails, for an interesting aesthetic, but you can add your own features and design an outdoor living area that is as cozy as your indoor rooms. Choose the seating, plants and other features youd like to add to transform the area and make it your own.

    While it may require a small investment to transform your pool into a space youll love, it will eliminate the task and expense of caring for a swimming pool. Instead of just filling it in, consider other options to create an outdoor area that is not only useful by attractive.

    Inventory Your Pool Chemicals

    Memorial Day is almost here. Get your pool filled. Call 1 ...

    Youll want to have all of your chemicals ready to go before you start opening your pool. Check the expiration dates on all of your pool chemicals, and replace any that are past their prime. . You should also replace any chemicals that werent properly sealed before they were stored.

    Chemicals Checklist: Everything You Need to Open Your Pool

    Need to do a pre-opening pool chemical supply run? Heres what youll need to get the job done right:

    • A good test kit or test strips for checking your pools pH, calcium hardness, total alkalinity,and chlorine levels
    • Chlorine granules or tablets
    • Stain treatment

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    Fill Pool To Middle Of Waterline Tile And Do Final Debris Removal

    Grab a garden hose and fill the pool until the water level reaches the midpoint of the waterline tile or middle of the skimmer weirs. Once youve got the water level where it needs to be, you can now clean leaves, twigs and debris from the pools bottom by using a wall and floor brush. This is also time to dust off your algae brush and pool vacuum. Also be sure to remove any debris from the leaf basket.

    Should I Use Creek Water To Fill My Pool

    leashy333 said:I checked a couple weeks ago. It was somewhere in the $225-275 range per load. A load is 6k gallons. I would need 2.5 loads. So I’m assuming I could get either well or creek water clearer for cheaper than that…I also dont mind doing a little bit of work to accomplish it.

    Also Check: Big Lots Pool Supplies

    A Beginners Guide To Pool Maintenance

    Your swimming pool needs regular upkeep. Thats why it pays to develop a strong basic understanding of pool maintenance essentials.

    When you know how your pool works, the best ways to care for it, and how to plan for it, youll be ready to solve just about any potential pool problem that floats your way.

    Filling Your New Pool For The First Time

    Filling Your Pool With Well Water

    It is important to know what type of lining you have, and to follow the pool builders instructions when filling your pool

    Follow these steps

  • Place the garden hose in the deep end of the pool, making sure to tie a cloth over the end of the hose to diffuse the water pressure. Switch the hose on and fill the pool until the water level reaches the middle of the entrance to the weir. The colour of the pool water will be greenish – this is normal.
  • Test and correct the pH level to 7.2 7.6.
  • In the early evening, add 2 cups of HTH® Granular for every 10 000 liters of pool water. In the case of vinyl and fibreglass linings, add HTH® Granular via the weir. Do not allow any swimming at this stage
  • Filter continuously for 24 hours. After 12 hours test and correct if necessary. Continue filtering until the 24 hour cycle is completed.
  • Unless you have a marbelite lining, you may now connect the automatic pool cleaner. If you have a new marbelitepool, you will need to wait for 28 days before connecting the automatic pool cleaner.
  • Check the Total Alkalinity and adjust between 80 – 120 ppm.
  • To prevent premature deterioration of the pool lining and equipment, it may be necessary to add Calcium chloride/flakes to your water. Check with your Pool Builder if this is necessary.
  • Continue with normal filtration and chlorination. Swimmers may enter the water when the chlorine residual is between 1 – 3ppm
  • Tip:

  • Filling your pool can take a long time, so make sure that start far enough in advance
  • Read Also: Target Pool Supplies Chlorine

    Inground Pool Removal Costs

    There are two main methods for removing an inground model: demolishing it wall-by-wall or filling it in. Filling in is more cost-effective than removing it entirely. You can spend anywhere between $9,000 and $19,000 to physically remove a swimming pool, while covering one runs an average of $5,000.

    The most common way to eliminate an inground is to conduct a backfill, either overseen by a licensed engineer or independently. This process requires:

    • Draining all the water.
    • Tearing down and removing the floor, walls, and materials, such as concrete, vinyl, rebar, etc. Concrete removal costs most homeowners between $500 – $1,500.
    • Smoothing over the filling with compacted topsoil.

    Your pool’s material will also impact the cost of labor:

    • Fiberglass and vinyl: These need to be cut before being dismantled and taken away, and are generally less expensive to work with.
    • Concrete and gunite: These are the most expensive materials to have removed, since they’re heavy and need to be broken down before being taken out of the ground and off-site.

    Using an engineered backfill is the most expensive option, but it also usually means that the city will allow a homeowner to build another structure on this area since it was done by a professional. Additionally, you won’t have to disclose that a pool ever existed to prospective buyers.

    Hire a Pool Demolition Expert

    Cut Costs By Reducing Pool Water Loss

    One of the best ways to save money when you refill your pool is to protect the balanced water thats already in it. You can cut down on your water expenses by reducing or eliminating the four biggest pool water wasters:

    • evaporation
    • excessive splashing
    • filter backwashing

    They might seem fairly innocuous, but every drop adds up, and before you know it, you might find yourself spending money like water.

    Don’t Miss: Does Costco Sell Pool Chlorine

    Measure And Adjust Calcium Hardness

    If you ever notice a while line or scaling around your pools water line, its probably calcium buildup. And how often you see it is directly related to your pools calcium hardness level.

    Ideal Calcium Hardness level: 200 400 ppm

    How to increase calcium hardness:

    To increase your pool waters calcium hardness use calcium chloride. Follow the usage instructions printed on the packaging.

    How to decrease calcium hardness

    • Partially drain your pool and refill it with fresh water.
    • Use a flocculant to collect and vacuum excess calcium.

    Sanitizer is what keeps your pool free of germs and bacteria. Without it, every pool would quickly become a breeding ground for germs.

    But luckily, we use sanitizers like chlorine to keep the water safe and healthy.

    When it comes to measuring chlorine, there are a few numbers to keep track of:

    • Free Chlorine
    • Measures the amount of unused, or available chlorine in the water
  • Total Chlorine
  • Measures the total amount of chlorine present in the water
  • To find your pools combined chlorine : subtract Total Chlorine from Free Chlorine

    Ideal levels for chlorine: 3 ppm

    Chlorine comes in a few forms:

    • Chlorine tablets
    • Salt chlorine generator

    For this step, you can save time and shock your pool now. This gives you a jump start on refreshing the water and takes care of sanitizing your pool.

    A few other pool sanitizers:


    Healthy pool bromine levels range from 3 ppm to 5 ppm


    Proper levels for biguanide: 30 to 50 ppm

    How Much Does It Cost

    Pictures Of North Carolina Swimming Pool Filling Process ...

    Simply call to schedule your pool filling with at least 48 hours notice. We will estimate the amount of water needed based on your pool measurements. On the day of the delivery, your first truck will show up at the scheduled time, park on the street and run a hose from the tanker truck to your pool.

    Then the fun begins.

    Our truck will begin pumping away filling your pool in just a short period of time. Once complete, the next truck will be dispatched. We use either a 4000 or 6200-gallon truck requiring at least two trips to smaller pools, more for larger. As the pool fills, our driver will watch for potential issues . Soon your pool will be full and ready for swimming .

    Cleveland summers are short, and we recommend you not waste a single second of it. If you can buy more time by finding a better way to fill your pool, take it.

    Also Check: How To Get Rid Of Wasp By The Pool

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