How To Shock Your Above Ground Pool
If youve got algae growth in your pool, the water smells weird, or your test kit is reading abnormal levels, youll need to shock your pool.
- Clean your pool thoroughly BEFORE applying the shock treatment.
- Wait until the sun goes down to start the shock. The sun lowers the effectiveness of the shock chlorine.
- In a bucket, mix your pool shock chemicals into water from the pool until they dissolve.
- Run your pump and filter constantly while youre shocking your pool.
- Pour the mixed and dissolved pool shock evenly around your pool or slowly in front of one of the inlet jets from your pools pump.
- Wait at least an hour after the shock and test the chlorine levels.
- The pool will be safe to swim in again after chlorine levels return to normal. Different shock mixes may take different amounts of time until the chemicals return to normal levels.
What Is Calcium Hypochlorite Used For In A Swimming Pool
Although pool owners and professionals throw the word shock around quite a bit, not everyone knows exactly what pool shock does to swimming pools. Many assume that it is just a large blast of chlorine to really get the water clean after a large swim load or an algae issue.
Although it is partially true that Calcium Hpyophlorite is used to give the pool a large dose of chlorine, there is a bit more to it than that.
Cal Hypo has unstabilized chlorine as the active ingredient, and it has quite a bit of it. Most brands will contain about 65 to 75 percent chlorine. The concentration is quite high, and it will have the power necessary to take care of bacteria growing in your pool. Shock products find bacteria and destroy their cell structure so that people can swim in the pool yet again.
The cal hypo is unstabilized, so although your pool may have a very high chlorine level after its initial application, the sun will burn off the excess chlorine rather quickly. Therefore the pool is safe to swim in about eight to twelve hours.
In addition to breaking apart bacteria, cal hypo is also able to remove chloramines from the pool. Chloramines are actually quite gross. Essentially this is where chlorine will trap itself with dead skin cells or human organic matter of any kind. Unfortunately, chlorine is not all that good at getting these things out of the pool, and the contaminants just hang out in your water.
When To Shock Your Pool And How Often
Shocking your pool is not a one-time thing that you should occasionally do. It is a lifelong process that takes focus and discipline. It would be best if you kept a log by your pool to stay on top of shocking it consistently.
If you are operating on a weekly oxidizing and shocking schedule, you should alternate between a non-chlorine and chlorine shock each week. This system makes chlorine much more effective when it gets implemented, but it will lower the amount of chlorine required.
So, when are the specific circumstances where you must shock the pool?
Rain and thunderstorms are not always things we can plan for, but you should try and shock your pool afterward. While the storm is occurring, your swimming pool will get contaminated by rainwater, debris, and dust. Algae outbreaks are also a key signal for pool shocking. When the algae begin to pop up, you should utilize a shock type with extra chlorination or other cal hypo alternatives.
You should also make sure to shock your pool when you are opening and closing for the season. After you have balanced the other chemicals, you can shock the pool so that you can eliminate any bacteria, make the water clear, and oxidize any particles. Lastly, if you have many people use the pool at once for a party, the water can get contaminated quicker. It is also essential to shock it after these events too.
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When Should You Shock Your Pool And How Often
These are probably the two most common questions that swimming pool owners have about pool shock. And, like many pool-related questions, theres no single right answer.
The short, simple answer to both questions is, it depends on several factors, like how much you use your pool and if it has been exposed to any contaminants. The guidelines below should help you decide when to shock your pool:
Why Do I Need To Shock My Pool
Pools are shocked to keep the water healthy and clean by removing algae and bacteria after heavy bather use or contamination events. In addition, pool shocking is used to eliminate harmful combined chlorine in the water.
Also known as chloramines, combined chlorine can cause pool odor, red eyes, irritated skin, and health issues. Combined chlorine is a disinfection by-product that forms when chlorine reacts with contaminants, like lotions, sweat, and urine in the pool water.
You may want to shock your pool in certain situations, such as:
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Can I Just Drop Pool Shock Right In
As long as you have shock that doesnt require pre-dissolving, adding pool shock to your pool is unbelievably easy. All you have to do is walk slowly around the perimeter of your pool and pour it straight in.
If you have a type of sodium hypochlorite that requires pre-dissolving, add each pound to a five pound bucket of water and give it a mix and some time before adding it to your pool.
In either case, if you have an outdoor pool remember to apply pool shock at dusk or at night, or the sun will burn out the compound that makes it effective. True to its name, pool shock for pools is usually unstabilized. If youre adding pool shock to your hot tub, any time will do.
Unless youre using a non-chlorine shock, youll want to wait eight hours after using shock before you jump back into the pool. If youre a night swimmer, go you. Just add pool shock in after youre done for the day.
Shocking your above-ground pool? Make sure its circulated properly with a high-powered pump like the Copper Force Above Ground Pool Pump, which has three options for horsepower and an ultra-cool operation. According to customer Doug Paar, The pump is very quiet and has good pressure. I would recommend.
Considerations For The Best Salt Water Pool Shock
When youre searching for the right pool shock product to pair with your pool, there are several factors that you should consider, the primary of which is whether or not the product will effectively clean a saltwater pool. Since not all shock products are ideal for saltwater pools, it may take some time to find the right solution. If you want a product that will kill all bacteria, algae, and other organic contaminants, you should determine if you want the product to use chlorine or not.
While chlorine-based products are typically most effective, many pool owners prefer pool shocks that contain very little or no chlorine. If you find that you dont like the chlorine smell, there are some pool shock products that are able to get rid of this smell, which should help you feel more comfortable when swimming in your pool. All of the pool shock products in this guide have proven to be popular and effective, which means that the one you choose largely comes down to which feature-set you prefer.
Its important to choose the best pool shock if you want yourself and anyone else who swims in the pool to remain healthy while having a great swimming experience. If too many contaminants are left in your pool water, the water itself can become cloudy and unhealthy, which can be a hassle to deal with. Using the right pool shock treatment can eliminate all contaminants while also preventing future algae growth.
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Do I Need A Winter Stain & Scale Treatment
Stain and Scale treatments are sequestering agents, used to prevent metals like copper and iron from oxidizing and staining pool surfaces. They also prevent salts and calcium minerals from mixing with contaminants to form dirty scale. Stain & Scale also prevents the winter bathtub rings found on many pools after opening. Especially useful for pools with high calcium hardness levels, saltwater pools, and those with safety pool covers.
Test & Balance Your Water
Before you add shock treatment, you need to test your pool water and balance its levels. The pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.6, with total alkalinity being between 80 and 120 ppm.
Pool water testing is easy to do using test strips or liquid test kits. They give you quick and accurate readings regarding the chemical levels in the pool. Balancing the water can be done by adding more chemicals to raise or lower the pH level until it is neutral.
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Shocked Your Pool And Its Still Green
Sadly, theres no magic wand to wave to make your pool crystal clear overnight.
If your pool water has turned into a lovely shade of green, chemically shockingyour pool is your best bet to get it back into shape.
To ensure your pool returns to normal, there are three things youll need to get your pool back into shape: the correct chemicals, a filtration system, and of course, plenty of patience.
After completing the entire process outlined below, you should start to see your pool crystal clear, sparkling new and ready for a splash.
If you find your pool still murky green after you do chemically shocking your pool, dont panic.
This can be easily fixed!
Should I Shock The Pool Before Closing
Shocking the pool, with a granular oxidizer gives your pool water a good start to winter, removing impurities and contaminants that could stain the pool or consume your winter water chemicals. If shocking with chlorine pool shock, add it 5-7 days before closing the pool, as very high chlorine levels can disrupt or destroy your winter algaecide and stain & scale chemicals. Our Chlorine-Free Shock can be added just hours before other pool closing chemicals, and it wont damage your winter pool cover.
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Why Shock Your Pool
Over time, as chlorine works to destroy contaminants, the combined chlorine level rises and this is far weaker as a pool water disinfectant.
By shocking your pool, you replenish your chlorine level and oxidize chloramines , which are a gaseous irritant that are hazardous for human consumption.
Your swimming pool may need to be shocked if any of the following scenarios have occurred:
Shocking A Pool What Is It Why And When To Do It
Despite how it sounds shocking a pool has nothing to do with electricity or with revealing something completely unexpected.
Shocking is the process of adding chemicals to your pool to:
- break apart chloramines, also known as combined chlorine
- quickly raise your chlorine level
- kill algae, bacteria or other harmful pathogens
Chloramines Bad, Free Chlorine Good
The most common reason for shocking your pool or spa is to deal with combined chlorine. There are three measurements of chlorine in pool or spa water: free chlorine, combined chlorine, and total chlorine.
Free chlorine is just that, free. Free to interact with other chemicals, algae, bacteria or the like. We like free chlorine because when it interacts with these potentially harmful things, it usually kills them and off-gasses them into the atmosphere. Once it has done that, it continues its carefree lifestyle moving on to look for the next thing with which it can interact.
Total chlorine is simply the combination of free and combined chlorine.
Shocking then releases the combined chlorine and off-gasses the contaminants, increasing the amount of free chlorine in your pool or spa. The question of whether to use a chlorinated or non-chlorinated shock will depend on how much total chlorine you have in your pool or spa. If your total chlorine level is high, you will use a non-chlorine shock if it is low, you will use a chlorinated shock.
Zero Chlorine Bad, 3-5ppm Good
Is That Algae I See?
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Why Do I Really Need Pool Shock Sounds Like Effort
Think of the last time you were near a really strong, chemical-smelling pool. Well, we have to pause there. Because contrary to what anyone might first think, that smell isnt from chemicals at allits from a lack of chemicals. That smell is chloramines! And not only do they smell bad, but they greatly reduce how well the chlorine you add to your pool works.
Without active chlorine, all the bacteria that prevents your pool from being clean and safesome bacteria are pathogenic, after allwill continue life uninterrupted. Basically, that pool pump you run for the proper amount of time every day, the pipes that connect it to your pool, the sanitizing chemicals you add, the skimmers you clean out regularly… all of these actions which take time and money to keep your pool in shape are compromised. Are you with me now?
When The Pool Is Used Heavily Or Frequently
Chlorine levels reduce more quickly when many swimmers use a pool on a consistent basis. You should measure levels of free chlorine and chloramine after heavy swimming, especially in commercial or public pools, and shock the pool as required.
To find out what amount of free chlorine or any other chemical to add to a pool, I use this pool calculator to help me find the correct amount of chlorine to add. All you have to do is enter your chemical and pH readings.
Controlling the chlorine levels in saltwater pools is easier. All you need to do is raise the saltwater chlorine generator to boost free chlorine prior to and after heavy usage.
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What About For My Hot Tub Do I Need To Shock That Too
Congratulations, youre one of the fortunate among us with a hot tub. But calcium hypochlorite is not for you. This is because its unstabilized, meaning that it breaks down in heat like direct sunlightand loses 95% of its effectiveness in a hot tub. But dont think youre in the clear: no matter what sanitizer you use, you still have to worry about chlorines .
To shock your hot tub, youll want to use a stabilized shock like dichlor shock, which is also inexpensive and widely available. That is, unless you use two specific sanitizers: for a biguanide sanitizer, youre better opting in for a biguanide shock, and for a spa mineral sanitizer, youll want non-chlorine shock.
All cleaning chemicals only spread evenly thanks to your pool pump. For thorough circulation, try the 1.5 HP Variable Speed Blue Torrent Thunder Pool Pump. It pays itself off in energy saved and includes a lifetime warranty. As customer Eric D. says, For variable speeds, cant find much better price than this. Day one, I fired this pump up and it ran clean and fast.
Clorox Pool & Spa 81006clx Saltwater
The CLOROX pool and spa shock is a solution that has been designed specifically for saltwater pools. This particular product is notable for having a chlorine-free formula, which is perfect if you would like to avoid adding more chlorine to your pool. Along with algae and bacteria, this product can get rid of all organic contaminants that can be found in your pool.
Since there isnt any chlorine in this product, you should be able to get back to swimming in less than 15 minutes. Once applied, any cloudy water should clear up, which will leave you with a clean and sparkling pool. You can purchase CLOROX Pool & Spa 81006CLX at Walmart for $24, which will provide you with six one-pound bags.
Click here to buy CLOROX Pool & Spa Shock Solution now!
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Pool Shock Vs Chlorine
So, what is the difference between pool shock and chlorine? The difference could be a lot, or it could be irrelevant. Most pool shock is composed of some form of chlorine. To understand exactly how pool shock works, you have to understand your chlorine levels and shocking your pool. So, what is the active ingredient in pool shock? Well, most often, it is chlorine itself.
When we think about the chlorine in our pools, we need to think about various types of chlorine in the water. Free chlorine is the amount of chlorine which is actively disinfecting your pool water. It is recommended that your free chlorine be between 1-4 parts per million.
Combined chlorine is the chlorine which has been used already. It has actively sanitized your pool water, but it does not have the potency to do so any longer. The recommended level is below 0.2 parts per million.
Total chlorine is simply the free chlorine added to the total chlorine. Your pool test kits will be able to determine your free chlorine and total chlorine levels. From this, you will be able to determine your combined chlorine.
The breakpoint chlorination is when you add enough chlorine to shatter the bonds of the chloramines. For that to happen, you need to add roughly 10 times the amount of combined chlorine. Adding this chlorine to your pool is known as shocking your pool. If you fail to add enough chlorine to your water, you run the risk of the chloramines building up, and you will need to replace the water.