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How Much Chlorine To Add To Pool Calculator

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Weekly Chlorine Dose For The Swimming Pool

How Much Chlorine do I Add to My Pool?

Once the chlorine value is at the right level, you can keep it at that level with chlorine tablets. Chlorine tablets are better than chlorine granules because the tablets dissolve slowly and keep the chlorine value constant.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to say how many chlorine tablets you should add to the swimming pool or how often you need to add them. The chlorine tablet dosage does not depend solely on the volume of the swimming pool. A lot of other things also play a role, such as:

  • The number of hours of sunshine and the UV valueThe reason being that the chlorine value is degraded by the UV rays of the sun.
  • Leaves and insects in the swimming poolLeaves, insects and other dirt cause the active chlorine to become exhausted
  • The number of hours swum per dayThe more swimming there is, the quicker the chlorine degrades
  • If the swimming pool isnt used much, be sure to check the water quality once a week using a water tester. If the pool is used more than 2 days a week, the water quality needs to be checked 2 to 3 times a week.

    If the pH value is good, check whether the chlorine tablet has completely dissolved or not. Once the chlorine tablet has dissolved, it is best to add 1 chlorine tablet per skimmer. Use these chlorine tablets for this. For a small inflatable pool, it is best to use these 20 gram mini-chlorine tablets. You can add one of these per 3 m³ of water.

    Too much chlorine in the water

    Chlorine in the swimming pool too low

    Chlorine tablet does not dissolve

    Which Chlorine Test Kit Should I Use

    After you figure out how much chlorine to put in water storage tank, you may want to have a chlorine test kit on hand to know the chlorine residual after you have chlorinated your storage tank.

    Having test kits offer two main benefits:

  • You can tell if you have added sufficient chlorine to your tank because you can measure the chlorine levels.
  • You can know when the chlorine has dropped to safe levels if you need to use the water in the home.
  • There are two main types of chlorine test kits for easy home use, and they are liquid drop types and test strips.

    A common low-range chlorine test kit uses Orthotolidine which turns yellow if chlorine is present so it is easy to use.

    Test strips are easier to use but for low range, the reagent type may work better in our experience.

    You also may want a High Range Kit if you are shock chlorinating the tank with high levels of chlorine over 5 PPM.

    A low range kit allows you to check for chlorine levels if you are adding chlorine to maintain a low level residual, or you want to know when it is safe to use the water.

    Salt Water Pool Maintenance

    Here is more of our research to help you confidently maintain your salt water pool.

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    The Pool Calculator Takes Care Of All The Math That Might Come Up While You Are Keeping Your Swimming Pool’s Water Chemistry In Balance Telling You Exactly How Much Of Each Chemical To Add

    How much chlorine to add to pool calculator. for liquid bleach : I want my total chlorine reading to be. To spread the chemical, add tablets to an automatic dispenser.

    A swimming pool chemical calculator. For background on what the various numbers mean, see basic pool chemistry. Chlorinating 10 gallons of water with a dose of 5 mg/l , would require the following:

    All you need to do is plug in your pool volume and your current salt levels and hit calculate.. Adjust sliders to calculate the amount of bleach or chlorine to raise free chlorine levels in the pool. After providing these details, click the ‘calculate!’ button.

    Use the calculator below to figure out how much salt to add or water to replace in your pool. How much higher depends on your cya level, the amount of sunlight that. You should keep your pool or spa free available chlorine level between 2.0 & 10.0 parts per million .

    Enter your total pool volume and total alkalinity reading below to find out what and how much to add. Knowing the pool volume is extremely important in calculating the amount of chemicals needed to add to the water when adjusting the pool chlorine, ph, stabilizer, alkalinity, salt or any other chemical levels. Calculate what chemicals to add.

    5 x 10 = 0.115 ml of hth, or. The amount of chlorine in the water should be somewhere between 1 and 3ppm . To achieve this pool chemistry balance, you will need about 0.00013 ounces of chlorine per gallon of pool water.

    Pin On Swimming Pool Pros

    Quick Dip: How To Shock Your Swimming Pool Using Liquid Chlorine

    How Much Liquid Chlorine To Add To Pool Calculator

    Shocking your pool water is one of the keys to keeping your pool sparkling and ready to swim in. Failing to shock your pool water can lead to algae and bacteria build-up. This creates a swimming pool that is not only uninviting, but hazardous to pool patrons as well. Just because your water is clear, does not mean it is safe to swim in! This is why a high-quality pool testing set from LaMotte or Taylor is an essential part of every pool operators kit!

    Shocking a pool with liquid chlorine or a granular pool shock kills or inactivates pathogens and algae. Shocking will also oxidize other unwanted materials inhabiting the pool water. By raising the chlorine level in the pool to the correct level, and holding it there for the prescribed amount of time, this effectively disinfects the water. This article covers shocking your pool with two of the most popular shock products on the market today sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite .

    Preparing to Shock Your Pool

  • Know how many gallons of water your pool holds. Need assistance with this? Pentair has a handy online calculator that can tell you the volume of your pool.
  • Using your pool testing kit, check your current chlorine level. This is important if you are attempting to bring your chlorine level up to an exact level.
  • Choose your pool shock. Two of the most popular options we carry are
  • The Basic Method Shocking by Following the Label Instructions

    How to Superchlorinate your Pool with Liquid and Granular Chlorine

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    Pool Volume Calculation Basics

    If you want to properly measure the volume of your pool, there are numerous elements that youll need to be aware of. These elements include:

    • A = Area
    • r = Radius
    • Pi = 3.14 constant

    With these elements in mind, you should be ready to complete any type of calculation that will help you determine the volume of your pool. If you want to calculate the cubic volume of your pool, the depth of the pool will need to be included alongside the surface area of the pool. To be certain that youve made the right calculations, its highly recommended that you divide your pool into separate sections by depth. What this means is that the shallow end of the pool would be calculated separately from the deeper end of the pool.

    Keep in mind that a single cubic foot of water consists of 7.5 gallons of water. When you identify the exact cubic footage of your pool, you should then multiply the number by 7.5. This calculation will give you the volume of your pool, which refers to the number of gallons that your pool is able to hold. The method you use to calculate the volume of your pool depends mainly on the shape of your pool. For instance, the technique to calculate the volume of a rectangular pool is much different from the technique used to identify the volume of a round pool.

    What Is Combined Chlorine

    Combined chlorine is an intermediate breakdown product that is created in the process of sanitizing the pool. Combined chlorine causes the smell many people associate with chlorine pools. If CC is above 0.5, you should shock your pool. Combined chlorine indicates that there is something in the water free chlorine is in the process of breaking down. In an outdoor pool, combined chlorine will normally stay near zero so long as you maintain an appropriate free chlorine level and the pool gets some direct sunlight.

    Potassium monopersulfate a common non-chlorine shock will often show up on tests as combined chlorine. If you use Potassium monopersulfate as a sanitizing agent, we recommend using the Taylor K-1518 Drop Test, Chlorine FAS-DPD/Monopersulfate testing kit. This is a specially designed testing kit that distinguishes Potassium monoersulfate from true combined chlorine.

    PRO TIP: The Pool Calculator does not include a test for combined chlorine because no action should be taken if combined chlorine is sufficiently low . If combined chlorine raises to 0.5 ppm or higher, you should shock your pool. To determine how much shock to add, simply enter the suggested shock value in the Free Chlorine Goal input and select the shock chemical you aim to use .

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    Using Chlorine Tablets To Maintain The Right Chlorine Level

    After achieving the right chlorine value for example, when opening a swimming pool most people prefer to use tablets to maintain the chlorine level. In most cases, chlorine tablets eliminate the need to worry about how often to add chlorine to the pool.

    Once placed in the pool chlorine dispenser, the tablets dissolve slowly. This helps keep the chlorine level in the pool constant.

    While the factors mentioned above do determine the number of chlorine tablets needed, the recommended amount is one 20-gram mini-tablet per 3 m3 of pool water for a small inflatable pool. You should wait until the added chlorine tablets dissolve completely before adding new tablets to your pool.

    Wondering How Much Chlorine To Add To A Swimming Pool

    Pool School : Water Chemistry : Pool Chemical Calculator

    Chlorine is a chemical substance that is added to swimming pools so as to make it safe for usage. When added to pools it kills both bacteria, germs and algae and it oxidizes the water. However the rightful amount of chlorine should be added to the pool if a low or excess amount is added to the pool it can have adverse negative effects to the people using the pool.


  • Adding a neutralizer to the water
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    Maintaining Normal Chlorine Levels

  • 1Wear protective gear and use caution when handling pool chemicals. Put on a pair of protective goggles and thick gloves before working with chlorine and other pool chemicals. If youre treating an indoor pool, make sure theres adequate ventilation before opening a chemical container.XTrustworthy SourceCenters for Disease Control and PreventionMain public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human ServicesGo to source

    Safety Tip: Be especially cautious if you’re using a liquid or granular product. Wear long sleeves and pants, and be careful not to spill the chlorine.

  • 2Go with chlorine tablets for the longest lasting option. Tablets are the most popular way to chlorinate a pool. Theyre easier to use, last longer, and are gentler on pool liners than liquid options, which are best used as shock treatments. Unlike granulated options, tablets dissolve slowly, which ensures even distribution.XResearch source
  • Purchase chlorine tablets online or at a pool supply store. Tablets come in 1 inch and 3 inches sizes. The larger tablets are the preferred option. Theyre easier to handle, last longer, and are generally less expensive than 1 inch tablets.
  • Suppose you have a 50 ft × 20 ft pool. If the shallow end is 3 ft deep and the deep end is 6 ft deep, the average depth is 4.5 ft .
  • You can also download an app or use an online calculator to find your pools volume.
  • Remember to wear goggles and gloves when you mix and apply pool chemicals.
  • How Much Liquid Chlorine Needed For 20000

    The general and ideal measure of the pool water balance against chlorine is always expected to be between the range of 1 to 3 Parts Per Million .

    It implies that whether for a 20000-gallon pool, for 15000-gallon pool, or a 10000-gallon pool, you will be required to have chlorine of about 0.00013 ounces per gallon of pool water.

    You will also need to calculate the amount of chlorine required to chlorinate your swimming pool super since different pools have various kinds of sizes.

    Since most of the products you will purchase at the store will be mostly best suited for the swimming pool with the 10,000 gallons of pool water capacity, it simply means for a 20000-gallon pool you will buy a double of the products.

    Doing this is just the wisest and most rational decision to make. You will not need to rack your brain and disturb yourself about calculations on the amount of liquid chlorine to use for this kind of large pool.

    Just in case you are feeling or getting confused, follow the instructions on the product on how much liquid chlorine to add to raise the treatment level to your taste, especially to the volume of pool water available to you. It would be best if you did this after calculating the size of the pool, as this will help determine the number of gallons it contains.

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    What Is The Best Way To Put Chlorine Into My Pool

    A key part of proper swimming pool maintenance is adding the appropriate chlorine to your swimming pool. People ask us all the time, what is best? Should I add chlorine to my skimmer baskets? Should I add a floater to my swimming pool? Is it best to use an in-line chlorinator? Here are the basic facts about each option.

    The best way to put chlorine into a swimming pool is by using an in-line chlorinator. At Executive Blue Pools, we usually install the Pentair Rainbow 320 chlorinator. An in-line chlorinator is exactly what it says it is. An in-line chlorinator allows water to flow into it. The water flow causes a very small bit of chlorine tablet to mix with the water flowing through the chlorinator.

    Then the freshly chlorinated water flows out of the chlorinator and into the pool. So the chlorinator is in-line with the water flowing through it. An in-line chlorinator is best because it introduces very small amounts of diluted chlorine into the pool.

    A pool should have 3-5 parts per million of chlorine in it. This is a very little amount of chlorine. If a swimming pool has higher than 5 parts per million of chlorine in the swimming pool, it can do damage. We can help with all these questions. Call us today at Executive Blue Pools at 469-340-2757 or visit us at

    How Should I Chlorinate My Pool If I Dont Have an In-Line Chlorinator?

    Should I Add Chlorine To My Pool Every Day

    How to Balance Your Pool With Bleach

    Too much chlorine in the water Sometimes it may happen that you add too much chlorine to the swimming pool. You dont really have to do much to lower the chlorine value. In that case, keep an eye on the chlorine value on a daily basis and add a chlorine tablet as soon as the chlorine value is around 1 ppm.

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    Should I Add Chlorine To A Saltwater Pool

    Before I changed my non-saltwater pool to saltwater two years ago, I used to shock regularly.

    Basically, a chlorine-based pool needs more maintenance than a saltwater pool. Unless there is an algae outbreak or a build-up of contaminants such as oil and soil, a saltwater pool does not need much treatment. This is because saltwater pools use chlorine generators to produce a chlorine compound similar to the chlorine in shock treatments.

    Chlorine generators can be adjusted to increase the amount of chlorine in the pool, for instance, before heavy usage. However, this technically isn’t shocking. It is just a way to maintain chlorine at the recommended level.

    This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

    What Is The Best Time Of Day To Shock A Swimming Pool

    Shock your pool late in the evening or at night, when the sun is down, to make sure free chlorine will stay in your water longer. Ultraviolet rays from direct sunlight greatly reduces free chlorine levels, so shocking during the day will not be very effective.

    If you absolutely must do it during daytime, use a chlorine stabilizer, such as cyanuric acid, to prolong the life the chlorine.

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    What Is Total Chlorine

    Total chlorine is the sum of free chlorine and combined chlorine. Inexpensive chlorine tests, such as the common OTO test, which shows total chlorine as different shades of yellow, measure true chlorine because it is easier to test for than free chlorine and combined chlorine. In normal operation total chlorine can be used as if it was free chlorine because combined chlorine is usually zero. However when you have algae or some other problems, combined chlorine levels can be significant and total chlorine becomes useless.

    PRO TIP: Save money on testing equipment by using a low-cost testing kit or test strips that measure total chlorine. Under normal conditions, you may simply assume total chlorine is the same as free chlorine. If you notice any algae, or experience a lingering chlorine smell, you may want to shock your pool.

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