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HomeMust ReadHow To Increase Hardness In Pool

How To Increase Hardness In Pool

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How To Increase Calcium In Pool Water


You increase CH with calcium chloride, sold as a deicer and by pool stores, or calcium chloride dihydrate, sold by pools stores for increasing calcium.

In some parts of the country , high water hardness leads to CH naturally increasing in pools when there is more evaporation than precipitation.

Beware of buying ice melters to increase CH. Most of the cheaper ones are salt based. Some will increase your salt as well as your Calcium. Check the MSDS of non-pool products to find the ingredients.

Calcium products should be spread across the surface of the deep end of the pool. Do not mix calcium in a small bucket of water. Calcium is exothermic and will generate heat when mixed with water to where it can cause burns or fires.

How Much Calcium Chloride Do I Add To My Pool Water

Now that you have a starting point for determining calcium hardness, you need to know how much calcium chloride to add to the water. It depends on the size of your pool, or rather the amount of water it contains. To increase it by 10 ppm, you usually add 2 ounces of calcium chloride for every 1,000 gallons of water.

What Is Hardness Increaser

In the pool and spa industry hardness is used to discuss the amount of calcium that is in the water.

It is referred to as calcium hardness or just hardness and the chemical used in hardness increaser is Calcium chloride,.

Having too much calcium in your water can easily be spotted by observing scaling and/or cloudy water and maintaining your water hardness is essential to preventing unsightly scale or causing damage to pool finishes and equipment.

On the other end of the spectrum, having too little calcium can cause water to pull it from other materials, like your plaster or grout.

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Effective Ways To Increase The Hardness Of Your Aquarium Water

Whether you are a fish owner or an aquarium expert, you definitely must have come across the term water hardness.

It is often a normal thing that you should positionyour fish in water that suits it the best.

If you have figured out that you need to raise thegeneral hardness of your water to ensure your fishs survival, it is all good.

You can increase the hardness of your water as much you can soften it. If you have ever pondered on how to increase it, heres how:


Treating High Calcium Hardness


Reducing high calcium hardness is very difficult. The easiest way to do this, although it doesnt always work, is to replace some of the water with fresh water. If that does not work consult a pool professional, as they will have to add a chemical to keep the calcium in solution that prevents it from depositing.

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High Levels Of Calcium In The Pool

Excessively high levels have adverse effects too, though. Scaling , cloudiness that will not change, and even irritation to eyes and skin can occur with calcium levels above the desired range. What happens in this case is that there is simply too much calcium for the water to hold in solution, and it begins to come out of solution causing cloudiness that will NOT subside, and leaving excess calcium in the form of scaling. It will even slow down your filter system in many cases because it begins to clog the filter and limits the rate at which water may flow. High pH will compound your problem as well, since higher pH allows for more substances to come out of solution and adhere to the pools surfaces.

Calcium is one of the few chemicals that you do not want to put in a little extra for good measure. Once levels are too high it generally does not leave the water and needs to be drained partially and have fresh water added to dilute the concentration. With this in mind dont be paranoid, but test your water at a trusted professional pool expert and add only as needed. The good news about calcium is that once established at acceptable ranges it will generally remain constant throughout the season and possibly into the next year. See your local water professional, but generally calcium levels in the range of 200 to 400 ppm is where you want to be.

So check those calcium levels, adjust as needed, avoid expensive repairs andoh yeah, keep swimming!


Why Raise The Pool Water Calcium Hardness Level

For a swimming pool, low calcium hardness can bring trouble. Water without adequate minerals dissolved becomes aggressive, and seeks to add minerals back into itself. Unless you intentionally add these minerals back in to the pool, the water will dissolve what it needs from any part of your pool that contains concrete, stone, grout, or masonry, or any metal surface in your pool or pool equipment.

With low calcium hardness pool water, you can expect problems with:

  • Pitting of concrete or stone pool decks.
  • Grout dissolving, turning gritty and fragile when you run your finger over it.
  • Pitting on concrete pool walls.
  • Etching or delaminating of plaster-lined pools.
  • Corrosion of metal surfaces, such as pipes, filters, heat exhangers, underwater lights, metal screws, and hardware.

If damage from soft water occurs, there is no way to undo the damage. The only option is resurfacing or replacing the damage surface or part. As an example, the heat exchanger for my pool heater is $1,400 USD to purchase, plus an afternoon of $100/hour labor to replace the unit, so a little testing to make sure my water is balanced goes a long way to prevent very costly repairs. This is again a great reason to buy a quality test kit that covers a wide range of tests. The cost of a test kit and maintaining the reagent test chemicals is well worth the investment.

Also Check: Pool Water Balancing Calculator

What Should The Calcium Level Be In A Swimming Pool

The hardness of calcium should be about 250-350 parts per million . If the hardness is above 350 ppm, it should be reduced. If the calcium level in your pool consistently exceeds 350 ppm, test the calcium hardness of your tap water.

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Just Adding Tap Or Tank Water Will Do The Trick Right

How To Increase & Decrease Calcium Hardness Level in Swimming Pools

Remember, simply adding more water does not lower calcium hardness levels because as water evaporates into the air, the calcium is left behind in the pool. Remember that water evaporates but calcium does not! Therefore, the calcium stays in your pool no matter how many times it is topped up. Also, concrete pools will also release some calcium into the pool water over time, particularly when the pool surface is new.

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Ideal Total Hardness Range: 150

Testing Calcium Hardness: We recommend taking a sample of your hot tub water to a dealer test station or using an advanced test kit.What is Calcium Hardness?Calcium hardness is the measure of how hard or soft your hot tub water is, and measures the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium. Just like pH and Total Alkalinity, its important to keep the calcium hardness balanced to prevent your hot tub water from becoming corrosive or scaling. However, before you attempt to balance your hot tubs calcium hardness level, first make sure your Total Alkalinity level is balanced, then the pH and lastly calcium hardness. The ideal range for calcium hardness is 150-250 ppm for hot tubs. To determine if your hot tub is properly balanced use our Langelier Saturation Index calculator.

How Do You Add Salt To A Swimming Pool

As a general rule of thumb, you should always add salt to the deepest part of the pool. The extra water gives the walls the greatest buffer against dissolving the salt and often ensures proximity to the main drain. If you want to add a large amount at once, place each bag of salt next to the deep one first.

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What Is Calcium Hardness

Simply put, calcium hardness is the concentration of calcium ions present in the solution, which translates to total calcium concentration. This total can be measured through testing for either free or combined calcium ions.

Pool owners interested in using salt chlorine generators are typically most concerned with total calcium concentrations because they affect how efficiently their chlorinators work.

Keeping this value high ensures that there are enough free calcium ions in the water for these effects. While you can influence calcium hardness through regular maintenance procedures, its often helpful to know the exact level of the total chemical content to make any necessary corrections.

It causes a series of issues, including:

  • The water is so hard it hurts your skin and eyes
  • Pool staining from calcium deposits
  • Damages to your pool surfaces
  • Water becoming cloudy
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    Why Adjust Calcium Hardness


    Calcium hardness is important to have in your pool water at all times for one very simple reason. Water is hungry, and water that doesnt have the calcium it desires will try to leach it out of anything it comes into contact with. Whether its getting it from your pool shell, your paint, your piping, or even the inner workings of your pumps!

    The result of this would be brittle and breaking pool equipment and surfaces! But luckily its an easy fix!

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    How To Soften Hard Pool Water

    Softening the pool water may seem like an easy task to do, but in reality, this needs more accurate water treatment.

    If the water s too soft, this may corrode the pool surfaces and equipment. Hence, an accurate calculation has to be observed to avoid damaging the pool.

    Below are the steps to maintain a balanced pool chemical in the water:


    • This may seem like a trial and error process, but this gives you much accurate results. You dont want to put too much softener as this can lead to further damage. So, be patient and do the test deliberately.
    • It is also helpful to check hardness level to prevent while scale formation. As per experts recommendations, check the hardness every two weeks and do the treatment process when necessary.
    • Caution has to be observed, especially if you have an above ground pool since calcium formation varies in liner pool vs the plaster pool.

    Read more:

    How To Measure Calcium Hardness In Your Pool

    Test strips, such as Aquacheck 7 allows you to measure the total hardness, which includes magnesium, in your pool.

    Alternatively, you can use a drop-count titration method to get an accurate measurement of calcium hardness level.

    If you dont have a test kit, I suggest you go to the local pool store with your pool water to get it tested.

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    How To Calculate Hardness

    When calculating hardness, the dissolution of all elements containing calcium and magnesium atoms is taken into account. The basic equation for measuring total hardness is the calcium carbonate solution: CaCO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O Ca 2+ + 2 HCO 3. All calcium and magnesium ions are expressed in calcium carbonate equivalent.

    Causes Of Excess Pool Calcium

    How To Balance The CALCIUM HARDNESS In Your POOL | Swim University

    Excess calcium in your swimming pool is typically the result of a bigger issue with the chemicals in your pool water. As most pool owners can tell you, when it comes to water, balance is, well everything: If your pool waters pH is off-kilter, or if your total alkalinity is too high or too low, youll likely end up battling algae, cloudy water, and, of course, calcium deposits.

    Of course, chemical imbalances arent the only cause of excess calcium. Water temperature is also a contributing factor: As water temperature rises, calcium becomes more likely to precipitate out of solution. Calcium is actually more soluble in cold water, which is why scaling of heater equipment is so common.

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    Test Your Chemistry Levels

    If you think your pH levels are off, chances are youve already checked the pool chemistry to make sure. If not, go ahead and check them now to see exactly how far off the pH is.

    Ideal pH levels are between 7.2 and 7.6, with 7.4 being optimum.

    So if your pH measures anything below 7.2, you need to take the steps to raise it.

    Find Your Balance: Managing Calcium Hardness

    Dont worry, were not doing yoga today.

    No matter which situation youve found yourself in after testing your pool water, the best way to fix the problem is with proper balance. Balancing your pool water starts with the classic steps of pool maintenance.

  • Clean: Start by thoroughly cleaning your pool. This means turning on the filter and vacuum, emptying the skimmer basket, and grabbing your skimmer net and pole to pick up anything floating on top. A good deep-clean is a great way to get your pool back into balance.
  • Test: Next, do a routine pool water test to check your chemistry. Be sure to pay close attention to the pH and total alkalinity. If these are out-of-whack, theres no chance of fixing any calcium hardness issues you may have.
  • Balance: Lastly, balance your pool water with the information you got from the test. If your levels were in-range, perfect! Youre good to move on to adjusting the calcium hardness levels.
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    How Dangerous Are The Chemicals

    While sodium bicarbonate is certainly not going to hurt you if it comes into contact with your skin, precautions should still be used. Minimally, using a respirator, and eye protection will keep you safe.

    Calcium chloride on the other hand, when mixed with water, has an exothermic reaction, which is to say, it gets hot! So make sure you use a respirator, eye protection, and definitely wear gloves to keep your hands safe!

    Calcium Hardness In Fibreglass Pools

    Pool Calcium Hardness Calculator

    Some pool shops are unaware that the calcium levels in fibreglass pools is often different to concrete pools. Consequently, some pool shops will incorrectly advise customers to significantly increase the calcium levels in their water. This mistake happens because the water testing software used at pool shops is primarily designed for concrete pools rather than fibreglass. Remember, most concrete pools have a suggested calcium range of 200-300ppm while fibreglass pools are often much lower.

    So, to ensure that your water is at the right level, check the suggested calcium levels with your pool manufacturer. For example, the pool shown here is from a client who had heavy calcium build-up on their fibreglass pool from poor water balance. In addition to surface problems, excessive calcium in a fibreglass pool can clog salt cells, damage the heater, and obstruct pipework.

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    What Ph Balance Is So Important

    As you can tell, off-balance pH levels can cause some issues. For example:

    • Low pH irritates the skin and eyes. It can also irritate the mucous membranes in your nasal cavity. This is because acidic water will strip away your bodys natural oils.
    • Low pH corrodes equipment. Everything in contact with acidic water is basically being worn away, which is why if left unchecked, it will corrode your plumbing, accessories, liners and other equipment.
    • Unbalanced pH kills chlorines power. Whether its low or high, unbalanced pH is the super-villain of your pools germ-fighting hero. In this scenario, you can add all the chlorine you want and your pH levels will render it useless.
    • High pH clouds the water. While cloudy water in and of itself is not necessarily unsafe, it does usually signal an underlying issue. And besides, no one wants to swim in murky water!

    How Do You Lower Calcium Hardness

    Lower calcium hardness levels can be challenging since no go-to chemical can help raise the water hardness. But, after research, the following tricks can help:

    Drain Some Water and Refill: You may need to raise calcium hardness if you notice cloudy, hazy pool water or a low concentration of total dissolved solids. To increase calcium hardness levels, drain a portion of the water from your pool and refill it with fresh filtered tap water with a lower calcium level.

    Use a Sequestering Agent: Then, either dilute or remove excess minerals by adding a sequestering agent, which binds with metals in the water to allow easier removal by filtration. When using pool sequestrant, follow the directions on the package label and let stand for 12-24 hours before draining some water.

    Use Muriatic Acid: Next, add muriatic acid to the pool at the rate recommended in the label instructions or by your local pool stores technician. Maintain this level of calcium hardness for several months to ensure it is stable in the water. A good rule of thumb is to add muriatic acid at a rate equivalent to one gallon per 500 square feet, but not more than 5 gallons per 1000 square feet over two days. Typically you should wait 24 hours before adding any more acid once you have added your initial dosage.

    • Prevents metal stains and scale formation
    • Removes fresh metal stains including Iron and copper

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