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What Is Super Shock For Pools

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As Part Of Your Pool Maintenance Regimen

How To Shock a Pool – How To Super Chlorinate Your Pool – How To Add Shock To A Pool

Swimming pools are a lot of fun but theyre also a lot of work. As a swimming pool owner, youre responsible for keeping your pool clean and free of debris. Youre responsible for ensuring that your pump and filtration system is working correctly. And perhaps most importantly, youre responsible for testing your water, keeping your water chemistry balanced, and brushing and vacuuming your pool.

If you arent doing it already, consider shocking your pool every other week as part of your pool maintenance routine. If your pool gets moderate use, shocking it every other week will help ensure that your water is clear, clean, and free of any harmful bacteria or organic matter. For extra heavy pool use, consider shocking every week instead.

When The Free Chlorine Level Goes Below 3 Ppm

The quantity of free chlorine in the water should be 3 ppm, which is also what the total chlorine level should be around. The combined chlorine level should always be maintained below 0.5 ppmor at 0.0 ppm, if possible.

  • Free chlorine is the chlorine content that is unused, or “free” to do its job: cleaning and disinfecting your pool.
  • Combined chlorine, or chloramine, is the result of the chlorine’s sanitizing action. Chloramine is formed from the combination of free chlorine and sweat, body oils, and urine, creating the infamous “pool smell” that people often attribute to chlorine. High levels of combined chlorine means there is less free chlorine to kill bacteria, parasites, and algae.
  • Total chlorine is the sum of the free chlorine and combined chlorine contents.

Most test strips available on the market only measure free chlorine, but you also need to know values of total and/or combined chlorine before shocking your pool.

I use the Lamotte ColorQ Pro 11digital pool water test kit. I like this equipment since it is accurate, easy to use, and measures other pool chemicals and properties such as pH, bromine, cyanuric acid, and calcium hardness.

Important: Improper maintenance of pool chemistryespecially pH and cyanuric acid levelschanges the efficacy of chlorine, so make sure you use accurate equipment and frequently check your pool water’s chemistry.

If you find that the free chlorine level is lower than 3 ppm, it is time to shock your pool.

Super Chlorinate Vs Shock

Superchlorination and shocking are very similar because they both raise the levels of free chlorine, but they technically aren’t the same. A pool shock raises the chlorine levels almost instantly to breakpoint chlorination, a very high level that’s designed to eliminate chloramines and other harmful microorganisms. The superchlorinate feature raises chlorine levels gradually and at a lower concentration, especially if your generator is already operating at 50% or higher of it’s maximum output.

How do I know whether to Shock or Superchlorinate?

The super chlorinate button should be used occasionally for the reasons mentioned above every couple weeks or as necessary. If you find that your chloramine levels have risen substantially and increasing the chlorine output on the generator isn’t solving the problem, it might be a good idea to shock the water.

The idea of a shock is a quick fix to give the chlorine and generator a boost to get back on top of the germ-fighting game. You will find that once you have truly shocked your pool to breakpoint chlorination, the generator will keep things running smoothly at the correct chlorine output. We often recommend a pool shock during springtime pool opening just for this reason.


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Suncoast Super Shock 4

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Suncoast Super Shock 4-Way Sanitizer and Shock Treatment is an effective, multi-purpose product that restores crystal clarity to pool water, sanitizes, prevents algae, and shock treats your pool. It is convenient, easy to use and won’t overstabilize your pool.

  • Kills bacteria
  • Restores clarity to pool water

Hth Super Shock It Medium To Large Pool Treatment 600g

Super Shock! Treatment
Benefits & Features Registered Product Kills bacteria and algae High-strength chlorine shock formulation Contains nonstabilized chlorine that will not cause chlorine lock Contains 600g of high-strength chlorine
Usage Instructions Directions for use: Use only as directed We recommend shock treatment for algae, colored water, low chlorine residual, at the start if the season and after refilling the pool. 1.Check and correct the pH level. 2.In the early evening, add 1 sachet of HTH Super Shock It around the sides of the pool 3.Run the filter for 24 hours 4.Check and re-correct the pH after the first 12 hours 5.Do not enter the pool until the chlorine residual is < 3ppm 6.Continue with normal Chlorination NB: In the case of a vinyl or coloured lining add HTH Super Shock It directly into the weir prevent bleaching.

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When To Shock Your Pool

Most people only decide to shock their swimming pools when they see an overgrowth of algae or they start getting cloudy pool water, but by this time, cleaning your pool could take a lot more work.

So if you stay on top of this chore by shocking your pool once a week, you may be able to avoid an algae overgrowth.

This kind of contamination often requires way more scrubbing, vacuuming and sometimes even draining than you will ever want to do.

BUTin case you are like the rest of us and occasionally put things off, here are the times when you should shock your pool even if you dont feel like it:

When To Use Pool Shock: A

Why do you need to shock a pool? Pools are shocked to remove combined chlorine molecules, aka chloramines from the water. Pools are also shocked to remove excess bather waste and bacteria after heavy pool use, contamination events, or for the removal of visible algae in the water. Bromine treated pools and spas also use pool shock to reactivate bromide ions in the water.

There are really 3 main reasons to shock a pool or spa, raising the Free Chlorine level high enough to oxidize or destroy the offending contaminants. These could be called the A-B-Cs of Pool Shock.

Algae: Green, yellow, pink or black, the best algaecide is chlorine, and lots of it. Pool algae growth can be controlled with algaecide, but to kill algae and clear the pool, we use pool shock. Be sure that the pH is adjusted to 7.1-7.3 range, so the chlorine shock is most potent. Depending on the severity of the algae, 10-30 ppm is needed to kill active algae blooms. Chlorine Accelerators, such as Yellow Out work to boost your chlorine level to fight severe algae blooms, of all colors.

Bacteria & Bather Waste: Bacteria can enter the pool from many sources, most of it harmless variety, however pathogenic bacteria may also exist. Use chlorine shock to remove bacteria after heavy pool use, heavy storms, long winters or for swimmer accidents. Bather waste includes skin, hair, lotions, cosmetics and soaps, as well as sweat, urine, feces and fungus.

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What Is Pool Shock

Pool shock is a super dose of granular pool chlorine that oxidizes chloramines and kills bacteria in the water.

Shocking depletes combined chlorine and increases free chlorine.

If your chlorine levels are low, a chlorinated shock is required. If levels are already high, you should use non-chlorinated shock.

Pool shocking is usually done at night, when the sun no longer shines on the water. This is because UV rays destroy chlorine at near warp speed. Twilight hours give the shock an extended amount of time to effectively kill everything in its path.

How To Sock Your Pool

HTH Ultimate 7 IN 1 Pool Shock Treatment Product Review

The weather is right and the family is ready to use the pool, but what about that strong chlorine odor? Well show you what to do about it. Time to clean the gutters. Climbing the ladder and dealing with leaves, bugs, and muck is a tiring and potentially dangerous chore. Not anymore. Well show you an innovative solution that will save you hours of nasty work. Your car, its another space you live in just about every day. Today, well show you how to make your driving spaces stylish and more comfortable. This is the show all about you and your space.

Your home and surroundings. We are Designing Spaces. Do it yourself pool care is now simpler than ever. Once you understand a few basics and have the right tools it can be shockingly easy. Designing Spaces goes poolside to see for ourselves. Take a look. Designing Spaces got together with Rebecca, New Products Manager for the Clorox Pool and Spa brand to show Melia some simple pool care tips that will help her with her problem. Was I glad to see Rebecca? I could really use some help understanding why my pool acts up sometimes. It seems like Melias a little bit shy when it comes to using chlorine. I need to get her comfortable with how to maintain the proper levels. . So whats going on? Ive been adding chlorine to my pool and now Ive noticed this really strong chlorine odor. Am I overdoing it? To be honest, that smell could mean youre not adding enough chlorine.

My favorite pool shock has an easy-to-open and pours bottle!

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Warning About Poop In The Pool Water

On any given day in your chlorinated pool, youre just one toddler diaper or animal poop away from dangerous recreational water illnesses.

These illnesses are caused by organisms such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and E. Coli, as well as symptoms such as severe diarrhea, which will all make you and anyone swimming in your contaminated pool water very sick.

What Is A Pool Shock

So, what is pool shock, exactly? “Shocking refers to the process of adding chlorine or non-chlorine pool chemicals to the water in order to raise the “free chlorine level. The goal is to raise this level to a point where contaminants such as algae, chloramines and bacteria are destroyed.

A pool that smells strongly of pool chlorine doesn’t mean that it’s clean. In fact, a clean pool will be almost odor-free. Strong chlorine smell is a sign of improperly treated water. The odor actually comes from chloramines, also known as combined chlorine. Chloramines form when the chlorine in the pool mixes with the nitrogen in sweat, oils and urine. However, smell alone does not dictate when you should shock your pool.

In general, you should shock your pool when:

  • Algae begins to grow in your pool.
  • The free chlorine level of your pool measures zero.
  • The chloramines or combined chlorine level rises above 0.5 parts per million .

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Test The Water Again To Check For Optimal Chlorine Levels

After those six or more hours, you should test the water once again to confirm the optimal chlorine levels are present in the pool. This means ten times more free chlorine than the combined chlorine levels.

If youre still having trouble getting your pool in the right spot, you may need to SLAM your pool.

What Is Shocking A Pool And Why Should You Do It

HTH 12 lbs. Super Pool Shock Treatment (12

Shocking a pool, also known as pool chlorination, is adding chlorine in swimming pool water to sanitize itgetting rid of chloramine , contaminants, bacteria, preventing algae, ammonia, and other living organisms from thriving in your pool.

Chlorinating a swimming pool is a very important and necessary part of pool maintenance.

Every pool owner should at least understand how to do it, how frequently, what amount of chlorine to add, and which chlorine shock to use in a pool.

Moreover, the cornerstone of keeping free chlorine active all the time is keeping it in proper balance with cyanuric acid.

The higher the cyanuric acid level in your water, the more your free chlorine will be ineffective, and the more chlorine you will use in your pool.

Confirm on Trouble Free Pool’s Chlorine/CYA Chart to know the correct amount of chlorine to add at a given level of cyanuric acid.

By regularly adding chlorine shock to your water, you completely avoid the hassle of SLAMing your pool to clear algae and ammonia.

To have a trouble-free pool throughout the summer, I always recommend the use of non-stabilized chlorine known as sodium hypochlorite with a 12.5% chlorine concentration for pool sanitization.

You can also use sodium hypochlorite with a 10% chlorine concentration, but not a regular household bleach that comes with low chlorine concentration of 8% and below.

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During Extended Periods Of Hot Weather

When the weather is hot, the water levels will rise above the optimal temperature range of 78ºF82ºF, making it easier for bacteria and algae to thrive. Additionally, UV rays from bright sunlight will decrease the amount of free chlorine in your pool.

Make it a routine to shock your pool more often in the summer, when the weather is hot. Use cyanuric acid to stabilize the free chlorine and prevent UV rays from consuming the chlorine at a higher rate.

Clorox Pool& spa Shock Xtrablue

This pool shock is perfect for removing the algae from your pool, no matter if it is green, black, or mustard. Plus, it works perfectly well with bacteria therefore ensuring that you are stepping into a nicely sanitized pool.

Unlike other solid pool shocks, this one does not require pre-mixing. To be on the safe side, you may dissolve it in a bucket but according to many that have previously used this product, it can dissolve fairly quickly and efficiently. It is a hassle-free way of maintaining your pool over the summer, but it may also be a good way of opening your pool after winter has passed.


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Shocking Or Super Chlorinating Your Pool

The two can be confusing at times. Some people dont know when shocking or super chlorinating is needed I understand and sometimes interchange the two myself. Even though the two are very similar in all reality they are completely different. I like to use the technical term break point chlorination when needed as not to confuse any customers. There is a lot to water chemistry and can become quite confusing.

Super chlorinating your pool is a term used to simply boost the chlorine level after a heavy bather load, and yes that means your dog, too. One dog in your pool is like having 50 people swimming for the day. The sign of algae, even the smallest amount would require you to shock your pool. You can find info on how to treat algae here If there has been rain all day or for some reason your chlorine level falls below normal. I like to call that preventive maintenance. These are just a few things in my opinion that could lead to more costly problems than to simply boost the chlorine lever by adding a couple of pounds of chlorine.

Dont get confused when purchasing an item for either shocking or super chlorinating, because while each one does a different job the ingredient is the same, chlorine.

Total chlorine The total chlorine is the sum of the free and combined chlorine.

How do we get combined chlorine and what is it?

How do you correct this problem?

Please if you have any questions feel free to ask.

How Often To Shock Your Pool

How to Shock Your Swimming Pool

How will you know when to shock a pool? Dont wait for a bad smell or eye irritation before you shock your pool. It’s recommended that you should do a pool shock once a week. The more you use the pool, the more often you need to shock it.

Occasionally, you may need to perform an extra pool shock after:

  • Heavy pool use, like a pool party.
  • A severe rainstorm.

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Pool Essentials Shock Treatment

Whats the best pool shock for weekly treatment? Were partial to Pool Essentials Shock Treatment, a fast-dissolving product that clears murky water by getting rid of oils, sweat, sunscreen, and other contaminants swimmers leave behind.

You can apply this easy-to-use chlorine shock directly to your pool water in the deepest area. Not only is it super effective at shocking pools, but its also affordable enough to use once a week . Pool Essentials Shock Treatment can be used at any time of year and is safe for frequent use.

After An Outbreak Of Algae Or Green Pool Water

Got algae? Has your pool water turned an unappealing shade of green overnight? Shocking your pool after you scrub and vacuum the algae blooms away can ensure that it doesnt come back.

A few things to keep in mind when youre dealing with algae: First remember that pool shock is just one part of the algae removal process .

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How Often Should I Shock My Pool

How often you should shock your pool depends on how often the pool is used and how much exposure your pool is getting to sunlight. For general maintenance and upkeep, everyday to weekly shocking is ideal depending on the reading of free chlorine that should always be 3 ppm.

If you have lots of people swimming on a daily basis, you should test free chlorine and shock as required every single day and at least weekly when the pool is not very busy.

Pool Chlorine Vs Shock: Whats The Difference

HTH Super Shock Pool Shock Treatment, 1 lb Granule Bags, 6 ...
  • |December 5, 2020

Learning about all the disinfecting chemicals that go into pool water, and the balancing of them, can be confusing.

When it comes time to understand the difference between pool chlorine vs shock, they might seem like the same thing.

But are they?

Yes, and no. We lay it all out for you in this article.

What Is Pool Chlorine?

Pool chlorine is a sanitizer and oxidizer that keeps your pool water free from germs, bacteria, viruses, and organic pollutants.

Breaking it down, chlorine releases two chemicals into the water: hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion . They attack the enzymes and structures inside the cells of pollutants, destroying them.

The result is water thats clean and safe to swim in.

When talking about chlorine and how it relates to swimming pools, theres three terms that are used to describe the different states.

Free available chlorine , often shortened to free chlorine or available chlorine. Its what most people think of when chlorine is mentioned, because its chlorine in its purest state unused and ready to sanitize your pool water.

Combined chlorine , often referred to as chloramine, is chlorine that has been used up in your pool after attacking pollutants, making it ineffective at keeping your pool water sanitized.

Are There Different Types of Chlorine?

Chlorine comes in 2 categories: unstabilized and stabilized.

Unstabilized chlorine comes in 3 types: sodium hypochlorite , lithium hypochlorite, and calcium hypochlorite.

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