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How Much Shock For 15000 Gallon Pool

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Why You Should Know This

Clear Water Maintenance for Small Pools up to 5,000 Gallons: Clorox Pool& Spa

Pool owners should never worry about this since its little education that is required to resolve such a problem. In case we assume that pH adjustment has been done and the water in the pool is clean, you should consider resolving your problem by simply adding granular chlorine to the pool. In the market, you will find out that most pool shock packages state addition of 1 lb. shock in every 10,000 pool water gallons.

Many people may be asking what might happen in case a less dosage for this is added, for this, a more combined chlorine can be created and thereby exacerbating the problem at large. To others, 30 ppm, seem to be such an excessive amount but then, this is truly the minimum required amount to resolve the problem. This is what is needed to break into the algae cell nucleus so that its DNA structure, so, its replication will become much impossible thereby killing it. As a pool owner, you need to know that chlorine sanitizers are usually with varying strengths, so, different dosages are required to bring about desired results for different pools.

To resolve this problem, there is need first an individual to determine the type of algae a pool has developed. There normally exist three types of algae namely the standard green algae, the dreaded black one, and the stubborn yellow type.

Should I Add Chlorine To A Saltwater Pool

Before I changed my non-saltwater pool to saltwater two years ago, I used to shock regularly.

Basically, a chlorine-based pool needs more maintenance than a saltwater pool. Unless there is an algae outbreak or a build-up of contaminants such as oil and soil, a saltwater pool does not need much treatment. This is because saltwater pools use chlorine generators to produce a chlorine compound similar to the chlorine in shock treatments.

Chlorine generators can be adjusted to increase the amount of chlorine in the pool, for instance, before heavy usage. However, this technically isn’t shocking. It is just a way to maintain chlorine at the recommended level.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

What Is A Pool Shock Treatment

The term shocking your swimming pool essentially means adding high volumes of concentrated chlorine to kill off any living contaminants that have developed within your pool. Although, if you overdo the shock treatment, you risk getting green hair from chlorine due to the excess chlorine oxidizing the copper in the water. You can execute a shock treatment with a few different types of pool shock, just be mindful of how much youre using.

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What Is Shock Dosing

Shock dosing your swimming pool involves adding large quantities of sanitising chemicals, such as chlorine, to your pool. These quantities can reach as high as ten times the normal dose.

The short term raise in chlorine will help break down any organic waste such as bacteria and other contaminants such as algae, slime and loss of water clarity or quality.

For a guide on how to shock dose your pool, you can refer to the guide at the end of this article where you will find information appropriate to the size and dose involved with shock dosing your pool.

Light Green Pool Water

How Much "  Pool Shock "  To Make Regular Bleach Equivalent ...

If you have a light green pool, you need to shock your pool in order to kill the algae.

Algae feeds off high pH. Chlorine isn’t as effective when your pH is high. Youll need to lower your pH using hydrochloric acid. Start with around 1L to 2L. Be careful when adding it to the pool, ensuring it doesn’t splash up on you as it is highly toxic and dangerous. If your pool is vinyl lined, only add 1L every 24 hours, as it’s more sensitive to harsh chemicals.

You also need to shock your pool with chlorine. Add 2 cups of granulated chlorine or 3 tubs of 15L chlorine . If your pool is salt water chlorinated, add 2 to 4 bags of salt and turn your chlorinator to 100% for a couple of days to really boost that chlorine and get that water sanitised. Your salt levels should be sitting at around 5000ppm , with each 20kg bag of salt equating to 500ppm.

Note: Keep the pump running for at least 24 hours when shocking the pool to make sure all of the water is properly circulated around the pool!

*We recommend only using stabilised chlorine if absolutely necessary. Preferably, you should be using non-stabilised chlorine and adding in your stabiliser separately to avoid a chlorine lock .

The reason for this is because you require much less stabiliser than you do chlorine.This issue can be avoided as a whole by installing a chlorinator if you don’t already have one.”

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Shocking Treatment For Algae

After cleaning the pool and adjusting the pH level, you have to proceed further to add the chlorine into the pool. Most of the shock treatment packages will direct you to add 1 lb. of shock per 10,000 gallons of the pool water. This can be fine for any normal conditions. But if your pool is severely attacked by algae, then you will need to take other steps.

The best technique for the pools that are severely attacked by algae is to provide shock treatment unless until the water of the pool starts to turn blue-ish. Here is the chart that you have to use for shock treatment based on the color of the pool.

For light green pools, use 1 lb. of shock treatment per 10,000 gallons of water. So, for 25,000 gallons of water in pool, use 2.5 lb. of shock treatment.

For medium green pools, use 2 lb. of shock treatment per 10,000 gallons of water. So, for 25,000 gallons of water, use 5 lb.

For dark green colored pools, it is better to use 3 lb. per 10,000 gallons of water. So, for 25,000 gallons of water, you have to use 7 lb.

So, if you had a question in your mind regarding how much liquid chlorine to shock a pool with algae, you probably have now gotten the answer. Youll have to calculate the amount of water you have in your pool and determine the color of the pool.

Pool Shock: When & How Much

Welcome to our discussion on swimming pool shock, specifically, when should one shock the pool, and how much do I need to add?

Shocking the pool with chlorine is the raising of free chlorine levels in the pool to such a high level that every living thing in the water is killed by cell disruption. I liken the process to a lightning bolt ripping through the water, and perhaps thats why its called shocking the pool.

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Is Liquid Chlorine Better Than Tablets

Three-inch tablets are a cost-efficient way of keeping pool chlorine level optimal. They store well and sustain the pool chlorine level more consistently than the liquid variety. Tablets are also less labor-intensive. Dissolved chlorine is automatically metered into water passing through the return line to the pool.

How Much Shock Do I Need For A 15000 Gallon Green Pool

How To SHOCK a Swimming POOL | Swim University

4.6/52 pounds4 pounds

To double shock, you will need to add 2 pounds for every 10,000 gallons of water. For instance, if you pool is 20,000 gallons, you will add 4 pounds of shock. Green or Dark Green Pool Water: This means there’s a medium amount of algae in your water and you’ll need to triple shock your pool.

Furthermore, how much shock does it take to kill algae? Step 8. Shock your pool– Add a chlorine-based shock as needed. You will usually need 1 pound per 10,000 gallons of pool water . Since an algae problem is present, you will need 2 pounds per 10,000 gallons.

Also asked, how much shock do I need for my pool?

To shock your pool, use 2 pounds of shock for every 10,000 gallons of water, which should raise your chlorine to 10.0 ppm. Depending on your pool, you can use Leslie’s Power Powder Plus or Leslie’s Chlor Brite. After shocking the pool, run the circulation system for at least 2 hours before adding an algaecide.

How much liquid chlorine do you need to shock a pool with algae?

The minimum chlorine amount required for this is 30 ppm. Factors that lead to algae outbreak in a pool are many bather load, high temperature levels and more sunny days.

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What Is Pool Shock Anyway

Think back to the last time you walked past a hotel pool. The chemical smell probably knocked your socks off, right? You may think that unmistakable smell is chlorine, but the odor actually comes from chloramines, a sign of improperly balanced water.

Chloramines form when the chlorine in your pool mixes with the nitrogen in sweat, oils, and urine . This is a natural chemical process, basically a byproduct of your chlorine doing its job.

In addition to giving your pool a funky smell, too many chloramines can also irritate your skin, eyes, and respiratory system.

By shocking your pool, youre adding enough chlorine to clean the water and destroy the buildup of chloramines. This process is also called superchlorination.

How Much Bleach Do You Need For A 5000 Gallon Pool

So, how much bleach do you put in a 5,000-gallon pool? To shock a pool with bleach or Clorox, you will need to use ¼ gallon of bleach per 5000 gallons of water to raise the level of chlorine to 5 ppm. However, if you want to bleach 1000 gallons of pool water, youll need /10000 which is equal to 0.05 gallons of bleach.

Clorox bleach is certainly the most common bleach product that is used for swimming pools. The concentration of Clorox is 5.7%, which means that if you have a 5,000-gallon pool, youll need to use 3 cups or 24 oz to raise the level of chlorine in the pool.

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The Difference Between Liquid Chlorine And Granular Shock

Liquid chlorine and granular shock have the same active chemical that sanitizes your pool, what changes is the strength and the way you use it. Liquid chlorine is less costly, unstabilized and comes in liquid form. Granular shock is stabilized and comes in a solid form that dissolves in your pool.

A quick disclaimer: The word chlorine is often used inappropriately, but has become the generic term for the worlds most common sanitizer. Real chlorine is only available in gaseous form. The kind used in your pool is derived from this form and mixed with various chemicals to make it a solid or liquid.

Chlorine is the most cost-effective way to sanitize your pool. It has been the product of choice for almost 100 years. It is safe enough to sanitize drinking water and powerful enough, in the right concentrations, to kill bacteria, germs and viruses. It also oxidizes as it sanitizes, helping to keep your pool clear. With that in mind, lets dive into more detail.

Differences between Stabilized and Unstabilized Chlorine.

Each chlorine compound is designed for a specific purpose. Using these two types in conjunction with one another will keep your pool clean, clear and sparkling!

Liquid Chlorine vs. Granular Shock

Now that we know the difference between stabilized and unstabilized, lets look at the differences between liquid and powdered shock. Both of these types of chlorine are considered unstabilized. However, there are some major similarities and differences.


How To Shock A Pool

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Youve got the chemical knowledge. Now its time for practical experience. Superchlorinating your pool is shockingly easy once you get the hang of it.

Important: Remember, if youre using chlorinated pool shock, wait until the sun goes down before adding it.



  • Suit up in your protective gear.
  • Do a quick round of pool water testing for FC and TC to determine how much CC is in your pool. This measurement will dictate how much swimming pool shock you need.
  • Carefully read the manufacturers instructions on your shock product. Most packages include charts or steps to help you calculate how much shock you need. If you need to calculate it yourself:
  • Subtract the FC from the TC to find the CC
  • Multiply the CC by ten
  • Subtract the FC from that sum
  • Find how many ounces of shock will produce a 1 ppm chemical change in 10,000 gallons of water
  • Divide your pool volume by 10,000 gallons
  • Multiply the chemical change by the divided pool volume and the CC/FC difference
  • Convert the answer into pounds by dividing by 16. The result will be how much pool shock you need to use
  • If you need to dissolve the shock first, fill your bucket roughly ¾ full with warm water. Otherwise, skip to step six.
  • Add the shock to the bucket, and slowly stir until the chemical is as dissolved as possible. Work in one-pound increments. Skip to step seven.
  • Slowly pour the shock while walking around your pool for more even distribution.
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    Dichlor & Trichlor Stabilized Chlorine

    The actual names of these are Sodium Dichloro-S-Triazinetrione which contains between 58% and 62% active chlorine. TriChloro-S-Triazinetrione is more common in chlorine tablets and contains upwards of 90% active chlorine.


    • They typically contain higher levels of chlorine.
    • Can be used to shock the pool under certain circumstances.
    • You typically dont have to dissolve it ahead of time.
    • Both add CYA/stabilizer to the pool.

    How Much Bleach To Add To A Pool To Make Swimming Safe

    You may be asking yourself how much bleach to add to a pool to make swimming safe. When you get a new pool, at first the excitement is too much to handle. That is until you come to the realization that is the headache of keeping pool water clear.

    People on social media make maintaining a crystal clear pool look easy. However, you may find that it is costly and frustrating to maintain a crystal clear swimming pool. Luckily, there is a cost-effective alternative that can make your life easier.

    Most people chose chlorine as a pool sanitizing agent. When you add chlorine to pool water, it kills microscopic organisms in the water that cause the pool to become cloudy. Bacteria such make the water unsafe to swim in.

    It is easy to understand the chemistry behind how chlorine breaks down bacteria. Chlorine destroys microbes by using their negative charge to rip through the outer membrane rendering it useless.

    Liquid bleach or hypochlorous acid is the most popular form of chlorine. When the liquid bleach hits the water, the molecules turn into negatively charged ions and immediately get to work cleaning the bacteria out of your pool.

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    How Do I Add Bleach To The Pool Water

    Most pool stores do not suggest using simple chlorine as a bleaching agent. They want you to use their products for adding bleach to the water. Most pool specialty stores will sell slow dissolving tablets of chlorine that when combined with other ingredients, stabilize the chlorine, so it releases slower, thus making it last longer. Although this may seem like the easier solution, stabilizing bleach greatly reduces the effectiveness it has on killing the microbes that need to be removed from your pool.

    The chemicals that are used in these tablets, such as dichlor, break down very slowly and difficultly and overall you cannot control how much of it is going into the water. Therefore, the new chlorine that is added via tablet will attack the dichlor and immediately be stabilized and will not attack the bacteria that you are trying to eliminate.

    The tablet is rendered effectively useless, and in a few weeks, the result will be a cloudy pool. More than likely, you will be stuck in a situation where the pool store will sell you additional expensive products that will not fix your problem. This is a costly mistake.

    Do not forget, however, when you add liquid bleach to a pool, you still have to add a small amount of stabilizer, so the sunlight doesnt eliminate the bleach molecules immediately. This step should not be too difficult since you are controlling the amount of stabilizer you should be able to prevent over stabilization.

    Shockingly That Was Easy

    How Much Shock Do I Add to My Swimming Pool?

    While you may not be too worried about over shocking your pool now, each element of the shock treatment is important. Its critical to get the process right, so you can achieve quick results and get back to swimming. Learning the ins and outs of how to shock a pool will help you better maintain your pool moving forward.

    For more tips and tricks on how to maintain your pool or hot tub, check out our blog! We have the tools you need to keep your pool in pristine condition all year round.

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    How Often Should You Shock Dose You Swimming Pool

    Shock dosing should be part of any pool owners usual cleaning routine. It is highly recommended to shock dose your pool when:

    • – First filling up your pool.
    • – Sighting any signs of algae or slime.
    • – After any period of heavy use.
    • – After any loss of water clarity or quality.
    • – After a heavy rainfall.
    • – At the end and beginning of each season.

    If the pool is heavily used its highly recommended to shock dose your pool every week. If you do not regularly use your pool than shock dosing at least once every two weeks will maintain a healthy water environment.

    Pool owners should ensure they have a maintenance schedule, this will help to regulate the cleanliness and correct chemical levels of their pool. Regularly testing your pool may also reduce the amount of shock dosing necessary to maintain a clean, healthy pool.

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