Find Your Inner Swimmer
Remember why you wanted a pool in the first place?
It probably started when you were a kid, going to pool parties at your friends house and declaring that someday you too would own a pool.
Was it for status? Okay, maybe a little, but more than that, it was about fun.
When you had this pool installed, you were probably imagining all those hot days that your kids would spend splashing around with their friends, filling your backyard with noise and laughter.
Or you imagined the pool parties you would have, grilling out and eating poolside with your neighbors and friends.
Dont lose that.
On days when your water is cloudy and youre ankle-deep in algae and leaves, you’ll need to remember why youre still cleaning this thing and not filling it in with cement.
How To Play Pool: Mastering The Top 3 Pool Shots
The following tips will take your pool playing to the next level.
As with most things, repetition is the key.With pool you need to structure the repetition by playing certain pool scenarios until they become muscle memory.
Okay, here are my 3 simple pool drills to help you master the most common pool shots:
#1 Straight Shots
Set up a straight shot that you know you can make.
For example, you might be confident making a shot with the target ball one foot from the pocket and the cue ball another foot from the target ball. Practice that shot until you can pocket it consistently.
Then, begin adding length until you can consistently make the shot from across the table. Experiment with different lengths between the target ball and the pocket and between the target ball and the cue ball.
Practice this drill until the amount of power that you need to apply to the shot becomes muscle memory. Note how, at different lengths, you may have difficulty preventing the cue ball from following the target ball into the pocket. This knowledge will carry you into the next drill.
#2 English
After practicing straight shots for awhile, youll begin to notice patterns in what happens to the cue ball after it strikes the target ball. At this point, you can begin adding spin or English to the cue ball.
Still working on straight shots only, start hitting the cue ball above or below center to see how it affects the spin of the ball:
#3 Angled Shots
Senior Health And Safety
As we age, our bodies become less tolerant of drastic temperature changes, and more vulnerable to both heat and cold. This is particularly true in swimming pools where too-cold or too-warm water can not only be uncomfortable for seniors, but detrimental to their health.
When the seniors in your life are going to use your pool for leisure, consider raising the temperature to somewhere between 86°F and 88°F .
Water exercises can be particularly helpful for those with arthritis. The waters buoyancy means less stress on joints, and little risk of falling while exercising.
If anyone with arthritissenior or notwill be using your pool, theyll be most comfortable in temperatures between 84°F and 88°F . If they have limited function due to arthritis, theyll do better in even higher temperatures, somewhere between 86°F and 90°F .
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Wait Just How Cloudy Is Your Pool
Cloudy is a pretty vague term, and you should know that there are different stages of cloudy pool water. And yes, it goes from bad to worse.
Personally, Id break cloudy water into three categories:
- Flat. The least severe form, in that your pool water still has its color but it doesnt have the sparkle it once did.
- Hazy. The water is starting to lose its color and its now difficult to make out small details on the pool floor.
- Milky. The water is no longer translucent, meaning the pool floor is not visible at all. This is pretty much as bad as it gets.
How To Measure Pool Temperature
All pool heaters have built-in thermostats to let you set and maintain the pool temperature you decide on. But just like the thermostat in your home may not accurately display the temperature from the room farthest away from it, the heater thermostat may not be completely accurate, either.
To get an accurate pool temperature reading, supplement the thermostat with a pool thermometer. You have three types to choose from: analog, digital, and infrared. We recommend digital for accuracy and cost-effectiveness.
Analog thermometers can be difficult to read accurately, and infrared thermometers are a little on the expensive side for residential use. Unless you just like pointing whats basically a laser gun at your pool while you shout, Pew! Pew! We wont judge.
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Allow Time For Aeration To Work
The time it takes for your pH to rise depends on which method you use, as some are more aggressive on your water than others.
For example, if youre hosting a pool party with lots of splashing and pool games taking place, it may only take half a day to push the pH back up by the required amount.
Alternatively, if youre just pointing your return jets upwards to create bubbles on the surface, you may need to leave them running for several days to have the same impact on pH.
What Causes Cloudy Pool Water
There are a number of reasons your pool water can become cloudy, and understanding the potential cause will not only help you fix it, but also prevent it in future.
So lets talk about ways to fix the root of the problem before treating the symptoms because were not about to slap on a bandaid and call it day.
Here we go
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Algae And Bacteria Control
Youre constantly battling pool water contaminants, and for the most part, you keep them under control with chlorine or another sanitizer, and with filtration. But let the pool temperature get too high, and youre practically laying out the welcome mat for algae and bacteria.
When your pool water heats up to around the 85°F mark, bacteria and algae get nice and comfy, and start reproducing at exponential rates. Keeping your pool below that mark wont get rid of algae and bacteria completely, but will make it more difficult for them to bloom and grow and become a problem.
If you do raise the heat in your pool to accommodate guests, shock it more often to keep algae, bacteria, and other contaminants at bay. If thats not a concern, then try to cool the pool down to prevent an algae bloom.
Is Chalking My Pool Cue Tip Important
The few seconds that you would have taken out of your time to chalk your pool cue tip is very important and necessary to do, its recommended that you should chalk your stick after every shot that youve taken in the game.
As a beginner, you should get into the practicing of the habit of chalking your pool cue tip for a more solid hit on the cue ball but mostly for preventing miss-cue, there also a wide variety of chalks available to use but I wont get into specific detailing of them this time around.
In this article, we will fully explain why its very important to chalk your pool cue stick and the correct way that you should chalk your pool stick. Its not just a beginners thing because most high lever players of the game do not know to chalk their cue stick in the correct manner as well, they think it is just rubbing the chalk on the tip and thats all.
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How To Prevent Rising Alkalinity
Its not uncommon to see your total alkalinity rise over time because pH naturally rises over time, and we know alkalinity always increases with pH.
In fact, the only way to prevent total alkalinity from rising in your pool is to prevent your pH level from rising.
Fortunately, the causes for rising pH are well established so it shouldnt be difficult to maintain both your pH and alkalinity by taking some precautions.
In particular, you should:
- Shock regularly to kill algae in your water, which consumes carbon dioxide and pushes up your pH level .
- Turn off your water features as often as possible to prevent unnecessary aeration.
- Consider using low pH chlorine tablets to introduce a steady stream of acid into your water.
- Avoid using high pH household products such as borax or baking soda to remedy your pool chemistry
- Use lower pH fill water when filling or topping off your pool
Clean Up Debris And Check For Wear And Tear
Before you open your pool, take some time to survey the area around your pool. Trim overgrown trees and hedges. Sweep away nearby leaves. Check your for damage, wear, and tear and address any issues before you open your pool for the season. Be sure to clean and repair any deck furniture so that it is safe for use. You should also check pool equipment like safety rails, slides, rescue equipment, ladders, and diving boards.
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Why You Cant Lower Alkalinity Without Affecting Ph
If you need to lower your alkalinity, know its not going to be as straightforward as chucking in some magical chemical.
The problem with trying to adjust one of these values is that pH and alkalinity are very closely related. This is true to such an extent that lowering one will always eventually lower the other.
For that reason, attempting to lower alkalinity without having any effect on your pH level is just not realistic .
Instead, the only way to truly achieve this is to lower both alkalinity and pH at once, then raise pH back up in isolation.
Smart Tips To Contending With 6 Common Pool Issues
While there are dozens of issues that could give you trouble with your pool, here are six of the most common you should be familiar with.
1. Cloudy Pool Water
If you have cloudy pool water, first you’ll need to figure out what is causing the pool water to be murky, and testing the pool chemistry is a good place to start.
If any of the levels are off, they can cause cloudy water for various reasons. Get those levels balanced.
If that doesnt fix the problem, check your filters.
If they are clogged or the pump isnt running right, they wont be cleaning the water like they should. If your filters need to be cleaned, hose them off well and use the appropriate chemicals when necessary.
If you’re having regular issues with cloudy water, but everything seems to be working right and your chemicals are balanced, you might need to use a pool clarifier every week after cleaning.
This product will clump tiny particles of debris together so they can be more easily filtered out.
2. Algae
Algae can usually be controlled by consistently shocking your pool.
You’ll also need to use a pool brush to scrub the surface so that you are removing any algae spores from the sides that you might not be able to see. Using an algaecide after shocking the pool is also key to keeping it under control.
But if you are still having problems with it, you may need to double shock your pool, brushing and vacuuming after each treatment.
3. Green Pool Water
4. Pool Foam
5. Stains
6. Leaks
Thank You
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Try Different Cues And Tips
When it comes to choosing a cue and a tip of the right hardness for you, there are a ton of options out there. Every players style is different, so your best bet is to play with different cues and tips.
Some players prefer to play the whole game with a medium or medium-hard tip. Others prefer to play with soft tips for certain shots, and hard tips for others. For an in-depth guide to tips, check out this article.
The same can be said for the quality of the cue every player is different. Some people prefer to play with a $500 cue, whereas others are perfectly happy with a $50 cue. The cue doesnt make the player, but the player must be comfortable with the cue. For more on choosing the right cue for you, check out our articles, How Much Does a Good Pool Cue Cost? , and How To Choose a Pool Cue: Ultimate Pool Cue Buying Guide
How To Hold A Pool Cue
Holding the cue incorrectly will definitely have a major impact on your game, the pool cue should be held very firm in your hands, your stans should also be solid when positioning yourself to take the shot, if your a right-handed person your stans should start off with your right foot at the back and your left foot at the front, try to make sure that you are comfortable as well.
Your right hand should be holding the butt end of the cue stick and your left hand will be holding the part closer to the ferrule/tip of the pool cue.
Your right hand should be able to freely move and firmly griped for the striking of the cue ball, you are going to find a comfortable bridge pattern for your left hand to hold cue steady with as well we dont want any out of the placed movement of the cue while striking the cue ball, try to adjust your index finger within a comfortable hold for yourself, if your left-handed the hand play position would be vice-versa.
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Are Billiards And Pool The Same Thing
Ever wondered about the difference is between Pool and Billiards? To the casual observer both games appear to be the same. The concept is similar. A player uses a long stick with a white tip, known as a cue stick, and strikes the cue ball. This white ball hits the other balls on the table.
Players lean over the table to line up their shots. They consider the angles and distance between the balls on the table and consider the best possible way to strike the white cue ball. The goal, of course, is to hit one of the colored balls and push it into the pocket. At least, that appears to be the goal, but is it?
Pool Similar Yet Different
The game of pool developed out of billiards and was originally considered a common mans game. A pool game has a single white cue ball and fifteen additional balls of different colors. Balls are numbered and are either solid or white with a colored stripe. There are several variations of pool, but the objective of all of them is sinking your balls in the pockets before your opponent can.
Pool tables have a pocket at each corner as well as a pocket at the center of each of the long sides. Just like the game of billiards, pool players consider the angle of each possible shot. Using techniques with names such as English or Masse players hit the cue ball to create spin, curve or velocity and hit a specific ball or series of balls on the table.
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Pool Tips Every Pool Player Must Know
We could all be a little better at pool.
Join me as I go through over 50 tips useful for players ranging from beginner to intermediate skill levels. I have sorted these tips into a couple different categories because everyones skill level is bound to range at different levels and you may already know some.
- Fundamentals 1
- Well go over basic stuff that many players overlook like your pool stance, aiming correctly and your bridge.
How To Get Better At Pool: 9 Fundamental Practice Tips
If you want to get better at pool, you need to practice . . . the right way
It takes a lot of practice to get better at pool. Just like any of the other best bar games.
But most beginner pool players practice pool the wrong way.
Beginner pool players often skip right past the fundamentals into advanced concepts, such as combo shots, draw shots, run-out patterns, powerful breaks, cue ball spin techniques and more.
Dont get me wrong. To become an advanced pool player, you will need practice technical shots and strategies.
But for the rest of us, getting better at pool starts with consistent practice of fundamental pool techniques and mechanics.
You will become a much better player by mastering the basics.
This is true whether youre playing any of the billiards games, such as 9-ball, 8-ball, a fun game like Cutthroat, or a technical game like Straight Pool.
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Choose An Efficient Pool Heater
You have three options to heat your pool.
You can rely on the sun, but this is really winging it, and youll have no way to control the pool temperature. Plus, the water will usually be a lot cooler than may be comfortable in certain regions or at certain times of the year. However, getting a solar pool cover can help you take advantage of this free heat source. And we recommend using a solar cover even if you have a pool heater to help retain heat.
A gas pool heater can be a good, economical option if you have natural gas available. If not, you can choose a heat pump.
Finally, you can still use the sun, but in a much more focused and efficient way with a solar pool heater. If you have the space on your roof, its definitely worth looking into.
Take a thorough look at all your options before making a decision.