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Is Salt Or Chlorine Better For Pools

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Salt Vs Chlorine Storage: Which One Is Easier

Salt vs Chlorine in your swimming pool

This is one question we can answer right away. Salt required for a salt water pool is easy to store. These usually come in big bags and can be stowed away. Just keep them dry. Since they are non-toxic, you need not worry about the safety factor.

Storing concentrated chlorine is a different story. Read the manufacturer instructions carefully and follow them. The strong chemical lets off toxic odor, especially in humid weather conditions. Store it properly in a safe, dry, vented place. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

Our verdict: Salt is easier to store.

Whats In Chlorine Tablets

In general, chlorine tablets contain 99% trichloro-S-triazinetrione. There are stabilized and non-stabilized tablets available stabilized tablets have additives to help prevent chlorine loss related to UV rays. Certain types of tablets contain additional ingredients to help soften water, prevent scaling, etc.

Australian Outdoor Livings Swimming Pool Expert Michael Robinson Discusses The Pros And Cons Of Salt Water And Chlorine Swimming Pools

There is enough to think about when it comes to installing a pool and it all can be very overwhelming, especially if you dont have a helpful pool builder who can answer all of your questions!

For those of you who dont, hopefully I can help you out with one of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to installing a swimming pool.

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Is Salt Water Or Chlorine Better

The two biggest factors when considering a pool sanitization system are maintenance and time.

Chlorine pools need frequent checking and tweaking, but these commitments arent that demanding. Salt water pools need one big scrub and clean every year, but theyre pretty much on autopilot between cleanings.

And of course, time is money. If you plan on keeping your home for a long time, a salt water system makes more sense. Youll offset the startup costs with yearly savings on pool chemicals and equipment.

Otherwise, chlorine pools are attractive for their much lower initial price.

And dont worry, your pool builder will help you decide which system is perfect for your pool.

If your thinking about a pool, you may also want to look into why pool owners are not installing diving boards as often as you may think. Or check out our post on mistakes that will drive your pool construction cost up that you may want to avoid.

How Much Does It Cost For A Magnesium System

Chlorine Pools vs Saltwater Pools: Which Is Best for Your ...

Magnesium minerals are generally more expensive than traditional pool salt, and retail at around $35 for a 10kg bag. On average, you would need to purchase 2-4 bags a month to maintain your pool.

Whichever option you choose, both Saltwater and Magnesium Minerals will ensure a healthy swimming pool experience for you and your family.

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Whats The Main Difference Between A Saltwater Pool And A Traditional Chlorinated Pool

In a traditional chlorine pool, chlorine is added directly to the pool. With a saltwater pool, salt is added to the water in which the levels are maintained by the chlorinator. In turn, the electrodes in the chlorinator will convert the saltwater into chlorine for clean, clear, and luxuriously soft water.

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Salt Water Pool Vs Chlorine Pool: Pros Cons Comparisons

If youre in the market for a new pool, theres a lot that youll need to consider when choosing a type of pool. The two main pool systems that you can select from include a salt water pool and a chlorine pool. The main difference with these pool types involves the amount of maintenance and testing that needs to be done with the water. When you select a salt water pool, the generator inside the pool will maintain the chlorine levels for you, which means that the water wont need to be tested as often. On the other hand, chlorine pools require you to manually add chlorine to the water on a weekly basis.

Before you choose a pool for your home, its important to understand how these two pool types differ if you want to make the right decision. Even though both pool types provide homeowners with numerous benefits, they work very differently.

This article will go into greater details about the pros and cons of these types of pools while also providing you with an in-depth comparison.

Saltwater Pools For Health

Salt Water Versus Chlorine In Pools

Swimming in a saltwater pool may be better for someone who has asthma or allergies. Thats especially true when it comes to indoor pools. You might notice a strong chlorine smell upon entering an indoor pool area. Thats because of the chloramines, the mix of chlorine and ammonia. In an outdoor pool, the smell quickly evaporates, whereas its contained indoors.

It usually is most strong around the surface of the pool, where swimmers take their breaths. If you have trouble breathing, you may find swimming in an indoor chlorinated pool irritating.

One 2003 study found that young children who swim regularly in an indoor chlorinated pool were at greater risk for lung inflammation and developing asthma. But more research is needed to determine if a saltwater pool is the best alternative.

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Which Type Of Pool Is Safer

When it comes to health and safety, both saltwater and chlorine pools are safe as long as you properly maintain them, but there are a few added health benefits of a saltwater pool. Although its a misconception that saltwater pools dont use chlorine , the levels tend to be much lower. For anyone thats sensitive to chlorine, this might be reason enough to go with a saltwater pool. The chlorine level isnt usually enough to irritate your skin or eyes.

With a chlorine pool, frequent swimmers could be at a higher risk for certain eye infections, irritated skin, and even just faded and damaged swimsuits.

Not to mention, youll have to make sure the storage of your chlorine wont cause problems later on. If you dont store your chlorine in a dry, safe area, the chemicals could begin activating early on and render the entire supply useless. On top of keeping it away from your pool before youre ready to use it, you also want to make sure its far enough away that you and your family wont be breathing it in.

As a sanitizing product, chlorine isnt something you want to expose yourself to unless youre adding more to the pool water.

Immediate signs and symptoms that something might not be right with your chlorine supply include blurred vision, burning eyes, coughing, and even difficulty breathing.

Salt Water Pool Pros And Cons


  • Nearly maintenance-free The maintenance is straightforward, and salt water pools have far less maintenance than chlorine pools. Adding salt to the water and occasionally checking on the salt generator is just about all you need to do.
  • Salt is incredibly affordable Taking the day-to-day and week-to-week maintenance and addition of chemicals into consideration, salt is going to be a lot more affordable than chlorine additives.
  • Exceptionally low chlorine content With the small amounts of chlorine that is generated from the salt generator, you get a more enjoyable swimming experience with less irritation.


  • Higher upfront cost You will have to pay for a salt water generator system that could cost anywhere between $500 and $2000.
  • Requires an all-resin pool Salt will cause deterioration of materials, especially metal. It is advised to have an all-resin pool to avoid future problems and fixes.
  • Requires external system You must use your salt water generator system consistently to keep your pool sanitized. This requires an electrical cost as well as future generator fixes and replacement costs.

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How Salty Are Saltwater Pools

Saltwater pools aren’t salty like the ocean, says Ray Denkewicz of Hayward Pool Products, a manufacturer of salt chlorination machines. Seawater has concentrations of salt of about 35,000 parts per million .

Saltwater pools have much lower salt concentrations of 3,000 to 5,000 ppm — about the saltiness of a teardrop. Pool saltwater closely resembles the water that naturally bathes eyes and therefore, doesn’t irritate them.

Salt Water Vs Chlorine Pool

Splashing out on a pool? Salt water vs chlorine

So with the pros and cons of both chlorine and salt water treatments, what exactly makes chlorine hot tubs better than salt water hot tubs?

Though chlorine may have its drawbacks, when it comes to the salt water vs chlorine debate, chlorine proves to be the more cost effective and safer option:

  • Chlorine requires less upkeep.
  • Chlorine hot tubs last longer than salt water hot tubs.
  • Chlorine is more affordable and cost effective. Salt water systems are more complicated to install, thus entailing high installation and maintenance fees. Not to mention, salt water replacements are more expensive than updating chlorine-based hot tubs.
  • Salt water pools have less chlorine levels than actual chlorine-based pools. Thus, the likelihood of bacteria and viruses forming is higher in salt water pools and hot tubs. Salt water is more prone to cause corrosion, so youre likely to see more wear and tear to your hot tub and pool.

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How To Determine Which System Is The Best For You

When it comes to these systems, the opinions are divided. While some users praise the convenience and comfort of a saltwater system, others see it as an expensive means of chlorination that isnt always as effective as it promises to be. It can be said that it is more a matter of personal taste. Nevertheless, if you need to make a realistic assessment, heres what you need to consider:

When The Days Get Hot Your Dog May Want To Jump In The Pool To Cool Off But Should You Go With Chlorine Or Saltwater In Your Pool Which Option Is Better For Your Dog

As the excruciatingly hot summer drew to a close in the city of Toronto, municipal officials decided to open 10 of the citys public pools to pooches. It was for one day only and was offered up just prior to the Public Works department shutting the pools down for the season.

As with humans, rules applied: just two dogs per owner, all had to be accompanied by an 18-year old+ individual, manners were required and absolutely no cannon-balls . So, for the entire day, hot and restless dogs could enjoy a little respite from one of the hottest summers on record and pet owners could indulge in a little one-on-fun time with their fur-kid.

Now, I dont have a pool myself, but I do know many folks who do and quite frankly when pool party season hits, dogs are invariably on the unvite list . Its not about the wet mess or smell of a dank dog, nor is it about the possible transmission of doggie germs to unsuspecting bathers. Its almost always down to the fear of him shredding the pool liner to bits as he scrambles along the outer edge, trying to exit the pool.

So, when the city unexpectedly announced that public pools would be going to the dogs on this sunny Sunday, it was the first time Id actually wondered if having Rover plunging head-first, eyes open and mouth agape into a sea of chlorine was actually a good thing.

Related: 10 Dog Breeds That Cant Swim

Related: Top 10 Best Water Breed Dogs

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What Pool Salt Should I Buy

From here, rock salt gushes out of the ground like muddy diamonds. In the United States, rock salt is the most common variety used, from dining tables to icy streets to swimming pools. Rock salt is the purest pool salt you can buy and has a sodium chloride content of 95 to 99%.

Dropped iphone in water

Can I Use Ordinary Table Salt

Is Salt Water Better Than Chlorine?

Technically, yes, as long as it’s not anodized. However, in the quantities you need it, proper pool salt is cheaper. Purified pool salt is, though, actually food grade. You should not use rock salt or solar salt, as these can stain your pool.

While you don’t want t use regular salt in your swimming pool, you also want a special kind of pepper!

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Can Salt Substitute Kill You

Answer: Salt substitutes are not a healthy option for everyone. Many salt substitutes contain potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride. Consuming too much potassium can be harmful for some people. For example, many people with kidney problems are unable to remove excess potassium from their bodies, which can be fatal.

Using Salt As Pool Disinfectant

Like a pool using chlorine, the same levels of chlorine are required to maintain a pool that also uses a salt generator. The recommended average range for a residential pool is 1-3 chlorine. The task of the chlorine generator is to produce chlorine from the salt in the water.

Changing production of chlorine levels obtained from salt is done with buttons on an adjustable dial or control panel that allows you to change the chlorine production rate similar to a chemical feeder.

Production is changed by changing the opening frequency and duration of the salt generator cell.

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Salt Vs Chlorine For Pools: Which One Is Better


Salt vs chlorine pool has been a long discussed matter, concerning which one is better and healthier for the human body as they are disinfectants. Today, the classical method of pool disinfection is carried out with various chemicals. However, the harm of these chemicals to human health and the environment is widely known.

Koyuncu Salt, Turkeys largest salt importer, produces a great variety of salt products. includinghigh purity and quality pool salt. Therefore, salt vs chlorine pool is a topic also related to our company.

Ultraviolet Radiation Pool Ozone Generator

Chlorine vs. Salt Water Swimming Pools!

Ultraviolet light is used in many applications to kill bacteria in water reclamation, drinking water, waste water and also pool water. The use of a UV lamp in water applications is seen as an efficient and cost effective way to treat water to make it safe for human consumption.

A ultraviolet radiation pool ozone generator is designed to allow water that is passing through the system to be treated for a wide variety of pool contaminants that would normally be inactivated by chlorine.

Product example: Clear O3/Ultra UV2 system from Paramount which uses a UV lamp to convert oxygen to ozone to inactivate organic compounds that pollutes pool water while also inactivating micro organisms like algae, viruses and bacteria.

Benefits of these systems are that they tend to be cheaper to install than the corona discharge models. Modern UV lamps can also last longer than older models decreasing your maintenance time.

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Its Difficult To Drain A Saltwater Pool

In most places, you can simply drain the water from a chlorine pool into the local sewer system. That is not so with a saltwater pool. Many towns and cities have banned the drainage of saltwater pools into the sewer system, which means that pool owners have to have saltwater hauled away in tanker trucks.

Other municipalities require pool owners to pump the salt water into their homes sanitary drainage system. Regulations tend to shift and change around this issue, so even if draining a saltwater pool into your sewer grates is currently legal where you live, it may not be in the future.

Saltwater Vs Chlorine: The Pros And Cons

Chlorine pools require steady inspection, while saltwater pools remain clean with less work as a result of the consistent stream of chlorine from the generator. Every three to four weeks you have to shock your chlorine pool to eliminate any additional germs. It is important that you investigate precisely how much chlorine is in the pool to know how much shock to include. Its a balance fixture at the end of the day. Chlorine pools are significantly less expensive at the onset than saltwater pools. However, they are to some degree harder to deal with over the long haul. The pH adjust in a chlorine pool is not steady and will require attention to keep it high. Saltwater pools can be more costly at the onset since you have to buy a saltwater generator. It will create a steady stream of chlorine, ceasing algae or green growth development and lengthening the life of the pool. Additionally, there are also the electrical expenses of keeping your generator working continually.

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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Saltwater Pools

If you’re considering a saltwater pool, whether as a new build or converting your existing pool, then you probably have a lot of questions. You may have heard that saltwater pools have financial and environmental benefits, but what if they make your pool rust? Here are some questions you might have and the answers:

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